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Adding new local regions


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Sorry if this has already been answered - searched and found nothing.

I'm wanting to create some new local regions for my edited database (I'm creating a fictional league and teams for the Maldives). I wanted to add a local region for each atoll/island chain so I can organize any cities (inhabited islands) and things.

I might be being dense though - I can't see any option to add or create new local regions, or even copy them. Only the edit option. Is there a way to do this or am I going to have to steal some regions from another nation and edit them? I'd rather create new ones.

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You can always edit existing local regions. For example, some nations have only one local region (e.g. Crimea and possibly Azerbaijan, IIRC) which seems pointless to me so if I want "new" local regions, I move those local regions to the nation I'm working on and rename them, change which cities are assigned to that region etc. Be warned that I don't know what consequences this might have, probably using Crimea isn't advisable; what with the whole Ukraine/Russia thing there's probably a good reason why that local region exists and changing it might cause unforeseen issues.

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Thanks for the responses

I'll have to use some of the existing ones. Not a massive deal I guess, I'll just take them from a 'safe' nation that I'm not going to have active and (thanks for the reminder!) reassign the cities.

Still a bit confused about why you can't add new ones at all but it's not a big deal I suppose.


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It might be possible to make it possible to make the editor allowing local regions to be added, you just have to change code in the file db record list.xml found in the folder: editor\data\format\database ui

find local region table and change allow add to true.

how to do this?

I got some extincted nations which I have used to create Basque Country, Catalonia, West-Papua and South-Moluccans. But some of them don't have a region anymore. Like Catalonia and West-Papua. How can I change that?

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It might be possible to make it possible to make the editor allowing local regions to be added, you just have to change code in the file db record list.xml found in the folder: editor\data\format\database ui

find local region table and change allow add to true.

Just a word of warning regards that, if you try adding a local region using that, either the editor will crash or another region will simply be renamed.

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The crash did not happen to me, never have, and no local regions was renamed as the added one gets an unique id of it's own. Though I did it with the 2015 editor. Still the editor looks the same, so I guess it is nothing new and no reason for the stuff you suggests to happen...

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Just to let all of you who worries about errors when doing this, a mate of mine activated the adding of local regions in the 2016 editor, to do a revamp of the Norwegian system. Works as a treat he has in his tests holidayed through 20 + seasons without any errors because of the local regions.

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  • 4 years later...

For FM 2020:

1) Go to "Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2020\data

2) Extract "comp editor.fmf" with FM20 Resource Archiver

3) In the extracted folder, go to format\database ui\db record lists.xml

4) Search "local region table" line

5) Few lines after, read:

               <boolean id="allow_add" value="false" />
               <boolean id="allow_remove" value="false" />

6) Write "true" instead of "false". Then save the xml file.

7) Create an .fmf archive of the folder with FM20 Resource Archiver

8) Replace the old "comp editor.fmf" with your own.

Credits to krlenjushka

Edited by Shenmue-X
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  • 1 month later...

Hello I find in the comp editor folder under comp editor\format\database a region.xml and the same for comp editor\database ui

so I tried to add it to the fm 2020 editor of database and added it in the db record lists.xml 

            <!-- region table -->


                <flags id="field" value="rils" />

                <translation id="name" translation_id="229399" type="use" value="Regions[COMMENT: Competition editor; field name]" />

                <flags id="type" value="database_table" />

                <boolean id="is_section" value="true" />

                <boolean id="stretch_to_fit_screen" value="true" />

                <flags id="database_table_type" value="region" />

                <boolean id="use_labels_for_columns" value="true" />

                <boolean id="allow_add" value="true" />

                <boolean id="allow_remove" value="true" />

                <boolean id="is_client_field" value="true" />

                <boolean id="dont_remove_unneeded_fields" value="true" />


                <record id="list_item">

                    <flags id="fields" value="ricl" />



at the editor at left side under Database shows it now Region.  My plan was use this Regional for build Football Associations..Sub Football Associations like Uefa for nation like Germany DFB for Local Regions National Football Associations (Landesfußballverbände) and the same for down under National Football Associations. And put it too Continents Uefa, Nation like Germany DFB, like Regionalverband NOFV for Regionalleagues like Regionalleague Northeast, for Local Region like Saxony Landesfußballverband, Local Sub Region for Leagues under level 8 for Germany and the Associations.

And this Associations should be go too Continents, Competitions, Local Regions, Local sub Regions, Clubs and too Advanced Rules comp editor\format\rule group\advanced\comp.xml under <!-- Child competition coords --> before <!--  local region unique id --> as <!-- LOCAL ASSOCIATION --> and the same before <!-- regional division unique id -->.

But the region.xml is for Region like South Europe and can't be add or copy. So a free translation_id like 3000000000 for Associations too use for the db record list.xml and translation_id 3000000001 for db record.xml and for the file association.xml and association ui.xml, isn't possible to use.

I think the reason is the Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager\data\sicomps\comps.dbc....

So what program or app can be read the comp.dbc file and translate it too English for Windows or better Mac OS X ????

I would spend my free Days and time to do it and make it possible and if it possible without issues or bugs I would be upload this editor comp.fmf and the sicomps.dbc 

Ooooh i forgot the comp editor\format\filter\ for association filter.xml must I build. than would be it perfect :applause:;)


Edited by affe1802
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3 minutes ago, affe1802 said:

Hello I find in the comp editor folder under copy editor\database a region.xml and the same for comp editor\database ui

so I tried to add it to the fm 2020 editor of database and added it in the db record lists.xml 

            <!-- region table -->


                <flags id="field" value="rils" />

                <translation id="name" translation_id="229399" type="use" value="Regions[COMMENT: Competition editor; field name]" />

                <flags id="type" value="database_table" />

                <boolean id="is_section" value="true" />

                <boolean id="stretch_to_fit_screen" value="true" />

                <flags id="database_table_type" value="region" />

                <boolean id="use_labels_for_columns" value="true" />

                <boolean id="allow_add" value="true" />

                <boolean id="allow_remove" value="true" />

                <boolean id="is_client_field" value="true" />

                <boolean id="dont_remove_unneeded_fields" value="true" />


                <record id="list_item">

                    <flags id="fields" value="ricl" />



at the editor at left side under Database shows it now Region.  My plan was use this Regional for build Football Associations..Sub Football Associations like Uefa for nation like Germany DFB for Local Regions National Football Associations (Landesfußballverbände) and the same for down under National Football Associations. And put it too Continents Uefa, Nation like Germany DFB, like Regionalverband NOFV for Regionalleagues like Regionalleague Northeast, for Local Region like Saxony Landesfußballverband, Local Sub Region for Leagues under level 8 for Germany and the Associations.

And this Associations should be go too Continents, Competitions, Local Regions, Local sub Regions, Clubs and too Advanced Rules comp editor\format\rule group\advanced\comp.xml under <!-- Child competition coords --> before <!--  local region unique id --> as <!-- LOCAL ASSOCIATION --> and the same before <!-- regional division unique id -->.

But this for Region like South Europe. So a free translation_id like 3000000000 for the db record list.xml and translation_id 3000000001 for db record.xml and for the file association.xml and association ui.xml, isn't possible to use.

I think the reason is the Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager\data\sicomps\comps.dbc....

So what program or app can be read the comp.dbc file and translate it too English for Windows or better Mac OS X ????

I would spend my free times to do it and make it possible and if it possible without issues or bugs I would be upload this editor comp.fmf and the sicomps.dbc 

Ooooh i forgot the comp editor\format\filter\ for association filter.xml must I build. than would be it perfect :applause:;)


Can you explain this? I tried to understand what youre talking about but no luck :)

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This sounds like he managed to add new regions such as Caribbean, Southern Europe. He didn't manage to create Local Regions such as Saarland or Baden-Wurtemberg. This means he can't create his intended project with regions and sub-regions. The reason probably being that he misunderstood what Region and Local Region indicated. 

I'm happy to have that clarified too. 

The follow up question on how to access sicomps.dbc is of course interesting. 

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35 minutes ago, Fredrik said:

This sounds like he managed to add new regions such as Caribbean, Southern Europe. He didn't manage to create Local Regions such as Saarland or Baden-Wurtemberg. This means he can't create his intended project with regions and sub-regions. The reason probably being that he misunderstood what Region and Local Region indicated. 

I'm happy to have that clarified too.

Probably this is the case.

36 minutes ago, Fredrik said:

The follow up question on how to access sicomps.dbc is of course interesting. 

I managed to access comps.dbc but i cant load any competition in editor.

Anyway i dont think i would found anything usefull here.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb krlenjushka:

Can you explain this? I tried to understand what youre talking about but no luck :)

 Sorry for bad English.

right I would manage to create Football Associations in German Fußballverbände and sub regions like (Landesfußballverbände) National associations for Saarland or Regionalleague Nord and the leagues and down to league level 11 in Fußballkreisverbände and these associations should be in clubs and competitions are.


but th comp.dbc is my problem I tried to open it with a text editor and it shows I've tried ihex but not work to read it.

so my plan in pictures


Region unique id 229399 value=%22region%22.png

Editor will not work with Wrong too Unique translation id number.png

Translation_id=%22229399%22 = Unique Id = Regional.png

Associations test.png

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2 hours ago, affe1802 said:

 Sorry for bad English.

right I would manage to create Football Associations in German Fußballverbände and sub regions like (Landesfußballverbände) National associations for Saarland or Regionalleague Nord and the leagues and down to league level 11 in Fußballkreisverbände and these associations should be in clubs and competitions are.


but th comp.dbc is my problem I tried to open it with a text editor and it shows I've tried ihex but not work to read it.

so my plan in pictures


Region unique id 229399 value=%22region%22.png

Editor will not work with Wrong too Unique translation id number.png

Translation_id=%22229399%22 = Unique Id = Regional.png

Associations test.png

Sorry i still dont get you. If you want to add "Regions" section on the left side - database - that probably can be done. I managed to add Teams section but nothing usefull i get with that.

Also if you add Regions you will be able to take a look at - probably nothing more. Not sure why you mentioned associations here. Probably i dont understand what you mean.

Also comps.dbc file. Its just folder with all competitions in game - default ones.

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Ok my German is better then my English... so looked in editor and found in the Database section continents and searched for Europa and found Federation Name.

After then looked I in the comp editor\format\database\continent.xml and searched for Federation Name and found it so copied it too the comp.xml

and at too the comp ui.xml  <record db_field="comp,Cfdn" />      <!-- federation name -->

                                                  <record db_filed="comp,Csfn" />       <!-- short federation name -->

but the problem is I would be made a federation.xml as main.xml and then should child federations and from child federation another child federation but the Unique Id´s for these is the problem. how do open and read the sicomp\comp.dbc I think where are standing also Unique Id numbers not just Unique ID for Competitions.

Federation as parent Federation German Football Federation child Federations like Regional Federations and child Federation for National Federations, and the last child Federations everything Federations should be parent Federation only the DFB is a main Federation and for the DFB Cup( German 1st 2nd and 3rd league,  then Regional Federation as parent as child 5 Regional Federation 4rd and 5th leagues, and Federation for 6th, 7nd, 8th, and for 9th till 11. 



Edited by affe1802
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1 hour ago, affe1802 said:

Federation as parent Federation German Football Federation child Federations like Regional Federations and child Federation for National Federations, and the last child Federations everything Federations should be parent Federation only the DFB is a main Federation and for the DFB Cup( German 1st 2nd and 3rd league,  then Regional Federation as parent as child 5 Regional Federation 4rd and 5th leagues, and Federation for 6th, 7nd, 8th, and for 9th till 11.

If anyone can understand what you wrote here - please let me know. I can see youre messing with editor xmls but why? I dont have clue.

you wrote "federation" 14 times in this "sentence" and i should understand this???


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1 hour ago, affe1802 said:

Ok my German is better then my English... so looked in editor and found in the Database section continents and searched for Europa and found Federation Name.

After then looked I in the comp editor\format\database\continent.xml and searched for Federation Name and found it so copied it too the comp.xml

and at too the comp ui.xml  <record db_field="comp,Cfdn" />      <!-- federation name -->

                                                  <record db_filed="comp,Csfn" />       <!-- short federation name -->

but the problem is I would be made a federation.xml as main.xml and then should child federations and from child federation another child federation but the Unique Id´s for these is the problem. how do open and read the sicomp\comp.dbc I think where are standing also Unique Id numbers not just Unique ID for Competitions.

Federation as parent Federation German Football Federation child Federations like Regional Federations and child Federation for National Federations, and the last child Federations everything Federations should be parent Federation only the DFB is a main Federation and for the DFB Cup( German 1st 2nd and 3rd league,  then Regional Federation as parent as child 5 Regional Federation 4rd and 5th leagues, and Federation for 6th, 7nd, 8th, and for 9th till 11. 



It still looks to me like you're not seeing that the Federation is not important. You also can't use Regionalverbände. If you do then you can't use Landesverbände. It's either or. 

If you want regional tournaments you need to use Local Region. You even have that as an option in your screenshot. For Kreisliga Warnow it's Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. 

If you want to further drill down even more you  have to set geographical limits to the league. You also must set the division at this level for teams that could play there(from all levels). For Regionalliga you need to use more than one Local Region and set regional limits to the leagues. 

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@affe1802you are trying to create a geographical setup. FM doesn't work like that.

You can do several things instead.

  • Use Local Regions, as described by Fredrik
  • Use regional divisions(take a team that fits in your regional competition and open the Club >> Regional Divisions tab). Via Add you can add the regional divisions for every level for a team. So a team in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern would be in Kreisliga this at level 7, Landesliga this at level 6, Regionalliga this at level 5 and so on (these are just examples)
  • A very extreme solution would be to create Kreisses (sounds exactly like Crisis btw ;))  instead of the Bundeslander and move each and every city, but that is a lot of work and you would still have to assign every team to the right competition. This is then just more work what the regional divisions is already doing, so I would not suggest that solution
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