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The game is called Football manager...

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Things should be improved more, of course. But at the same time it depends on your imagination. I come from a gaming background where you used your imagination to fill in the gaps. I've been doing it ever since I stated playing CM. That's partly why I enjoy the game.

I'm not known for being shy when it comes to customising FM via the editor etc.,

In what ways do you customise FM with the editor?

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I was a forum mod for a while looking after the Editor's Hideaway. I was the first to release a file extending England down to Level 10 when the competition side of the editor first came out, and I did a big media pack a year or two before that, adding in stacks of media sources and journalists. I've done various other competitions and editor things over the years too.

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In the spirit of the earlier suggestions in this thread, I would love it if SI include this key gem of an option;

"Do you know the laws of the game: YES / NO / There are laws?"

The majority, in fact 99% should perhaps select no and we will see that in the press conferences anyway if the bemoan any decisions. :p

I actually only want the option in there because I'm a referee and its one of my biggest pet peeves in football is the lack of knowledge of the actual laws of the game displayed not just by managers but the media, pundits and commentators... Course I have no idea what benefits should be provided for a 'yes' answer, seeing if you're being asked questions on football by a media that is clueless then telling them the correct laws and rules isn't really going to endear you to them.

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Then why is their no emphasis on YOU as a manager? There is no rating of yourself anymore (Talented manager ect) It seems so lifeless in this respect. Anybody agree that Si are not giving you much in terms of the character you are?

I think this is exactly what the majority of people want when they play the game, and by majority I mean me :)

Having a tactical battle and having a conversation with a computer in a fake press is all very well and good but the AI should be more developed into the RPG aspect of the game.

I would assume that most people want to enjoy success as a manager and have the game world react accordingly to your achievements and not just have one news item about your league win.

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Wages on Managers (yourself) are totally pointless.

When the board comes to offer a new contract, and offers something like 10k. I then go a reduce it by 4k, to stay on 6k to help the smooth running of the club.

I do this because wage is not important at all on the game (for the manager)

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I agree with this to be honest. I know we have a wishlist, but what in particular would you like to be displayed and how to improve this?

All valid points - but again how would you like to see it displayed? More specific news items etc? More questions? Ideas here would be welcome. Thanks.

These are all with no second thoughts, so bear with me:

a) First of all you should fix the manager reputation bug. After 2 or 3 years many legendary managers like Ferguson or Murinho are not considered top class.

b) The Manager should have values that make sense, not the ones he has now. Attributes like ambition or Style of play should be produced by how the player plays and by what he says. Press titles like manipulator, smooth talker, crisis handler and more should be awarded based on how the manager behaves and reacts, and if repeated enough he should be known like this to the football world.

c) The manager style of play should be named and recognized by the press. If the manager plays a lot of passes this should be recognized. The same if he plays counter, full attack, with crosses, etc. These should be recognized in the football world. Also if he uses a style of play that the AI doesn't use, and he uses it often enough and with success, this should be recognized as a new style of football or something along those lines.

d) Be recognized for the players you have discovered and new talents

e) Gain honors, become a spokesperson for some cause, etc.

f) Lose the stupid idea that all the above are just dressing and that FM is a "serious" simulator. It's not. It's a mess. But it has amazing potential for fun and realism that remains untapped.

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Oh god, please don't turn turn team celebrations into another point-and-click adventure like press conferences.

"You have just won the FA Cup. Now it's your turn to step up on the podium and celebrate."

- Aggressive - Lift Cup over head

- Assertive - Lift Cup over head

- Calm - Lift Cup over head

...Frank Lampard unhappy with how manager lifted Cup over head.

But seriously, I think more things in the game should happen based on your achievements/style.


* You might become known as a manager who fosters youth, so clubs that value that would be interested in you. Or you might get more control over how the youth system is set-up. Or maybe you are known as a short-term Mr Fix-it and big clubs that are struggling might sign you for the season with the goal of pushing for CL qualification or something (sort of like the Challenges feature)

* You might form a relationship with ex-players/now managers or other managers. So they might ask you for advice on a player they are thinking of signing who used to play for you

* Being able to hold a planning session with your board or management & agreeing on the goals for the year in a more detailed way

* A game which evolves. Jelle (earlier posted) said the game is repetitive after a few seasons - this is true. If you have been at a club for a number of years, there should be a greater emphasis on long-term planning. Like being able to negotiate a 2/3/4/5 year-plan with the board

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IMO, way too much time has been spent on Match Engine over the years. The Manager Experience and AI has suffered as a consequence. Hopefully that's the main breeze of FM 14.

I agree with this. I think it's good that the match engine is being improved but it was not a major thing that desperately needed to be done and it should have been more of a slow process over a couple of years. As you said, the manager experience has suffered and the next few years there needs to be lots of BIG changes in this and i don't mean saying something in a different tone of voice (Which i got bored of extremely quickly)

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IMO, way too much time has been spent on Match Engine over the years. The Manager Experience and AI has suffered as a consequence. Hopefully that's the main breeze of FM 14.

One could argue they broke what didn't need fixing with the match engine in 13. But I agree, more experience is better.

Also LOL @ Leavingtrain, please don't give SI any ideas...

On a more constructive note, they would need to fix their mechanics for working out how a player's personality works. For example, I foster a youth policy, but the game usually recognises me as wheeler dealing foreign poacher, which, isn't really true.

Also I act calm in press conferences and team talks simply because it works with the players, not because it has anything to do with my personality (assert) so, would the game note me as a 'master manipulator' or motivator? Doubt it.

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I agree with this. I think it's good that the match engine is being improved but it was not a major thing that desperately needed to be done and it should have been more of a slow process over a couple of years. As you said, the manager experience has suffered and the next few years there needs to be lots of BIG changes in this and i don't mean saying something in a different tone of voice (Which i got bored of extremely quickly)

That is debatable the last couple of years. There will be no true ME improvement unless the whole tactics system and AI is revamped.

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  • 9 months later...

I like the idea of the fans being more involved, perhaps small quotes from the match day programme, the fanzines - I want to feel more of a tie from the outside world. In reality this is hard to do because I do tend to start ignoring the media and news section over time, especially as a player of long saves.

I think it might be good to have something like the transfer deadline day screen for right after a win - perhaps unique press conferences, media commitments and team talks to actually celebrate the achievement in game.

Maybe its just something to make the occasion not just look like any other day in the football manager world, like deadline day tries to achieve with the different colours etc.

In the future (the distant future) I want to imagine we can watch cgi clips of pundits discussion achievements, but I think it would be good to have some ex-players as pundits in game to at least comment on things throughout the season. Perhaps thing that are relevant.

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I have absolutely no interest in my avatar. If I want to play a roleplaying game, I load up Skyrim.

But when that is said, I agree that when you win something, or don't win something you should have, a simple email update isn't quite cutting it when it comes to build-up and release of tension and expectations.

A lot more could be done with it than the confetti and players going apes*** already in the game. I would like to actually see the players getting the medals and stuff like that - a few times only, though, so an option to skip it at any time should be there.

More active fans. Like Angry fan's letters criticising you in the media (that you could read) if you do badly. Players being flogged by the fans in the media, prompting an option to protect him. Actual consequences if you sell a highly regarded player - now the confidence penalty quickly dissipates when you continue to do well, and the "disappointed at the sale of Nobody Loserson" years later is just annoying. Maybe a hidden "fan buzz" bar that flips between positive and negative, influencing the media's and board's perception of your qualities. You sell their pet player and the buzz is that you're a douche, prompting negative press and negative fan reactions in otherwise 50/50 situations which could quickly become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Media: adoration and witchhunting by "experts" in the media.

Basically, if you don't remove almost everything in the subscription filters, your email is spammed with irrelevancies and nonsense. Instead it could be spammed with relevant nonsense that could improve immersion.

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I agree with this to be honest. I know we have a wishlist, but what in particular would you like to be displayed and how to improve this?

All valid points - but again how would you like to see it displayed? More specific news items etc? More questions? Ideas here would be welcome. Thanks.

A while back - not sure which version - weren't the media segments customisable? Like, you could edit what you said at press conferences... I might have just dreamed that, though!

It would be nice if we could mod the entire media package, if we so wished. Then SI would be able to look at the mods made and determine, from popularity, what directions this side of the game could go in to be most enjoyable for the majority of players.

Of course, this would require giving the playerbase a much greater knowledge of what effect all this actually has on our players, so not sure if that would be... desirable... considering the general preference towards "mystery" that there seems to be.

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Maybe with you as a manger overachieving, good answering of media/other manager questions and good financial control gives you better attributes in these sections and better attributes means better 'results' v the ai. For example if your good with the clubs finances you get better sponsorship deals or transfers/new player contracts slightly cheaper. If you give good media/player talks then you can change the ai manager's outlook vs your side. good tactical decisions means the Ai find it harder to play against you.

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Oh god, please don't turn turn team celebrations into another point-and-click adventure like press conferences.

"You have just won the FA Cup. Now it's your turn to step up on the podium and celebrate."

- Aggressive - Lift Cup over head

- Assertive - Lift Cup over head

- Calm - Lift Cup over head

...Frank Lampard unhappy with how manager lifted Cup over head.

My first ever post and all due to the quality of this and how much I laughed at it.

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The game should be more about the player, as a manager. The legacy he leaves in football, the players he discovered and nurtured, the trophies he won, the type of play style he used, the personality he had... All these should appear in the game that is called Football Manager.

But it won't happen, so don't hold your breath.

Yes. Exactly this.

I agree with this to be honest. I know we have a wishlist, but what in particular would you like to be displayed and how to improve this?

All valid points - but again how would you like to see it displayed? More specific news items etc? More questions? Ideas here would be welcome. Thanks.

For every manager profile, the game should track important events/defining moments in the manager's career, and generate news items along the way. It dones't need to have any actual effect (but would be nice if it did). Cosmetics goes a long way to make the game more engaging and immersive.

For example, when you force a star player to transfer, or when you fail to prevent a player from leaving. After a season or two, depending on their current performance, there could be a news article detailing the success/failure of this transfer dealing. Reporters might ask you what you think about it when you look back. Do you have regrets. etc. etc.

The same goes for your own players. Instead of the repetitive questions we get asked in press conferences, there could be a few feature articles throughout the season, analyzing, for example, the way you use an impact player for great effects (high rating/goals/assists in substituted performances), the way you transform a player into a new position (hell, the game should let you set a preferred position for your players. I've had it with the "incredible goal drought" when they aren't even playing up front....), your rotation, your performance against certain teams, in derbies, tendency to slip up on advantage, tendency to come back, etc. etc.

Reporters should actively, though sparingly, ask you about your relationships with former players and managers. Former players should occasionally be asked about you, too. After all players and mangers alike get interviewed all the time. This can make the game world much more lively.

Your interaction with in-game personnels should be reflected in your profile. You should even be able to designate a few liked/disliked players and managers yourself instead of having to use repeated news interactions. (I guess subscription and shortlist kinda works for players you liked.)

And all these information should lead to the media give you certain descriptions and nicknames. Instead of the "player loyalty: 12" stats, there should just be a few descriptive words or some examples that highlight your style. Quotes from those feature articles can be used as news clippings here. Basically, make you feel like a person instead of a list of assorted numbers. Things like that.

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3D Manager's office centred on displaying your achievements, alá USM


Also, our very own blob/character on the bench that interacts with the match depending on the characteristics we've built up in our interactions with players and the media (ie calm, passionate etc).

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One thing I've always had a pet peeve with in FM is how quickly I'm taken out of the match celebrations after winning a cup final' date=' or a penalty shootout. You have just enough time to see the players start running around on the screen celebrating - players on the bench rushing onto the field to meet their team mates - and all of that is great to watch as I pump my fists in the air and celebrate with them.

Then, BOOM - quicker than Eddie Murphy can say Marlboro Man I'm back at the stats screen, and back to business as usual. Checking up on the stats, and preparing for the next match.

What I'd really like to see in future FM's is for the celebrations to remain on screen for some time to allow us to celebrate. It really shouldn't be a lot of work, since all the animations are already there. Players would just run around with their hands in the air, perhaps congregrate in front of the fans and take in the atmosphere - fans themselves jumping up and down (perhaps throwing confetti around for major Cup or securing the League Title). All while the losing team wander around the field with their heads in their hands, exit the stadium, or lie on the grass in tears.

A simple click of the mouse would take us out of the celebrations and into the stats screen, if we don't want to see it any more (or if we're on the losing side, and could well do without the celebrations).

These celebrations should be available for Cup Wins (Quarter Final and up), Penalty Shootout Wins - clinching the league title, or clinching promotion, promotion playoff wins and so forth. Any game with real cause for celebrations.

For me - this would enhance my gaming enjoyment immensely. It's not a lot, but as it is right now, I feel like I'm being robbed of the celebrations when I'm being taken to the stats screen so quickly.[/quote']

THIS. I'd like a celebratory bit of music, maybe a picture of a cup, just a short bit of video, anything to acknowledge I've just won the Champions, the league, and the national cup. Instead it's "keep the celebration to a minimum and get back to work". Where's my trip to the White House (or the European equivalent)? I want to go to Disney World!

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I agree. More Spirit and Emotion is needed. Even when winning a cup you are expected win, they shouldn't just say 'Good job, we knew it, now lets move on'. They should should be excited that their team is still one that is successful and competitive.

I also remember when I was playing as Gretna FC in what I believe was 07, when I finally built a strong Gretna FC side capable of competing in competitions with giants such as Man United, they would add a little personal touch. I believe it was something along the lines of "Fans anticipate a Battle of Britain - Football fans across Britain to witness a mouth-watering tie between Gretna and Chelsea drawn in the Champions cup. With much anticipation fans have dubbed it 'The Battle of Britain'." as I drew Chelsea in the Champions Cup. These kids of things are more exciting than "<Club> draws <Club> in <Competition> - <History of both teams in this Competition here>. However I've played several Scottish clubs and I haven't seen this again. I would much enjoy these slightly personal touches.

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I'd love to be able to 'build' my manager profile up over the years.

I'd like to see my own manager profile page with my attributes like other staff in the game.

I'd like to be able to enter in my personal ambitions / desires / fave players (which you can change over time) and so on.

I'd like more interaction with the players / fans and board which then helps DEFINE you as a personality within the game.

And that, is where I'd really love to see this game heading - becoming a part of the game in that you, the manager, develop over time based on your decisions as a manager and your own interactions.

Perhaps you become rash too often in the press, this then puts off clubs hiring you but appeals to others, maybe then, at an interview, that club that was put off by your previous behaviour, reminds you of this and asks for certain reassurances?

This game could be utterly mindboggling if it was made more about the actual player.

Each game would be completely different if you took differing approaches too, so always a fresh challenge.

So many possibilities.

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I agree with this to be honest. I know we have a wishlist, but what in particular would you like to be displayed and how to improve this?

All valid points - but again how would you like to see it displayed? More specific news items etc? More questions? Ideas here would be welcome. Thanks.

Right now I feel the whole thing is very spreadsheet oriented. I know that's always been the way, but as has already been said, it lacks that human feel and when you're outside of the matches (I don't think I'd change anything there), it takes you away from the immersion of actually being a football manager. It's as if the only time you actually feel like a manager is when your team is playing, the rest of the time you're staring at an inbox. I picture the future of FM as a manager's office.

The 'home' page of the game could be a manager's eye view of his own office with a few things on screen to represent the features we already have.

Off the top of my head...

A whiteboard on the wall = tactics.

a trophy cabinet (that will fill up as you win trophies) = hall of fame

A window with a view of a pitch = training

a phone on the desk = transfers, player interaction etc

a newspaper on your desk = rumours, match results, league tables, etc

clicking on any of these will take you to a different POV. As an example, when you're at a press conference, your POV switches to a desk with a bunch of reporters in front of you, it can be all of the information we currently have, but presented in a different way to improve the immersion.

Perhaps it's only me that feels this could be the way to go for FM, but I'd like to think I'm not alone!

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3D Manager's office centred on displaying your achievements, alá USM


Also, our very own blob/character on the bench that interacts with the match depending on the characteristics we've built up in our interactions with players and the media (ie calm, passionate etc).

Haha, that is almost exactly what I had in mind and I've never heard of that game!

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I know this is likely to be looked down upon... but I think it would be amazing if we had a mock coaching test at the beginning (IF CHOSEN lol) 50 questions on FM, amount you get right and wrong depends on your coaching license at the beginning.

Let's call it... FM License and make it a new feature ;)

Wouldn't go with something exactly like that, but maybe when setting up your alter-ego instead of the drop down box for your experience, you had a survey where you answered questions (similar to the opening press conference) about style of play, approach to games, recruitment strategy etc and that defines your personality and experience and therefore how players/staff react to you at the start.

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Ultimate Soccer Manager 98 is a classic of the genre.

Clicking on that fax machine allowed you to bribe referees :D

The TV was a giveaway that it was an oldie! I do like that idea of a manager's office though (and I can see now that it has been mentioned by others in this thread), and I can see the SI crew putting together something very much more 'modern' in its design than USM's effort!

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Love this tread!

Besides of view from dugout,

Also consider:

Stepping out of your manager zone and play with the 4th ref. on the pitch.

Get banned to the stand for doing that.

Challenge the ref during the game for decisions made

Call your key players to the side and give them instructions

Post match:

Match analysis in group and have debrief sessions with your players about certain moments ( passes, running lines, positioning, goals, offsides, chances) make them aware of what you liked or didnt like and then TRAIN ON IT. If they do it again, and again you can change yur expectation or keep training on it or tell the player " this is it" you are out for a while.

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I want to see managers do a 'David Pleat' when emotion gets the better of them.. :lol:


FM lacks emotion. There are no adequate celebrations from players or managers in this game. Just look at Di Canio for Sunderland when they won 3-0 at Newcastle. Don't make it gimmicky and a regular occurrence, but at least add something that reflects your achievements after a glorious season, or one of turmoil and over-coming the odds to survive another season. Seeing managers in the dugout during 3D matches would be a start.

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Was one of the best ever made, wish they didn't can it :(

If it was still around I'm not entirely sure I'd be on FM anymore... Might be nostalgia talking and I know I love FM but USM was just drool-worthy.

USM just couldn't compete, it's definitely nostalgia. It was a bunch of cool features disguising some shocking gameplay, but it was fun so people didn't really care. It was never taken "seriously" by the creators or the fans. It's still fun as hell to play, but there's no longevity to it.

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I know what you mean. Football manager is an amazing game but it need a huge overhaul I think. New regen ideas, perhaps add something regarding grass roots. Actual happiness from your board when you win stuff and not "oh...champions league? well done, carry on because we're robots with no emotions". ect ect.

But they are robots with no emotions, actually not even robots, just code with no emotions...

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Doesn't the satisfaction come from the fact YOU have achieved something in what is a very hard game? Do people really need a computer to give them a virtual pat on the back to give them satisfaction? Do people really feel like they have achieved nothing unless the game tells them so or displays a pretty picture or plays some music?!

Each to their own I guess, but just winning and being successful makes me feel good myself, don't need a computer to tell me I have done well...

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Doesn't the satisfaction come from the fact YOU have achieved something in what is a very hard game? Do people really need a computer to give them a virtual pat on the back to give them satisfaction? Do people really feel like they have achieved nothing unless the game tells them so or displays a pretty picture or plays some music?!

Each to their own I guess, but just winning and being successful makes me feel good myself, don't need a computer to tell me I have done well...

It's more because the game in so many respects is an emotional ride. For example winning a champions league final with a last minute penalty only to have your board say 'We expected you to win it, now lets concentrate elsewhere'. There's no life in that.

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It's more because the game in so many respects is an emotional ride. For example winning a champions league final with a last minute penalty only to have your board say 'We expected you to win it, now lets concentrate elsewhere'. There's no life in that.

Tell that to Roberto Di Matteo, sacked for winning the champions league :p

If it makes you feel good / enjoy the game more then fine, I guess some nice words from the board couldn't hurt. Anything that adds to the immersion can only be a positive thing. Not really something that's an issue for me personally.

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  • 3 years later...
17 minutes ago, YKW said:

Bumped in the hope that a moderator could move this to the Feature requests forum as I think it has some great discussion that could be missed otherwise.

(4 of 4)

Well dug out ... but I don't think SI staff will appreciate reading through pages of discussion ... take the best parts and create a couple of succinct posts. You will more likely get a reasonable response :thup:

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Just now, westy8chimp said:

Well dug out ... but I don't think SI staff will appreciate reading through pages of discussion ... take the best parts and create a couple of succinct posts. You will more likely get a reasonable response :thup:

This is what I would have done but I noticed yesterday that @Neil Brock spent a huge amount of time in the last few months reviewing and logging more than 600 threads in the Feature Request forum, some of which deal with this specific concept but which are now locked. I thought it could be more useful to everyone including people who like discussing ideas to do it this way.

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