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It seems people are being allowed to get away with swearing. Am I right?

Not to mention hompohobic abuse as the member in question claimed that chopper and I were gay. He also insinuated that chopper would like to know what colour underwear a 7 year old is wearing.

I take no pleasure in seeing members banned, but I really expected him to get banned, considering the those two quotes.

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Not to mention hompohobic abuse as the member in question claimed that chopper and I were gay. He also insinuated that chopper would like to know what colour underwear a 7 year old is wearing.

I take no pleasure in seeing members banned, but I really expected him to get banned, considering the those two quotes.

thats what i found disturbing to insinuate someone is a pedophile it is not just wrong its bang out of order

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Personally, I'm absolutely sick of seeing "Fanboy" and "It's your tactics" in threads. Fanboy is bad enough, but IYT is cropping up time and time again and it's just an inflammatory response that should be treated as trolling and postboosting simultaneously. :mad:

This not NOT the same as writing suggestions about how to change tactics. What is currently happening is somebody writes a sweary rant about any topic - long shot goals, woodwork, activation problems, the weather in Belgium - and some Wilde-esque wit is bound to respond in whole: "It's your tactics". It wasn't funny two years ago, it was less funny last year and now it's grating like a bicycle wheel rim with no tyre today.

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It's a shame, I like words like 'gaily' referring to its original meaning rather than it's modern connotation. and that doesn't include 'ass' - ass does and has always meant a donkey, and I won't hear anything to the contrary... :p

Don't be such a donkeyhole. :p

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I admit that I've said "It's your tactics" too much recently - my mini way of venting at my frustration of the quality of recent posters I guess. I'll try to behave better in the future.

The more you say it, the higher your chances of being right some of the time will be.

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I admit that I've said "It's your tactics" too much recently - my mini way of venting at my frustration of the quality of recent posters I guess. I'll try to behave better in the future.

Seeing that you've been doing sterling work trying to reply to some of the threads in here I can imagine that IYT is preferable to my approach: a ten paragraph rant about people ignoring good advice.

It's the people who don't contribute to the forum and use it as a lazy way to add their

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Hello again everyone, the state of the forums seems to have improved a bit but are still a nightmare. I haven't been on much recently due to this and an ever growing amount of school work... hope everyone is okay and hope the love is still in this thread (not searching through what I missed) :thup:

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lmao @ donkeyhole. Tbf I think 'IYT' is ok in certain situations, but stangely enough these are 'off this forum situations'. I have been guilty of it when I was relativly new because I believed it to be funny but now it makes me cringe. I would like to see warnings for trolling and/or post boosting when it is used as 'the response in full'. However if someone uses and then goes on to back it up with genuine tactical advice and input on how the tactics were wrong and have cause the promlem then fine, let it go.

Just in case anyone was wondering what situations I find 'IYT' acceptable, usually when I'm talking with GD friends and something is not right, then it is genuinely funny, if a little old-hat!

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True, I suppose there are many things he could have done to get himself banned, but his posts weren't that bad.

I'm still slightly put off by the last fella getting a single warning/infraction despite text speak, swearing and abuse in the one thread, especially bad considering he had been told by countless members that his behaviour was unacceptable. As one of those people, you begin to wonder why you should bother pointing people in the right direction regards forum rules, maybe the mods hands are tied, but it looks as if they don't consider it as big an issue as other people.

Funny how talk of piracy receives an automatic ban, but abusing someone commands only a warning.

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A couple of years ago when I was pretty new to the forums I used to wonder why Ackter, being an experienced member, was sometimes so short and brash with people.

Now I completely understand why, I'm losing the will to try and help people or have any kind of sensible discussion with them :(

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The biggest problem with "It's your tactics" is that 90% of the time it is true!

I guess people should update their 3 word (or 4 depending how you like to count "It's" :p) response with the more helpful response of "It's your tactics. Ask for help in the Tactics and Training Forum".

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It doesn't matter what way you gloss it up, the response is still the same. I rarely say IYT outright and even go to the trouble of providing a link, but it's rarely appreciated, so I may as well just say IYT whether it's considered ignorant or not.

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Ok, deep breath. Cup of coffee. Another deep breath.

I don't want to turn too cynical, I still want to help people out on the forum and I'm finding myself dragged down by the petty squabbles. Need to get back to basics and learn to ignore the rubbish and just help those with genuine questions, no matter how ignorant they are.

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Im not a regular poster by any stretch but thats partly down to the fact that its the same set of questions that have been popping for 5 years now.

Whens the patch out?

Will the game work on this PC? (followed by a 500 line spec breakdown of said PC)

This game is (insert word of your choosing), i just lost. How can i win?

SI please respond....How can i get my money back?

How do SI get away with this?

Is this a bug?

When is the next patch out? (Usually asked about 5 mins after the old new one)

Blah Blah bloody blah

I really cannot be bothered to contribute to the same old arguments and threads. If someone has a genuine issue, or i find a good, interesting thread (rare i know) i will contribute.

I just completely ignore the hysterical goons. Makes me cringe with embarrasment sometimes. Especially the ones that are titled ''Miles, please respond''

Get a grip of yourself

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This last page is a great example of how SI's forums are struggling to provide what they set out to do (i'm not reading _all_ 44 pages to justify this ;) ). Somehow discussion topics are de-railed, re-railed, confused & obsfucted amongst the noise that we (the forum posters) make. We end up with ~100,000 posts and no way of finding what we're looking for anymore. it's a frustration in many ways, but at the same time, there's a balance to be struck between the smacktalk (enjoyable enough), and digging around to solve an FM problem in a thread that has over a 100 posts along the lines of "your player called my player fat!!11 omg ban".

i don't think that this is a problem unique to SI/FM (look at the Eve or WoW forums, for example), and nor do i think that the FM community needs to be curtailed. SI's commitment to the community/player-base has been excellent over the last 5-6 years, both listening and providing a feedback mechanism that is occasionally even acted upon.

However, i _do_ think that the current heirachal forum structure is the wrong tool. Consider what we want from forums ...

. a place to vent

. a place to compare notes

. a place to find solutions

. a place to smacktalk

. a place to suggest bits & pieces to SI

with a player-base of 100,000s the forums quickly becomes a tangled mess, difficult to moderate, difficult to navigate, difficult to find what you want. How many times have you ended up with more 20 threads open trying to solve a problem? - that points to the really fine balance between interaction (smacktalk, story-telling, etc), moderating out the noise (there is lots), and retreving information that you really want.

the forum makes the mistake that tv guides with 200 channels in do too: that you know what you're looking for before you find it. i don't mostly - i might know that (eg) the game goes funny in situation a,b,c, but the solution actually is hidden in an archived post about ATI gphx cards. how do i get from abc to the post? (answer, by browsing for 2 hours - not good!).

I'm not really trying to bash SI at all here, but the forum is not fit for purpose given the breadth and depth of what it tries to achieve.

Maybe there is a solution with tighter moderation (imo that needs to happen, but who wants to moderate/merge/prune ~10,000 posts/day?). More likely, there is a multi-faceted approach that might work better. perhaps,

. a wiki-like repository of info (think wowwiki, think thottbot) for faqs, solutions, tactical discussions. this allows for a tagged/cloud approach for navigating fast for what you need to know. wiki tags could even be invoked from inside the game, who knows (right-click on the russian league, on 442, on that player, etc,)?

. a forum is still needed for the "he said/she said", "i want to say", "listen to me", "miles i <3 you".

. a twitter/IM approach for super-fast problem solving & feedback?

. much much tighter moderation. all the best boards i've used have pretty stringent rules enforced, and frequent harvesting of white noise (i simply don't care about your irl views about darius vassal in a thread about how best to start a campaign with man city)

. having said that, perhaps the thoughts on darius would be well-placed as a link from wiki (man city) to a forum post relating to him ...

in conclusion. forum as it stands now doesn't work as well as it should. the linear & heirachal shape doesn't cover all the things we want to talk about well, and at the same time allow fast negotation of a huuuge amount of information. imagine if the whole content internet were orginized like this: you'd never find anything. instead we use tagged searches (eg google), wikis (eg wikipedia) and crosslinks between the two. it works like a dream (imo), providing a reasonably intuitive taxonomy of 100s of billions of pages of content. THAT is the approch that's needed.

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Have you seen other game forums? This is one of the best ran and well organised that I've ever posted on.

yes yes of course. i'm an avid eve player and have invested many hours in wow - both of these have similarly large (if not larger) forums, and for what it's worth i belive they suffer from the same issues.

i'm simply suggesting that the forums should form only one part of SI's community approach; that much of content can and should be delivered using a variety of media.

personally i feel a wiki would augment the forums fabulously (which have become bloated and top-heavy).

perhaps i missed the point of the OP, if so worry ye not.

hey-ho :)

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Whislt I agree in principle, I don't think a big database with loads of information and all the answers to regular questions will stop everyone from posting duplicate threads.

No, but it will give the mods an excellent reason to quickly close these threads and somewhere to point the people too.

I think it's a decent idea.

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Personally, I'm absolutely sick of seeing "Fanboy" and "It's your tactics" in threads. Fanboy is bad enough, but IYT is cropping up time and time again and it's just an inflammatory response that should be treated as trolling and postboosting simultaneously. :mad:

This not NOT the same as writing suggestions about how to change tactics. What is currently happening is somebody writes a sweary rant about any topic - long shot goals, woodwork, activation problems, the weather in Belgium - and some Wilde-esque wit is bound to respond in whole: "It's your tactics". It wasn't funny two years ago, it was less funny last year and now it's grating like a bicycle wheel rim with no tyre today.

How can the weather in Belgium of the activation issues be in your tactics?? ;)

Anyway, i know what you mean. I gets pretty boring to hear the same excuse every time. But it's equally annoying when you see people screaming "I cannot win, it's a bug!".

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hunnybunio has just started up a thread for posting updates and I just want to ask the mods to give it a chance. In the interests of keeping things orderly, I reckon it might be good to edit the title slightly and make it into THE official GD save game update thread. Then we would have somewhere to direct people to if they happen to open their own threads on the subject.

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