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Do you use "rest" in training schedule?

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For me the standard training schedules include so much rest each week. Usually the bottom line is "rest" every day.  Why is it like this and does it have any advantage to rest every day?

Lets imagine the 3 blocks are one hour each, with 10-15min breaks between them.  Why would you have the last hour of training as simply "resting". It does not make sense to me. Then after them the players go home and have dinner and watch tv and rest at home too.

When do you use "rest"? I use it sometimes before a match.


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The more time spent training, the larger the impact on player condition and potential for injuries. I imagine that the default training schedules are probably on the conservative side and might include more rest sessions than needed but I'm typically happy to leave as is, so I'll let an expert dive into the minutia/optimal amount of rest sessions.

In the real world, if you were doing 3 hour long physical sessions with minimal break inbetween (just as an example) the 'going home' part may not be sufficient rest period. You're also not just resting more but exerting yourself less.

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The only weekday when I use the "Rest" is the day after a match (Rest - Recovery - Rest). I also have one "Rest" session on the day prior to the match (usually Team bonding - Rest - Match Tactics). 

All other days have all 3 sessions used, but I always make sure that the overall training intensity is not too high on any given day. 

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I can't help (because, well...) but thank you so much for asking !

Who spent the last few month wondering why no player of him ever became a big brute like in older versions, and never asked himself if it would be a great idea to fill those "evening" cells and diverge from standard schedules ? Yes it's me !

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5 hours ago, Speedyol said:

For me the standard training schedules include so much rest each week. Usually the bottom line is "rest" every day.  Why is it like this and does it have any advantage to rest every day?

Lets imagine the 3 blocks are one hour each, with 10-15min breaks between them.  Why would you have the last hour of training as simply "resting". It does not make sense to me. Then after them the players go home and have dinner and watch tv and rest at home too.

When do you use "rest"? I use it sometimes before a match.


I tend to push training pretty hard, except during 2 match weeks.  Even during the season, except on match days, I fill every slot and often put the 90-100% group on Double Intensity.  Some of this depends upon the personalities of your players.  Injury prone players need less.  One other use for 'Rest':  After two intense sessions, for example Endurance-Resistance-Rest.  I've only done this during pre-season.

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The day after a match at least - Yes.

Image 1 is a test of the same as what you have:


Image 2 Below is with the rest.



So, for me - The fact that you go from a "normal" condition to a "Greatly Increased" is worth the rest IHMO. Over a long season players can get tired being trained non-stop. One of th best ways to manage and check this, is via looking next to the heart icon and seeing the fatigue level, when that goes to low, players can tire a bit more. It seems to sit a low for a while and thenm go to fatigured, or starting to get fatigued. THIS is where the rest sessions help and are needed.

Pre-Match day will be Tactical\Set Piece at most. Like you, I have all 3 slots most of the season - Exceptions being European weeks, for which squad condition will need to be managed a bit more. As with most weeks, I'll have a max of 1 intense session, then nothing above mid overall.

Finally - My Tactics are not in the red for intensity, Training is Double intensity for the last 2 modules 90-100% and the 75%-90%.

Even with this, I'm still rotating key players now and then - They also have 15+ Natural fitness.

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Thanks for the answers. I think I will go over my schedules and try and improve them. I find it saves time or my brain when I don't have to modify/create the tactics 50 times per season. But sometimes with sunday/monday matches the schedule gets a bit messed up or altered from the plan.


What do you mean by "Double intensity for the last 2 modules"? Are you talking about individual Training intensity level? sorry, English is not my first language.



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1 hour ago, Speedyol said:

Thanks for the answers. I think I will go over my schedules and try and improve them. I find it saves time or my brain when I don't have to modify/create the tactics 50 times per season. But sometimes with sunday/monday matches the schedule gets a bit messed up or altered from the plan.


What do you mean by "Double intensity for the last 2 modules"? Are you talking about individual Training intensity level? sorry, English is not my first language.



For this, I go to Training - Rest, and then I set this:


I then set the Training Intensity to "Automatic" for all players:


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I have tinkered a bit with my schedules and ill share them using pictures for fun. Perhaps any of you have any suggestions on how to make them better or can make your own based on them.

Pre-Season (Physical & Tactical familiarity):


Normal 1 Match Weeks (Normal and Heavy load):


Focused training (Attack & Set Pieces - low intensity)



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This is what I love about this game (and the forum). THere are so many ways to play the game, everyone has a different outlook on things.

I mainly use the Match Prep training modules for the senior team. 

The first 3 days of the week are attribute focused (this is a general schedule, I also have one for attacking/defensive/mental attributes). Thurs/Fri are match prep.




Then there is no attribute training when we have 2 games in a week.



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Cant help, with how best to optimise/game it. I suspect there is a fair amount of leeway though and the more you can fit in the better. Probably a part of the game that FM could and should penalise you more (not that it would be popular!) - Pretty sure no clubs would be doing triple sessions every day throughout a season, and I see a lot of example schedules doing things that would be unheard of IRL such as ultra intense triple sessions the day after a game(!). Or like in the OP where I very much doubt a day or two out from the game a team would be beasting the players doing triple sessions with a physical focus.

Whilst it is almost certainly not the most optimal way to approach it, I try to work to something realistic and that reflects real life training ideas.

I try to work it as a microcycle with the matchday (M) as a reference point. So M +1 M +2 M +3, and then M -3 M -2 and M -1.

The first day after the match (+1) is the match review and rest/recovery, that is it. You start to work in +2, Build the workload so it's at it's highest during the week in +3 and -3, and then the last sessions before the match are tapered down and focused on optimising and tactical work for the match ahead. It's usually only in +3, -3, and -2 where I use all three sessions.

With multiple games in a week, which for some teams/leagues is a regular occurrence, that goes out of the window. Mainly just focused on rest and recovery and some technical and tactical sessions when you can.

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