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Tina's Super Saints of Paisley


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This is the second installment of Tina Powell's adventures. The first installment can be found here, http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?t=81877 and the short stop gap in between can be found here, http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?t=161904

Game is being played on a modified database on FM10, to ensure that it closely follows the one I had on 09 for the previous season. All leagues loaded from Scotland, England, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, and Holland.


April 1st

The sun shined down on the hospital with such a new found lease of life. The events of February were still fresh on people’s minds, none more so than Tina. In the days since waking up, nothing else had come across her mind, and as such, had spurred herself into a quicker recovery. Cassie’s visits had sort of stopped, her just coming twice, now being able to get back to work with a clear mind.

Tina stood on her feet unsteadily. The amount of time she had spent in bed unconscious had severely affected her mobility, but after spending yesterday just making general short walking trips around, it had come back pretty easily. But she still stood unsteadily, her head spinning every time she got up. The doctor had ghosted his way into the room, and stood watching as she held onto the rail of her bed.

Everything okay, Tina?” he asked, propping himself against the door.

Tina turned to look at him, “Yeah, I’m fine. Still slightly unsteady on my feet, but that will pass, I’m sure.

She was right, but the doctor had still wanted to keep her in for a few more days, to ensure she would be fine with getting back on her feet more permanently.

You know that I’d prefer you stay a few more days, but I cannot force you stay.

Tina smiled, “You couldn’t persuade me. I have a life to live, and a partner who will be waiting for me.

The doctor looked at her, “I know for a fact that Cassie is working today. She told me herself.

Okay, so I lied. I’m going to surprise her for when she gets home.

Just don’t overdo yourself.

I promise I won’t,” she replied, before picking up her holdall and walking towards the doctor. “Thank you for everything that you have done.

It’s all in the job description,” he said, before taking her holdall and walking with her out of the room. They walked down the corridor to the elevator, and called for it to go down. “So what do you plan on doing now?” he asked, the question breaking the seemingly awkward silence.

I need to start looking for a new job, that’s for certain.

The close season always sees managerial sackings galore. I am certain you will find something to suit you and Cassie.

Tina realised what the doctor had said. Her decisions now would affect her partner, and she had to make sure that whatever she did decide on, would not affect Cassie badly. The elevator pinged, and they reached the ground floor, and then walked to the front door.

Best of luck, Tina.

You too, doctor.

Tina left and made her way to the taxi rank. As she had been in hospital, her car would still be at her house in the drive. She flagged a taxi with relative ease, and told him to take her home. The drive went rather slowly, Tina led to believe that he took her the long way to improve his earnings for the day. As she got home, and paid the driver, who rather irritatingly had done exactly as she thought. She let herself in, and found everything as she had left it the month before. Her Livingston FC files and papers were still strewn all over the table, scout reports and player files that were no longer necessary. She sat next to them, and realised she would never deal with this side again. The rapport she had built with them was one she would miss extremely.

She sat and contemplated everything that had gone on in the last year. It had been a hell of a lot for a 28 year old, but now she could look forward to her future. She had a gorgeous girlfriend, and a future in football that she knew could go far.

Tina spotted a newspaper on the chair, and decided that taking a quick look in the sports section couldn’t hurt. As she picked it up, she found that Livingston had been kicked out of the league; the newspaper chronicling how Scottish football had transcended into even murkier depths. The loss of clubs and the dominance of Rangers and Celtic were crippling it.

Tina sighed and lowered the paper back to where it was, before heading into the kitchen. She really wanted to cook Cassie a meal for when she got in, and got straight to it. She put on the apron, but had to hold onto the wall as her head began to spin. The feeling passed after ten seconds, and so she got straight to work.

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Wow! What a response! Tina certainly has some fans out there :) thanks guys, and keep along for her second season.


April 5th

As the season wore on, Morton had capitulated in the weeks following Livingston’s demise. St Johnstone had now leapfrogged them in the table, and Morton had not won since February. The rest of the league looked pretty much the same bar the loss of Livi pushing everyone a place higher. Cassie had been wowed by coming home to a meal cooked by none other than Tina herself four days ago, but had still been extremely surprised at even seeing her altogether.

If you stare at that folder any longer,” began Cassie, “you’ll probably not stop until next year.

Tina had been staring at her football folder for nigh on thirty minutes now, and Cassie was right. But Tina couldn’t help thinking what might have been. It was hard not to.

I know, I know,” replied Tina before she finally turned her head away from the pages to look at Cassie. It was only 11am, yet it felt like the day had dragged on impeccably.

Cassie was reading the paper and had now reached the sports section – the part where she would stop reading and give it to Tina. “Someone got sacked today.

Tina took the paper, and saw Cassie was right. Ronnie Moore at Tranmere Rovers had been sacked, despite leading them to 7th place so far in the season. Expectations must be high down there, seemingly too high for Moore to fulfil. Something else in the article had brought a wry smile from Tina, on the next page. Greenock Morton have sacked Davie Irons after an abysmal run of results, that last weekend, saw St Johnstone cut the previous 18 point gap to a now 1 point advantage.

Morton’s manager got sacked,” replied Tina, before pointing it out to Cassie, “serves him right for being so cocky.

So the two top teams in the league a month ago are now both in the sh*t?

I’d say Livi are more than in the crap to be honest, but yeah, Morton have seemingly lost their way.

You going to apply for either?

Can you honestly say you fancy moving to Tranmere? I sure as hell don’t. And as for Morton, I wouldn’t go anywhere near them.

Cassie sighed, “So we’re back to square one then.

Something will definitely come up, I promise.

Cassie smiled, and went to kiss Tina before a knock at the door interrupted her. She kissed her on the forehead before jumping up off the chair and to the door. She was surprised to see a delivery man there.

Miss Powell?

No, but she’s just in there. Do you need her or am I okay to take it?

It’s fine for you to take it. You will need to sign here though.

Cassie nodded, and took the weird pen and electric device and scribbled her signature with difficulty into the device, before taking the package. It was just an envelope.

This is for you, Tina. Not sure why someone felt the need to get an envelope delivered personally, but oh well.

Tina looked surprised, and took the envelope from Cassie. She opened it, and was surprised to see a cheque. It also had a small letter in it.

Dear Tina,

I am still ever so sorry about what happened with the club. I could and should have done more to prevent it, but in my stupidity, I didn’t. I also learned of the events in the stadium from Valter. I am so, so sorry about Bekim. I feel partly responsible for even bringing him to the club as a staff member. I have now moved back to Italy, so you won’t see me around. I wish you all the best with Cassie; you have a special girl there. Consider this a gift of sorrow and thanks.



Tina was still rather surprised at this letter, and especially the cheque with it. Cassie had read the letter over her shoulder, and was just as surprised.

How much is it for, Tina?

Tina turned the cheque over and shock enveloped her face, “£98,068.

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April 9th

Tina and Cassie and had spent the last three nights planning how to spend their money, but after some careful deliberation, decided that spending it all at once was not the best of ideas. They had enjoyed a meal out together last night, but today found Tina once again looking out for any jobs. A vacancy had opened up at Hertha BSC in Germany yesterday, and two today at Grimsby and Chester. But these locations really didn’t apply to Tina, and in all honesty, had not heard her name being bandied around anywhere. Her agent hadn’t got back to her about anything, so as such, she was once more playing the waiting game.

I’m not keen on the idea of moving to Germany,” said Cassie while she tucked into an apple, “I’d much prefer to be in this country.

Tina nodded, but didn’t look at her, “Same here to be honest, even if it would be an excellent job to take.

Big club, I know. But surely a big club here in the UK will want you?

I really hope so, Cassie. I’m desperate to get back into the game, it’s like...” started Tina, before Cassie interrupted.

I know, it’s like a really bad addiction.

Tina threw the cushion next to her at Cassie playfully, “You know what I mean.

Well, I have a tremendous idea.

Go on.

I say we go on holiday. I know for a fact we bloody deserve one and it will be a perfect chance to get past everything that’s happened lately.

Tina seemed to ponder the idea in her head for a moment, before smiling. “I think you’re right. Get the laptop and we will see what deals we can get on short notice.

Cassie jumped off the sofa excitedly, “Let’s make it quick though. I’ve got work in half an hour.

Is there anywhere in particular you want to go?

Cassie went quiet for a moment, seemingly racking her brain for an answer. “Not really, though I really do like the idea of Switzerland.

Tina logged on to the Thomas Cook website, and set her criteria to go to Geneva from Glasgow airport for a ten day city break. Within seconds, the results came up, and there were quite a few.

Look at this one!” screeched Cassie, noticing a five star hotel.

Tina looked where she had looked, and spotted the hotel. “Seven nights, bed and breakfast included. All inclusive, including the flights there and back.

Cassie’s eyes had lit up at the prospect, “Can we go please? Please, please, please, please!

Tina laughed, “Have you seen how much it costs?

No...” replied Cassie, seemingly downbeat now at what she deemed rejection on the idea.

Just over seven hundred and thirty pounds.

That’s not for bad for the both of us.

Each, Cassie. Seven hundred and thirty each.

Cassie looked at Tina with disappointment, “Damn! It looked so good too!

Tina smiled at her girlfriend, “Listen, I don’t see why the hell we can’t go and enjoy ourselves. Do you definitely want to go here? I don’t want to pay and then you change your mind.

Yes! Yes! I really do want to go.

Then we will,” replied Tina with a broad smile.

My god! I love you!” exclaimed Cassie before she planted a massive kiss on Tina’s lips. She then took out her phone and proceeded to call her mother.

Mum! Guess where I’m going!

Tina laughed, before turning back to the laptop and booking the short break. Overall it cost Tina £1426.90, though she did save £140 for doing the purchase online. It would be a fun trip, she was sure. She turned back to the sports website to check on the news and found that a job had just come up that would be of great interest to her.

I have to leave now, Tina. Ill speak to you when I get home later. I love you,” said Cassie, before she kissed Tina again.

I love you too.

As soon as Cassie left, Tina picked up her phone. Time to call a certain Stewart Gilmour.

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Not sure Spiro!


April 15th

"Are we close to landing yet?" asked Cassie, seemingly getting very excited now.

They had left yesterday night, opting for a late flight to get them to Switzerland early, which then gave them the chance to catch a taxi from the airport in Geneva to the hotel in Interlaken.

"We aren't far off," replied Tina, "Just got to wait for landing clearance according to the pilot."

Cassie gave a broad smile, "Eeeeeeee, I am so excited."

"Switzerland seems so nice from the air. Being down there is going to be even better sweetheart."

Cassie smiled, before resuming her childish behaviour of watching out the window and taking in everything she could see. After twenty minutes, the plane finally touched down in Geneva, a nice easy landing that would definitely have calmed the nerves of any new or infrequent flyers. "Thank god for that," muttered a rather old lady sat behind the pair.

They headed out of the plane's door and into the airport. It was huge, by any standards, and was packed to the brim with business men, families and young couples. As they queued up to get past immigration and passport control. As Cassie and Tina stood in the queue, Cassie reached for her partners hand. Tina loved this gesture, when Cassie would do it on the sofa, or in bed, or just in public for no reason at all.

"Thank you so much, Tina," said Cassie, "For bringing me here."

Tina smiled and gripped Cassie's hand, "It's because I love you."

Cassie smiled back, but then suddenly she felt the grip on her hand tighten. Tina felt extremely dizzy, and stumbled on her feet, her other hand gripping Cassie's arm. Cassie was quick to respond, and held her up. "Are you alright?"

Tina closed her eyes and then re-opened them, seemingly having passed through the dizzy spell. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Just came over all dizzy. Must have been the flying."

Cassie nodded, and by now, they had reached the front of the passport control queue. They checked through, with their bags, and headed to the taxi rank in front of the airport. A small disgruntled Italian pulled up in front of the pair, and loaded their travel cases into the boot of the car. Tina and Cassie got in, and then relayed the location to him.

"You go to Interlaken?" he asked.

"Yes, please. I know its a fair distance but..."

"You bloody right it fair distance. You asking lot of my crusty little car. Only last week it bang off road and no work for days. This should be day off."

"Very reassuring," replied Cassie, drawing a playful smile from Tina.

"We all set to go?" he asked, finally starting to pull out of the airport as cars behind him honked at the amount of smoke pluming from his exhaust.

"Yes we are, though seemingly your car isn't," muttered Cassie.

"You no mind if I put football on radio?"

Tina smiled, "Not at all. I'm a manager myself."

The taxi driver turned around, and then realization set in. He put on the emergency brakes, and the car slammed to a stop. Two cars behind did the same, thinking something was wrong. They hooted profusely when they realized nothing was wrong, and drove round the now stopped taxi.

"You Tina? I see you on internet!" he exclaimed.

Cassie said with a lustful smile, "Nothing naughty Tina, I hope."

Tina hit Cassie on the arm, "Yes, thats me."

The taxi driver smiled, "In that case, we can make haste to get there."

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The taxi journey passed by much more relaxing as the driver seemed happy to not shut up the whole way there. He had told Tina and Cassie the whole series of events in his life, though at some point through his discussion on how Italian football is failing, Cassie fell asleep. Tina had laughed, but the taxi driver, now known as Emiliano, had never noticed. Cassie woke when the car hit a bump in the road, and it stirred her. In typical child fashion, "Are we there yet?" she muttered.

Tina smiled, "Not far now. You've only been asleep an hour."

Cassie managed a weak, tired smile, "Excellent. I think its the early morning that got me. How are you even still awake?"

"I'm struggling if I'm honest, but tonight, I will sleep without a problem."

Cassie lowered her head to the same position it was in, and drifted back off. Emiliano began speaking again.

"I not like this road. It too bumpy, and hurt backside."

Tina laughed. Emiliano was right though, the road truly was awful. The ruts were fairly deep, and the cars coming the other way almost swerved into Emiliano as they tried avoiding them. Emiliano honked his horn, "Get out of the way!"

They finally pulled up to the hotel, and by god, it was extraordinary. It overlooked the Interlaken, and that in itself was an extraordinary sight. They pulled up in front, and a rather young porter made his way to open the car door. He pulled a face of distaste when the car plumed more smoke into the air, but got on with his job no less. The sound of the engine spluttering woke Cassie, and she rubbed her eyes. "We're here! You could have said!"

"I was about to," smiled Tina. The porter then opened the doors on both sides of the taxi, and Tina set about paying Emiliano. "How much, Emiliano?"

The taxi driver smiled, "Take this one on house. It was a pleasure driving you."

Tina smiled, "Thank you. And I hope your son will be fine."

Emiliano nodded, and then Tina got out. But she wasn't about to let him get away unpaid. She knocked on his window before he drove off, and as he lowered it, she threw 200 in swiss franc notes into the taxi. "Buy him something nice," she said, watching as he smiled, and then drove off.

The porter led the pair into the hotel, and the sight was even finer than what they had just seen. The grandeur of the hotel was everywhere, and it was beautiful. "This is awesome, Tina. I'm bloody lucky."

They made their way to the check in reception, along with the porter, who pushed the trolley along that held their baggage. The receptionist nodded for them to come over.

"You have a reservation?"

"Yes," replied Tina, before she handed the reservation booking. She showed her passport to confirm her identity and then the receptionist smiled.

"Room 46. Single beds, yes?"

"No, I requested a double."

The smile soon vanished off her face, "Oh, sorry madame. I'll see that it is sorted."

"Is that a problem?"

The smile returned, but it looked fake, "Of course not madame. The porter will lead you up to your room."

Tina eyed the receptionist with anger, "Just leave it," muttered Cassie, "It isn't worth it."

They followed the porter up to their room. He left the luggage, and after giving a tip, Tina let him back out.

"This is nice," muttered Cassie in awe "We even get our own hairdryer!"

Tina smiled, and then she closed the door. "I think, I'm ready for bed."

Cassie wasn't looking at Tina, but after staring out of the window, before she turned around. "Do we really have to go to..." started Cassie before she noticed Tina. She had slipped out of her clothes. "On second thoughts, I think we do."

Tina smiled, stuck a Do Not Disturb notice on the door, before jumping into bed.

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April 16th

The sun beamed down on Interlaken brightly, rays piercing the blinds on the window like a laser. And as the sun rose higher, the beams made their way up the bed through the cracks in the blinds, and as such, eventually reached the two girls. The sunshine hit Tina first, and her body clock immediately told her to get up. The clock in her body woke up the instant the sunlight met her eyes, and it was awfully bright. Tina reacted like a vampire does to sunlight, and curled around to cuddle in to Cassie, who to her surprise was already awake.

Morning sleepy head,” she whispered, before kissing her on the forehead.

How long have you been staring at me?

For around ten minutes.

Tina smiled, before cuddling up to Cassie. “So what are we going to do today, Switzerland’s biggest fan?

Cassie’s lips curled in mock annoyance, “Don’t tease me Miss.

Ah but you know its true.

Yeah, to be honest, I agree. Anyway, I looked at the brochure on the way here in the taxi, and picked up a few ideas for while we are here.

And what is your verdict?

I think we should go to the Mystery Park!

Tina frowned, “Mystery Park? That sounds so corny.

Hey! Don’t diss the Mystery Park,” replied Cassie, ”It was closed in two thousand and six for financial difficulties, but re-opened this year!

What’s even there?

For being so mean about it, you can find out when we get there.

Tina laughed, “I better get dressed then.

Do you have to? I’m admiring the view.

If you want to go to Mystery Park, then yes, I’m afraid I will. And in all honesty, the view of my backside is nothing compared to out of that window.

Spoil sport.

Tina got up first and padded straight into the bathroom. She fussed around in her makeup bag, before getting annoyed at her inability to find what she was looking for. She emptied all of her belongings into the sink, and realized it wasn’t there. “Cassie,” she yelled, “Where is my mascara?

Cassie walked into the doorway, with the mascara in her hand. As she stood there in her underwear, she couldn’t help but tease Tina. “It’s right here, so you might have to come and get it.

Cassie, behave,” said Tina, before a sly smile crept across her face, “Or have you forgotten what I did last night?

Cassie went red, and vanished out of sight, bringing a laugh from Tina. “What time does this ‘Mystery Park’ open?

Why do you say it like it isn’t real?

Because I think you made it up,” laughed Tina.

You are so going to be proved wrong. And it opens at 10am, actually.

Tina popped her head out of the bathroom and flashed a leg, “We better get a move on then.”

Cassie smiled to herself, “Ten more minutes?” she replied, before going into the bathroom too.


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Just read my way through Tina's first story, the short story and now the start of this. Really, really engaging all the way through and I really liked how you teid in all of Livi's real-life problems into the story.

Hopefully Tina is (relatively!) successful at St Mirren and moves somewhere bigger... maybe Hearts :D I can't bring myself to want to Buddies to win for too long!

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Thanks guys. It's always nice to welcome new readers, and thanks Jen for taking the time to read the previous episodes.


"This place is awful, Cassie," muttered Tina, seemingly on deaf ears though. They had been in Mystery Park now for well over two hours, Cassie slowly making her way round each of the seven exhibits. The best bit for Tina had been going to the toilet.

"Don't you just love how Stonehenge has become a national symbol, yet no-one knows how it was made or by who?" she said, seemingly in a trance looking upon the replica made of it.

"I do agree that Stonehenge is a delightful thing, but not with how these guys put it across."

"What do you mean?"

"Haven't you noticed?"

"Noticed what?"

"How everything is claimed to have been made by aliens? How they came to earth and established contact with our predecessors?"

Cassie smiled, "You're having me on aren't you?"

"No, I'm not."

The smile vanished, "You're serious?"

"Yes! Look at this exhibit here," she said, pointing, "It talks about how human hands could not have created such a thing."

Cassie read it, and then looked at Tina, "This doesn't mean they're saying aliens built it."

"It might aswell. This whole park is just an alien psyched place."

"I don't care. I like it."

Tina smiled. She might have preferred to be somewhere else, but as such, she was spending time with the love of her life. Sacrifices have to be made, she thought to herself. Her phone began to ring. The number was unfamiliar.

"Tina Powell," she said with an air of authority.

"Tina, it's Stewart Gilmour."

Her heart began racing, "What can I do for you, Stewart?"

"Well, you remember the discussion we had the other day?"

"I do. What about it?"

"Well, I'd like to say that I think we have a deal."

Her heart skipped a beat, "You kidding?"

She could hear a slight laugh, "No, not at all. Gus has reached a deal with a new club to begin immediately upon finishing this season, and as such, he won't be re-signing with us. That leaves me with a gap I know full well you can fill. It's just a matter of do you want to?"

"The answer is a definite yes. I would love to."

The air of tension seemingly in Gilmour's office was released like a balloon slowly letting out gas. "Well that is a relief," he replied, "I know you're on holiday right now, so when you get back and have a few hours, would you like to come along? Gus is wanting to meet you before he leaves, and I think it would do you good to meet him too, as well as sign the contract."

"No problem, Stewart. I'll let you know when I'm available and take it from there."

"Thanks Tina. I hope this is the beginning of a fruitful employer/employee relationship."

"I can certainly say it will be."

"Talk soon, Tina."

As the line went dead, Tina's calm composure exploded quicker than a mentos in a bottle of fizzy pop. "CASSIE! I'VE GOT A JOB AND WE DON'T HAVE TO MOVE!"

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Thanks minisav, glad your back on the forums and reading. FTOF, St Mirren were an excellent choice for Tina's second season in management, and will be fun to manage I'm sure. dechardonay, we can learn together I'm sure :D and thanks as ever Spav. That's a bold claim about the breadth of back story, but I'm honoured that you think so!!


April 17th

"What do you think?" asked Gilmour.

He and Gus MacPherson had been sat in his office for nigh on two hours discussing St Mirren, and what this season would end up holding for them.

"I think she is a very wise choice on your behalf," replied Gus, "She clearly has managing talent and performed an admirable job at a side that was racked with a LOT of trouble."

"That's true. She is something completely new, and that for me, is something that this club could do with. No offense intended, of course."

Gus laughed, "None taken."

"Next season is going to be a tremendous struggle for us, just like this one has been."

Gus nodded, "The league is hard to stay in for newly promoted clubs. We have done well to keep ourselves there, though."

"I know. And you have done us proud by getting the club to the Scottish Cup semi finals this season."

"I couldn't have asked for more."

Gilmour's faced turned serious, "There is no need for me to tell you about the financial gains we could make if we get to that final."

Gus nodded again, "You're right, you don't. And I would like no parting gift for you other than European football next season. I almost wish I was staying now!"

"It'll be a shame to lose you, but I feel, and I know you do, that we have the right person to replace you."

"Do you think her mind is in the right place for it?"

"Do you mean about the events of the past few months?"

"Yeah," said Gus, before leaning closer in, "That's the only thing that bothers me about her."

Gilmour shook his head, "No, I think she can do the job again with issue."

"I trust your judgement, Stewart. Just don't hire any Albanian's. Are you even going to give her an interview, or anyone else a chance?"

"No. I want her for the job for sure. I'd like to see what she can achieve with a larger budget."

"Then it's been a pleasure working with you. You're an excellent chairman."

"Don't flatter me. We will need to prepare something for the media, you up for helping out?"

Gus smiled, "Only if you crack open some of that Southern Comfort you have hiding behind in that desk of yours."

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April 19th

Tina was sat on her laptop in the hotel room. Yesterday had flown by, the weather rendering any visit out impossible. Despite being mid-April, the snow pounded down onto the ground.

"I know, Mum," said Cassie, as she walked back into the room with her mobile pressed onto her ear. "I'm very proud of her too."

Cassie smiled towards Tina as she said so, "No, she isn't eating right now."

Tina threw a confused face, but smiled and returned to her laptop as Cassie walked back into bathroom. She clicked off BBC Sport as she had just finished looking at St Mirren's most recent scores and news. Cassie came back into the room again, but was now off the phone. She stared out of the window as she made her way to Tina. "The snow beautiful," she murmured her eyes captivated as the snowflakes tumbled to the floor.

"It's bloody hard to believe its April," laughed Tina.

"I know, but it's really beautiful. At least it isn't rain."

Tina smiled. Cassie was right; it did rain a hell of a lot back in Scotland.

"So what are you doing on there?" she asked.

"I'm reading up about St Mirren."

Cassie smiled, "Getting ahead before you even get there. Clever."

Tina just nodded and smiled. She clicked open a wikipedia page for St Mirren.

Saint Mirren Football Club (commonly known by the shorter St. Mirren or by the nicknames; The Buddies and The Saints) are a Scottish professional football club based in Paisley, Renfrewshire. St. Mirren play in the Scottish Premier League, having been promoted from the First Division in 2005–06.

St. Mirren have won the Scottish Cup three times in 1926, 1959 and 1987 and have played four times in European competition (UEFA Cup Winners' Cup 1987–88 and the UEFA Cup 1980–81, 1983–84 and 1985–86).

Cassie was now staring at the page also, and her eyes wandered to the past managers section. "Look," she said, "you stand out from the rest of them."

"Because I'm female?"

"Nooo. You'll be the first Welsh manager of St Mirren!"

Tina laughed, "A true accolade."

"Be proud, Tina! Welsh people rarely get famous!" she replied, almost laughing herself to death. Tina couldn't help but laugh along.

"Behave you, if you want cuddles tonight."

Cassie grinned, "You couldn't resist at the best of times."

Tina gave off a cheeky smile before finishing reading the page. The club were on course for a Scottish Cup final appearance, and that in itself would warrant a European spot for next season, providing Celtic, who were certain to reach the final, got a European spot from the league. Which they would. Tina was, weirdly, very close to managing in Europe next season.

"We need to find out when Mirren play Rangers," she said excitedly.

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That information wasn't hard to come across. St Mirren would be playing Rangers in the cup semi final in just five days. Tina and Cassie would be back in Scotland by then, and as such, it took just one phone call to Gilmour to arrange something.

"Hi, Stewart. It's Tina here. I was looking to ask a favour."

Stewart sounded rather jolly today, "Asking for favours already?"

"Behave. Me and Cassie were wondering if you could get us tickets to see Mirren play Rangers in the cup semi final..."

Gilmour chuckled down the line, "I think I can sort something. Depending on the sales, you might have to sit with me in the directors box."

Tina smiled to Cassie, "I think we could manage that."

"I'll give you a call in the next few days to let you know," he replied, "speak to you soon."

Tina ended the call and put her phone away. "What did he say?" asked Cassie almost immediately.

"He said he's going to try and sort it. It will be an excellent chance for me to get into the club and meet some people."

"Very true. Speaking of backroom staff, is there any people you hopefully going to bring in to the club?"

Tina smiled, "Already in motion. In fact, we're meeting one of them in a cafe in town in around forty minutes."


The trip into the town centre went fast, a hotel cab taking them there and they were soon sat in the cafe Brunne. It was just a ten minute walk from the acclaimed Mystery Park, and only fifteen minutes from the hotel. The two girls sat in the front of the cafe, on the patio. A waiter came across to them.

"What can I get for you?"

"Two lattes please, with chocolate on top and semi-skimmed milk."

The waiter smiled and nodded, "Ladies with class. This might be extremely forward, but would you like to go for a drink when I'm finished?"

Cassie laughed, "Not unless you enjoy playing the third wheel in a relationship."

Well and truly spurned, his work demeanor returned, "Two lattes with chocolate topping and semi-skimmed milk on the way."

Tina smiled and reached for Cassie's hand, "You make me laugh," she said to her.

"Well, well," said a voice from behind them, "I didn't think I'd be seeing you two so soon."

Tina leapt up and hugged the figure standing there. Cassie's face was a picture, almost as close to seeing a child at Christmas, who doesn't get the present he asked for, but it was much better than what he DID want.

Valter Berlini stood in front of her and he offered one of his excellent hugs. His wife was stood next to him, and she stood smiling gallantly with her shopping bags in tow.

"So what is this job offer I hear you have for me?" he asked, before taking a seat next to Tina and his wife.

"I'm going to be the manager of Saint Mirren."

Valter looked shocked, but a happy kind of shock, "Wow. Moving up in the world," he said before giving off a cheeky smile, "And you want some suave, sexy Italian to take up what position?"

His wife gave him a look that said 'Sexy?' and Cassie just laughed. "I want you as my assistant again, Valter. There is even a chance we would be playing European football next season, too. If that doesn't float your boat, I don't know what will."

Valter smiled, "You know damn right it does."

"Is this a yes then?"

He offered out his hand, "Yeah it is. I'd love to work with you again."

"Thank you so much, Valter."

"Thinking of bringing anyone else in from the Livi days?"

"There is just one other person..." said Tina with a cheeky smile.

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Thanks alot guys as always. Welcome to the story Entombed and Satio. Keep reading along! Seems you guys had good guesses regarding the next member...


As she stood at the front of the lecture hall, she felt a couple hundred sets of eyes watching her every move and their ears listening to every word. This was hardly physiotherapy as she preferred, but at least she was doing something to pay the bills. She had just finished the lecture and was now taking questions. She knew exactly what they would be aimed at. She pointed to a young looking girl in the audience, "You," she said.

"Do you miss working at Livingston FC?"

Mairi McPhail had come to expect this level of questioning. "Yes, I do. I made some of my best friends there."

"Would you like to work in football again? Physiotherapy in the sports is mainly where its at these days, would you not agree?"

"I would agree with that. There is much to be made from physiotherapy in football, rugby, tennis and other sports than in standard physiotherapy. But don't forget that would be at just the top clubs that can afford to pay. Standard physio work pays well and is a very worthwhile career to pursue."

The girl seemed satisfied with her answers, and stopped her line of questioning. A young man spoke next.

"You said you worked in womens football? What was that like compared with mens? The gulf between the two is almost as massive Mourinho's ego."

The comment brought a chuckle from those who actually knew who Mourinho was, mainly the boys in the room. Even Mairi smiled. "Yes, the gap between the two is very big, but working in both was a pleasure. I did prefer working in the mens game, especially with the excellent staff I served with at Livingston."

"Would you mean Tina Powell then?"

"Yes, I would be meaning her. Along with Valter Berlini and some of the youth staff there, it was a very tight knit group."

Mairi smiled. At that point, her phone began to ring. The name on the caller display was a one she was rather relieved to see.

"Tina! Good to hear from you!"

Tina laughed down the phone, "Hi Mairi. I wondered if I could ask something..."

"Go on then; you're killing me with suspense."

"I have a job prospect for you."

"Go on..."

"I'm going to be the new manager at St Mirren from next season."

"Oh, Tina! Thats excellent news."

"Is that a yes then?"

"Of course it is! Anything is better than giving these damn lectures!"

"I'll sort everything out when I get back off holiday. Will be good to see you."

"Thanks Tina!"

The line went dead and Mairi put the phone away. She turned back around to see all the eyes staring at her again. She had forgotten they were there. "I meant every other lecture..." she murmured to herself.


Tina turned to Valter who was still sat next to her. "She said yes," she said to him with a broad smile.

"Excellent! So when do you want us to come across?"

"Well I'll finalise the deal with Gilmour and everything once I get into Gus's office."

"Then I shall spend the next two months swanning around in Italy."

His wife smiled at that idea. "Damn right we will," she replied, nodding towards the shopping bags.

Valter sighed, "Two months? Seems too long to me."

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April 20th

The lake was stunning. The water glistened in the sunshine, giving it a serenity that you can only usually experience in films, pictures and your own imagination. Tina sat by the lakeside, a coffee in one hand, as did Cassie, who was sat by her side.

"I'm actually quite glad that you convinced me to come here," said Tina before taking a sip of coffee, "It's really lovely. And the coffee is damn good."

Cassie smiled, "You can't beat a fine Livingston coffee on a rainy Monday morning."

"You bloody can," replied Tina. She laughed and finished her coffee. It was tranquil, something they had yet to experience as a couple.



"What made you stick by me in the hospital?"

Cassie looked awestruck at hearing the question, "Why do you even need to ask that?"

Tina turned away, "I don't know. Anyone else would have."

"I'm not just anyone. I'm your partner."

"No-one would have thought any less if you had of done."

"Perhaps not. But I love you, and quite frankly, I don't want to be without you."

Tina smiled. The words had warmed her. And she didn't want to be without her either, not for one second. She leant across and kissed her.

"I quite fancy going out on the lake," said Cassie, a smile forming across her face, "Care to join me?"

Tina smiled back, "Yes, I think I shall."

The pair got up and headed across to the rowing boat area where you could loan one out for a couple of hours. They paid a small fee, lower than usual as they stay in the local hotel, and then bought some small snacks, before they were helped out by a rather tired looking old man. Tina began rowing first, and Cassie sorted out some food they had brought with them behind her.

"In all honesty," she began, "I didn't think I'd be doing physical labour on my holiday."

Cassie didn't reply but began scuffling behind Tina. "Tina! I'm soaking wet back here!"

"Cassie, there are people around!"

"No! Not that! We're sinking!"

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April 22nd

Tina was busy packing up clothes as Cassie walked back into the room. “Hey sweetie,” she said before heading over to Tina.

Paid the bill?” asked Tina, smiling as she got a kiss on the cheek.

Yep. All paid for and done.

Tina smiled, “Thank you. Now get your arse moving and pack your stuff.

Don’t boss me around, lady.

So what are we going to be doing when we get back?” asked Cassie, before she hurled her case onto the bed next to Tina’s. “Sadly I’ve got work the day after we get back. I’ll most likely end up sleeping through the whole day when we get back.

Sounds like you’re going to have a lot of fun,” joked Tina before she closed her case.

Shush you. Anyway, I’m quite looking forward to getting back to work. Apparently John has been snowed under and is happy for me to be getting back.

I am extremely excited to get to St Mirren. Do you think we will need to move?

Of course we won’t. You could easily travel there by car every day to be honest.

I think I will. Anyway, it’s about time we left. You all ready?

Just one thing to get,” said Cassie before she leapt into the bathroom. She emerged seconds later with a neatly folder towel.

Cassie! You can’t steal a towel!

I’m not,” she replied before chucking one in Tina’s case, “We’re stealing towels.

Tina laughed as Cassie winked at her, “One day you’re going to get me in trouble.

One day,” she said with a cheeky smile.

Tina picked up her case and headed to the door before opening it. She proper it open with her foot before Cassie hauled hers out too. “I hate lugging these bloody things around,” she muttered as it banged against her foot.

Stop moaning,” said Tina as they went into the elevator.

They pressed to go to the ground floor, and made their way across reception as they prepared to leave. Tina took the keys out of her pocket and handed them to the snot faced receptionist they had met the first time they arrived.

Keys for room forty six, thank you.

The receptionist gave Tina a cheering smile, “Did you enjoy your stay?

Yes, thank you.

The pair stood eyeing each other with obvious hatred, “I’ll tell the cleaners to make extra work of cleaning your sheets.

Tina was furious, “What the hell are you trying to say?

Absolutely nothing madam.

Cassie had heard everything, and walked across when she saw Tina balling up her fist. “What is your problem?” asked Tina.

Like I said madam, nothing is.

Tina was about to hit her when Cassie stopped her, “Let me hit her!


Why? She hates us mainly because we’re having a relationship!

Just don’t hit her!


Because I am,” she said calmly before hitting the receptionist in the nose. She fell back before landing in her seat. Tina smiled and took Cassie’s hand.

We cause chaos no matter where we go.

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Thanks Manxie, Tina loves you too! I know tenthree, the pair can't keep themselves out of trouble! Entombed, thanks as ever. I guess soon we will find out!


April 24th – St Mirren vs. Rangers – Tennents Scottish Cup Semi Final

Having spent most of yesterday resting up, Tina and Cassie prepared to get ready to go see St Mirren play Rangers. This was the match that could inadvertently improve Tina’s season tenfold before it had even begun.

You ready?” she asked Cassie as she picked up her car keys.

Just about!” came back a yell from the bathroom.

Tina smiled. Cassie always took longer than Tina did to get ready, but she always looked beautiful. She rushed out of the bathroom and on the way down grabbed her bag and phone from the side. “Let’s go!” she said excitedly.

Tina followed her out of the door before realising a fatal mistake. It was raining. “Get in the car quick!

The pair pounded towards the car, and rushed in as soon as the doors were unlocked. “God sake. You can tell we are back in Scotland.

As always,” muttered Tina. She started the car up and they began the drive to Hampden Park. It didn’t take them too long, and they eventually found themselves entering Hampden Park.

This is what I call a real stadium,” said Cassie as they went in, “Reckon they’ve got latte’s here instead of the crap they served In Almondvale?

Tina mocked being hurt, “How could you offend the Livingston coffee?

Extremely easily,” muttered Cassie as she handed her ticket to the attendant in the booth. He ripped half of hers off and then Tina’s before opening the gate. They walked through, and were shown where to go by a steward. The stadium had already nearly packed out, and the atmosphere was buzzing. The pair took their seats, and had just five minutes before the teams came out.

How does it feel knowing that you are going to be managing these guys next season?

Tina smiled, “I think it’s going to be awesome. I never expected to be managing a top league side.

I always knew you could,” said Cassie.

Tina didn’t reply as she watched the two teams shake hands. They would be on television, and as such, the whole affair was an extremely busy one. Tina almost got a fright when a hand touched her shoulder.

Hello Tina. I’m glad you came.

Stewart Gilmour stared back at her, “Forgive me for saying this,” replied Tina, “But I’ll assume you’re Stewart?

He smiled at the question, “I certainly am.

Well it’s a pleasure to meet you.

After the game, hang back, and we can have a chat about your contract if you like?

Tina smiled, but inside she was exceedingly excited, “That would be great.

Stewart smiled before sitting back in his seat. Tina looked forward, but could feel a pair of eyes burning into her from the right. She turned to see Cassie with a broad smile on her face, “Yes?

Nothing,” she said before looking towards the game that was just about to kick off.

And so it did. St Mirren kicked off, with Billy Mehmet passing back to Garry Brady, who then hoofed it god knows where.

Tina frowned, “He hasn’t got a prayer of doing that when I get into that hotseat.

Cassie just laughed.

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The first ten minutes of the game saw constant fluctuations between a worthless long ball tactic and an accurately poor direct formation. St Mirren were the stronger side though, and Rangers struggled to get past full backs Ross and Camara with any varying degree of success.

This isn’t very exciting,” muttered Cassie as she sipped a coffee.

It’s only just begun sweetie,” replied Tina, shaking her head but smiling.

A chance fell to Rangers just before the twenty minute mark, Kris Boyd breaking the backline but upon being forced out wide by Ross, had to cross instead. He picked out Novo delightfully but the Spaniard sent his header well wide. A collective oooooo rang out around Hampden.

That was too close,” said Gilmour from behind the two girls.

Rangers began to press more and more as time went on, but it would not be them who broke the deadlock. A superb long ball from Mendes was not received well by Boyd, which allowed Ross to sneak it off him. He sent a pass down to Mehmet, who then turned and played it to the open Wyness.

Come on!” yelled Tina as Wyness bore down on goal. The striker somehow clobbered past Hemdani before striking the ball with his left foot. It skewed across the goal line, but the fact it was mishit prevented McGregor from reaching it. It rolled past him into the goal, and Hampden Park’s Paisley faithful exploded into joy.

Tina, Cassie, Gilmour and everyone in the director’s seating were up on their feet. Hugs and kisses went everywhere, including a very large built man almost seeing Christmas come early when he turned to see Cassie next to him. She saw his intentions “Don’t even think about it,” she said with a demonic glare.

Suitably rejected, he turned the other way. As the celebrations finished, Cassie felt the grip from Tina tighten. “Can you believe I might manage in Europe next season!” she said excitedly.

Cassie rolled her eyes, “Yes! It’s all you keep mentioning!

Tina smiled, “Just checking you’ve been listening.

The game continued to go Rangers’ way despite them actually being a goal down, and before long, their pressure paid off. A long ball from Hemdani found no-one it was intended for, but a poor defensive clearance from Camara saw it land at the feet of Thomson, who rifled a twenty yard effort past Paul Gallacher in goal, who subsequently set off on a march to blame Camara for his awful clearance.

Everyone sat around Tina sighed and shouted in unison. Camara would be a hated figure if he cost St Mirren a spot in Europe next season.

I’m sure they can pull back in front,” said an optimistic Cassie.

Tina smiled, “I truly hope so.

But they didn’t. Five minutes before the break and Rangers extended their influence over the game with alarming ease. Andy Dorman lost possession in the centre of midfield to Pedro Mendes who pumped an excellent ball through to Kris Boyd. The temperamental striker took one touch before slotting past the bewildered Gallacher, who was furious again to see he had no defenders he could actually rely on.

Cassie looked at Tina and saw the disappointment. “Keep the faith?

Just a few minutes later and the whistle was blown for half time. Right now, St Mirren wouldn’t be in Europe next year.

Cassie was out of ideas, “Keep the faith a little longer?

Rangers 2 (Thomson 30, Boyd 40)

St Mirren 1 (Wyness 24)

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Thanks so much SWalton. Love comments like that :)


As the half time interval came to an end, everyone began to retake their seats. St Mirren fans were despondent about their chances of overturning the deficit they found themselves facing, and Rangers fans were of the same impression. Tina sat back down with a fresh and hot coffee, while Cassie stuffed her face with crisps.

Do you never tire of eating?” asked Tina, while she sipped her coffee.

“Nope, never,” she replied through a mouthful of one of the most noisy snacks around.

Tina smiled, before the players came back out. A minute or two later, and the action had resumed. The Rangers fans were happy in singing, whilst the Mirren fans continued to be nonchalant. “Do you think they can turn this around?” Cassie said to Gilmour, as she turned to him.

I hope so,” he said before yelling, “WE COULD REALLY DO WITH SOME LUCK!

Tina laughed at the hands on nature of her new chairman. Cassie just rolled her eyes as if to say to her ‘Is he mad?

Rangers came closest to securing the all important next goal, a mistake by Hugh Murray letting Mendes play a ball out to Beasley. His run was impossible to stop, and that was evident when he skipped past two defenders before sending a shot only just wide of Gallagher’s nearest post. The Rangers fans sighed in disappointment, while a collective breath of relief came from the Mirren fans.

Come on!” yelled Gilmour, “You can do this!”

And by god he was right. Sixty minutes in, and Mirren had regained some of the tempo of play. A wider game had been opted for by MacPherson in the second half, and by god it was working. Full backs Papac and Whittaker were having a lot of trouble coping with veteran Allan Johnston and Stephen O’Donnell causing a lot of trouble. A whole lot more than they were afforded in the first half. Eventually it paid off.

A wide ball from Murray picked out Johnston, who sent the ball through Whittaker’s legs. He then crossed it in to find an unmarked Wyness in the box. He needed no invitation to slot it past McGregor and seal the equalising goal. The stadium exploded with noise. The Rangers fans were simply annoyed with manager Stoichkov, who had employed a slightly defensive approach for the last fifteen minutes.

We’ve done it!” yelled Gilmour. Tina kissed Cassie. They were close now. And St Mirren were beginning to now smell blood. This could be taken right from under Stoichkov’s nose.

The game now took on a scrappy nature as Mirren pushed for the winner and Rangers sat back to evaluate their options, or at least wait for a decision from their manager. Neither came so quickly, so the chances fell to Mirren. Wyness missed a sitter that would have seen him grab his hat-trick while Camara also sent a perfect headed chance wide.

Come on!” became the yell of everyone sat in the directors box. The clock ticked down, and with every second that passed the thought of a replay began to beckon.

But one man had different ideas. Dennis Wyness took the ball from Murray and midfield and went on a run that would have made Maradona proud. After taking the ball past Hemdani he beat Papac with ease before bearing down on goal. This was it. The clock said eighty nine minutes. The chance said winner.

Wyness only had to beat McGregor. But he didn’t. He was hauled down as he tried to round the Rangers man, and the whole crowd drew its breath. Three seconds is a long time in football. But the whistle came, and a penalty was given.

Send him off!” yelled Gilmour and his associates, but it was only yellow.

The players all conversed, before Mehmet emerged from the throng with the ball. He placed the ball on the spot, and after a short run fired it at McGregor. The Scotsman got a hand to the poor penalty, but it bobbled over the line to send Mirren in front.

Yes! Yes! Yes!” yelled Gilour from behind. He leapt the seats to hug Tina, Cassie and everyone else in the director’s area.

Rangers gave up after the goal, and the whistle blowing just four minutes later was a god send to the ears of Stoichkov. He may have led them to the top of the SPL, but he couldn’t take them past a resilient St Mirren in the cup. They were booed off the pitch.

For some reason though, the players stayed on the pitch, and MacPherson went to join them with a microphone in hand.

Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to make an announcement. As you know, I will be leaving at the end of the season, and my replacement is in the crowd. Welcome her with the open arms you gave me. Tina Powell!

The crowd cheered and clapped as every eye turned on her. She felt herself go red before Gilmour popped up behind her.

I think now is the best time for you to scarper and run over this contract,” he said with a broad smile.

Rangers 2 (Thomson 30, Boyd 40)

St Mirren 3 (Wyness 24, 60, Mehmet pen90)

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Thanks a lot guys. Celtic - the A.I. played the game out on my previous version on FM09 that I managed to holiday through without it crashing. Entombed I think this post answers your question! This post is for Salkster, who was so desperate for more! Haha :D


Gilmour led Tina through the steps, and Tina was pretty thankful for the escape from the embarrassment that MacPherson had surprisingly given her. She had left Cassie in the more than capable hands of the other directors, though she guessed she would more likely make her way outside for more food.

Here it is,” said Gilmour before he pushed a contract along the table. At that point a sweaty but elated MacPherson made his way into the office too.

Congratulations on the win, Gus,” said Tina.

That was for you, Tina. Consider the European football a gift from me to you on your new job.

Tina smiled, “It’s a darn good gift. I’m sure Gilmour is happy with that, too.

Gilmour turned around after signing his part on the contract, “Damn right I am. European football will be back in Paisley for the first time since...

The nineteen eighty eight UEFA Cup Winners’ Cup,” replied MacPherson.

I’m impressed, Gus.

Thank you Tina.

She smiled at him, before being beckoned over by Gilmour, “Right, Tina. We’re offering you what we said on the phone. One thousand nine hundred a week, for two years, with the contract set to end in two thousand and eleven.

Tina smiled, “That is fine with me. It’s just like we arranged.

Gilmour nodded, “One extra thing though. We are going to be the favourites for the drop next season, for sure. So for that reason, your contract, and any players you sign will have it agreed in their contracts that their wages will go down by twenty five percent upon relegation. Is that fair with you?

Tina nodded, “I can understand that. So what will you be expecting from me next season, as in goals wise?

For now we’re just expecting to keep staying clear of relegation. A decent little stint in Europe wouldn’t go a miss, but it is by no means a priority.

Transfer funds?

You will get four million pounds to play with.

Gus nearly choked, “Whoa, whoa. Where on EARTH did you muster up four million pounds?

Gilmour smiled, “Still excited to be leaving for Southampton then?

Gus laughed, “You got me good.

Four million pounds is a hell of a lot, Stewart. You sure you trust a woman with such a large amount of cash?

Don’t worry; you won’t get to touch it. It’s there in principle.

They all laughed, and then Tina read through the contract again before picking up the pen. She signed her name where needed, and then handed it back to Gilmour.

Then that’s it. I shall be ready to take up the reigns from Gus on the thirtieth of June.

Gilmour nodded, and offered his hand out, “Going to be a pleasure, Tina.

Tina smiled, before shaking Gus’ hand too, “Anything I need to know about?

Not really,” he replied, before turning to her head on. “There is one thing though.”

“Go on.

It’s pretty big.

Tina began to look slightly worried, “What is it?

You need to make sure you push the door to your office pretty hard. It sticks quite a lot.

Tina gave him an evil stare before hitting him on the arm, “I’ll take it under consideration."

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Thanks as ever guys. Salk, you is very impatient boy :D I have however now taken the decision to push the story along to get to the actual beginning of Tina's reign. Apologies if you feel that the jump is hefty, but it is something I saw as right to do.


Tuesday 30th June 2009

Tina stood at the entrance of St Mirren Park for the first real time as manager. Her contract began today, and to say she was nervous was a bloody understatement. Cassie had work so couldn’t come with her, which was disappointing for Tina, but she was ready for this. Gilmour came out to meet her, and was smiling. She hadn’t seen him since the cup semi final in April, but had been in contact with him.

Tina! It’s great to see you!

He shook her hand firmly, “Thank you, Stewart. I am so excited to finally be here. Is Gus still here?

Gilmour nodded, “Yes he is. Come with me.

Tina smiled before they headed into the stadium corporate facilities. The little stadium looked excellent inside, and was really well set up and smart in style. They passed the reception where a oldish, blonde lady was sat typing away. She smiled at Tina, seemingly knowing who she was and why she was here.

That’s Jackie,” said Gilmour after spotting the smile from her, “She will be your secretary.

Tina turned back on herself and headed back to the secretary, offering her hand out to Jackie. “Nice to meet you, Jackie. I look forward to working with you.

The secretary smiled, and looked seemingly humbled at such a tender gesture. She was most likely not used to such acts, usually working under snotty business men who couldn’t spare time for any niceties.

Thank you Miss Powell,” she replied.

Tina, please.

Jackie nodded, before Gilmour smiled and motioned for Tina to follow him up the stairs. As they made their way to Gus’s office, they ran into his assistant manager. Andy Millen stood with a bag of footballs slung over his shoulder. The forty four year old veteran smiled at the sight of his new manager.

You must be Tina,” he said, before wiping his hand on his shirt and then offering it out.

That’s me,” replied Tina. “It’s nice to meet you Andy.

How did you know I was Andy?

Tina smiled, “I know a lot of things.

The veteran defender smiled in reply, “Well, I must get these down to the training pitch. Will you be joining us later?

Tina nodded, “Yeah, I’ll be along soon.

Come along, Tina. Gus waits, as does that UEFA Cup draw. And I, for one, am intrigued as to who we will get.

Tina smiled. She had looked forward to this moment ever since the club knew they were going to be participating in Europe. St Mirren went on to win the Scottish Cup, beating Falkirk by two goals to one in the final, Billy Mehmet grabbing the brace. They also finished a respectable 9th in the league, the fans hailing Gus for leading them to one of the best seasons they could have had. The pair made their way into Gus’s office, where he was sat with his laptop.

Tina!” he yelled as she came in, “Excellent to see you!

Thank you, Gus. Has the draw begun yet?”

Not yet. Take a seat, and I’ll link the computer to the screen.

As Gus set about doing what he said, Tina and Gilmour took a seat. ”It’s starting now,” said Gus, before sitting with them.

The sound wasn’t working correctly, but they could see everything. Icelandic side Keflavik had just been given a tie against Albanian’s Dinamo Tirana. The mere mention of the word Albania made both men look at Tina, but she pretended to have not noticed.

St Mirren of Scotland will play...

Come on...” muttered Tina.

Dacia Chisinau of Moldova.

Tina frowned, “Who?

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FC Dacia Chişinău is a Moldovan football club that plays at the Stadionul Dinamo in the capital, Chişinău. Nicknamed The Yellow-Blues or The Wolves, the club qualified for the 2005-06 UEFA Cup qualifying rounds by finishing third in the Moldovan league the previous season. In 2007, they reached the third round of the UEFA Intertoto Cup after beating FK Baku and FC St. Gallen in penalties, and eventually drawing 1-1 with Hamburg SV but losing on 4-0 at the Hamburg Arena.

Colours are (Home) yellow shirts, blue shorts. (Away) - blue-grey shirts, dark blue shorts.

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Thanks Dalbe!


Gus typed away furiously on his laptop to find out just who Dacia Chisinau were, and before long, Wikipedia offered him the perfect answer.

They played in the Moldovan capital Chisinau,” relayed Gus, speaking as he read.

Gilmour frowned, “I didn’t even know Chisinau was the capital.

Nor me,” said Tina, “But then surely this means we have a very winnable tie?

She’s right Stewart. But then there is also that pain in the backside of having to travel to Moldova for the return tie.

Are we home first?” asked the chairman.

Yes, as we came out of the hat first.

Is there anything else about Dacia, Gus?

Not really. But they did finish second in their league last season, so I’d hazard a guess that they be a fairly decent outfit.

Stewart frowned, “But winnable for us?

Gus glanced towards Tina, “For her? God yeah.

Gilmour seemed relieved, “Well the away tie is on the twenty second, so I better get booking the flights.

A knock at the door brought everyone’s attention from Moldova and Chisinau. Valter Berlini stood, in tracksuit, at the door.

Tina!” he boomed, before giving her a massive hug.

Great to see you Valter. I’m coming down to training now. Andy Millen is already there.

Gus intercepted them before they left, “Tina, keep hold of Andy. He is an excellent guy to have around.

Tina nodded, before leaving with Valter. They made their way to the car park, where a team coach was waiting. Not every player was there, but a fair few of them were.

As Tina and Valter got on board, the players became quiet. It had been, in truth, the first time they had met Tina up close. “Hey guys. I just wanted to say a quick word before we set off. I know it’s the first time we have met, and as such I would like to get to know you all better. But it’s a great pleasure to be here. I’m certain we will get along just fine.

The players smiled at her, seemingly impressed she took the time out to say hello at that precise moment.

David Barron turned to midfielder Paul Quinn, “By god she’s hot.

Quinn laughed, “Firstly, she is nine years your elder. She would eat you up for lunch. Secondly, she is your manager. Even if she was interested, she would most likely not make an effort.

Like you every training session then, Barron, not making any effort!” yelled Dennis Wyness from behind Quinn. “Quinny is right, she’d destroy you.

Shut up guys,” muttered Barron.

Valter took a seat in front of the boys, “Two words of advice, kid.

Barron nodded, “Firstly, never discuss Tina like that. Think of her as a man. It would be much easier for you if you did. Second, your boys next to you are right. She would eat you alive. Never get on the wrong side of her. Now, who are you guys?

Quinn and Wyness almost pi*sed themselves at Barron’s face, before introducing themselves to their new assistant manager. Tina sat down on the coach, but the doors opened again before it set off. Mairi McPhail stood, panting, physio bag in hand. Tina smiled before moving up a seat to let her sit down next to her.

Am I glad you’re here, Mairi.

Barron saw McPhail sit down next to Tina, "Jesus, there is two of them!"

Quinn, Wyness and Valter just rolled their eyes.

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For just looking in Dalbe :)


The whole event of heading to the training ground had been what can only be described as a disaster. After learning on the team coach, that there was no actual training ground as of yet, Tina was shocked. They ended up taking a stop at a local park, and set up there to train. Andy had told Tina of how it had been like this for awhile, especially before he arrived at the club in 2003.

Tina watched as the players trained in front of her, while Andy Millen and Stuart Balmer gave her the lowdown on her newly inherited squad. At current Tina had two options for the goalkeeping shirt. The better option, in hers and her assistants’ eyes, was Paul Gallacher (29). Paul had started his career with in Scotland with Dundee, but an unsuccessful trip to England saw him return with Dunfermline. Physically he wasn’t at his peak, if he ever had been, but he could hold his own. That made him a prime asset, and as such, he wouldn’t need replacing for now. Just behind him is Mark Howard (22), the former Arsenal trainee. He is only 22, seven years younger than Gallacher, but also lacks experience. He was, however, the first choice last season, making an impressive 34 appearances between the sticks.

Tina need be slightly worried about her right back position. She had a fine player to take the spot in the form of veteran Jack Ross (33). The 33 year old enjoyed a good season with Mirren last term, and as such sealed the right sided spot for his own needs. But there was a disturbing lack of backup for him, with the only player being David Barron (21). Barron is fairly decent, but the coach reports on him seem to vary and as such seems like being second to Ross is the best thing for him right now. Ross most likely has two seasons left in him, so Barron has roughly that amount of time to improve.

The left side, however, was a different story. Mo Camara (34) was the only recognised left back currently on the first team list. And he’s getting on. He isn’t even all that good, but for now, he is all Tina has. His physicality, aged 34, is fairly good, but as such he has never been the most technical of players. He’s good in a dead ball situation though, and that could prove useful. The only other (albeit temporary) option for left back is left winger Stephen Robb (27). His tackling, as expected, is woeful, but in all honesty could probably hold his own against weaker sides, especially if allowed to make runs forward.

Tina also had some problems at centre back, much to her annoyance. Lee Mair (28) is her best option, and after having a fairly okay couple of seasons with Aberdeen, is most likely going to be first choice until someone else comes along. His tackling is average as are the rest of his defensive skills, but for now he will suffice. Her two other options are John Potter (29) who has been solid for the past three seasons, and Chris Innes (32), of who Tina already shares a history. Both Potter and Innes are okay players, but age is against Innes. Age isn’t on the side of any of them sadly, and as such, replacements will need to come to St Mirren Park. The other option? Andy Millen (44). Enough said.

The right wing poses yet another problem for the coming season. There are NO options there at all. The only player in the first team capable of playing on the right is Stephen O’Donnell (25). At best he could perform a fairly decent job on the wing, but is not the man you would prefer as first choice. This position needs definitive rebuilding.

The left wing is better equipped for the meanwhile, youth and experience both backing up the best option of Tom Brighton (25). Tom’s career hasn’t really got off the ground, but the skills are definitely there, perhaps needing just a toning up. His young back up comes in the form of former Livingston target Sean Burns (17), who can also play as a striker. He is a great talent, who is also being sought after by a few high profile clubs. The old and veteran option is an excellent choice for Tina, and great to have around. Allan Johnston (35) has bags of experience at different levels of football including Premier League and French football.

Central midfield is one area of the team that is actually well equipped with enough options for Tina not to worry about it. The best of the five options and most likely to start against Elgin are Hugh Murray (30) and Andy Dorman (27). Hugh is a club legend, having begun his career with the Paisley club and making over 300 appearances. Andy has also become a massive hero to St Mirren fans after his transfer from New England, his ten goals last season making an instant impact. Tina’s other three options, Steven Thomson (31), Garry Brady (32) and Stephen McGinn (20). All three players could dislodge the favourite two, providing that they apply themselves well in training.

Up front, Mirren look slightly thin. While they have a decent set of strikers, they’re just isn’t sufficient backup. Dennis Wyness (32), Billy Mehmet (25) and Michael Higdon (25) all had pretty woeful goal scoring records last season, and to be honest, weren’t up to scratch. A striker or two will definitely need drafting in, if only to keep these three on their toes. The three have the ability and talent to score goals though, something that needs milking out of them.

Tina sighed, “We’re looking slightly thin, to be honest.

Valter nodded in response, “We need a couple of centre backs, a left back, a couple of right wingers and some strikers. At least, that’s how it looks.

The more pressing matter is depth. If we’re even going to hope of competing in Europe this season, then we will need some additions. More than if it was just a normal season.

Better get the scouts sent out. We need to get moving because I for one am not heading into the UEFA Cup half cocked.

Valter smiled, but Tina hushed him, “Get the scouts to come to my office tomorrow. You be there too, you can help out.

I would but one slight problem... We only have one scout.

Tina frowned, “Deja vu.

"Well, we better get a move on and try to find another to employ. In the meantime bing the one we do have in."

"He's called Ian Ross."

"Right. Tell him, if possible, to get down here right away."

Valter nodded, before wandering off, mobile phone in hand. Something struck Tina, "Valter! I've got another couple of calls for you to make!"

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Most of the day had already passed now, Tina and the lads making their return just over an hour ago. Sat in front of Tina was the only scout currently on the books of St Mirren. Ian Currie has been at Mirren for two years, having joined from Rangers in 2007. He had arrived at nearly the same time as the team bus did. As he sat, he surveyed Tina, but couldn’t quite work her out.

Ian,” she said, before looking at Valter, “We need you to leave immediately.

Ian looked shocked, “Are you firing me? Well you didn’t take long to get your claws in,” he muttered.

Excuse me, Ian, but I am NOT firing you. So I’d kindly appreciate it if you took back the claw comment,” she snapped back.

Ian was humbled, well and truly. “What do you want me to do then?

Your job, Ian. We desperately need to get some players into the club, so we need you to head straight out as soon as.

Ian nodded, “I am currently scouting the Scottish under eighteen leagues. Where do you want me to go?

Well Gilmour never mentioned it, but are there any limits on where you can go?

No Tina, the scouts are free to go where they are sent by the manager.

A broad grin formed across Tina’s face. “The best news I’ve had all day. Now I know that you are the only scout on the staff, so I was wondering how much you would like some assistance and co-workers.

I’d love to have someone to work with. It would make my workload much lighter,” he said before stretching.

Can you think of anyone who would be happy to come and work here? We need people relatively fast, and to be honest, I’d take first option on anyone you could recommend.

Ian sat there deep in thought, seemingly racking his brain for anyone that would come to mind. The answer came, however, from what Tina viewed as an unlikely source.

I may know someone,” piped Valter from behind Ian.

Who might that be then?

Erich Beer.

Did you just say you wanted a rich beer?

Valter rolled his eyes, “No, no , no. His name is Erich Beer and he’s a German scout. We used to work together at Bari.

Reckon he would be up for joining?

Valter gave it a thought for a second, “I don’t see why not. Last time we spoke he wasn’t in work, so I guess anything would be welcoming for him.

Tina nodded, “Get in touch then. And Ian, go speak to finance. They’ll sort out your travel to South America. From there it is up to you where you go, but I’d like to you to start in Peru because there’s a player there who I’d like you to take a look at. And Valter, did you make those calls that I asked you to?

The Italian smiled, “Yeah. They’re coming across with their agents in the next few days.

Well then, I think we have had a productive first day at the helm. Time to go home, I think. I could do with a cuddle from my beloved.

Sounds like a plan, apart from the cuddle part. I’ve got a lovely scotch on the rocks waiting for me.

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Wednesday 1st July 2009

You ready to meet the media, Tina?

Tina sighed before nodding, “Yeah, pretty much. I know all the questions they are going to ask before we even get there.

They wouldn’t be the media if you couldn’t predict them,” smiled Gilmour.

Tina smiled in return before following Gilmour down to the Media Room. It wasn’t that big, but it was better than what Livi had at Almondvale. There was quite an array of reporters present, something Tina hadn’t really banked on. “Am I really this popular?” she muttered as she took a seat in the middle of the table, flanked by Gilmour and Valter.

Gilmour waved for the questions to be asked, “Tina!” yelled a man from the front, “BBC Radio Five Live,” said, offering his Dictaphone up to record her answer, “Is it a dream come true to be managing in the highest league?

Tina smiled, “I think this is an extraordinary chance for Valter and myself to be here. Managing in the SPL is something I dreamt of last year, and to be here with this Mirren is pretty awesome.

Hans Jorgen, World Soccer Magazine. Last year you defied the odds to become a fairly successful female manager with Livingston. But still being the only female in the game shows that sexism is still fairly present in football?

I would agree with that. Women aren’t given the same chances, even if there are some excellent female managers in the female game. I personally think Hope Powell should be given a chance in the men’s game, as her excellent management of the female England side has shown she has just as much skill as men in the male game.

Do you think that will make it hard on yourself, being the only woman? The pressure to do well and show that you can do it is surely going to have an effect on you?” asked The Sunday Mail’s correspondent.

Tina smiled, “I thrive on the pressure.

Martin Salkeld, Sky Sports News. I’m a big fan of you Tina, and was wondering how you would go about your business in the transfer market? Mirren only just managed to stay up last season, and surely you’ll be expected to strengthen in nearly every position?

Thanks Martin. I followed your work on supporting a small club in the low rungs of English football. In the transfer market you are right, we do need to strengthen. We have some good players here, but the depth just isn’t enough. And as such, being in Europe means we need to also prepare for that with a few extra players. I have some people in mind to bring in, but as such, no plans in motion to do so. I’ve only been in the job two days!

Her response brought a slight chuckle from the people present, Gilmour himself smiling at how Tina handled herself.

The Sunday Mail man stood up again, “Some reports claim you have made moves to bring in former Livingston midfielder Alejandro Caiaffa and Celtic youngster Charlie Grant. Any truth in these?

I have absolutely no interest in signing Charlie Grant. I know nothing of him, and to be honest, I wouldn’t sign anyone on the basis of word of mouth. As for Alej, I would love to bring him to Mirren. We spoke to his agent and they are coming across to talk about a possible deal.

As the questions ended the reporters made their way out, leaving Tina and the two boys. “That went well. But I have to ask; who leaked the information on Caiaffa? I would really be miffed if I lost out on him because someone sneaked an offer in.

The pair looked at each other and shrugged, “It wasn’t either of us.

Tina sighed, “Hopefully it won’t cause us to miss out on bringing him here. Which reminds me Stewart. That player I asked you to talk to, did you manage to?

Gilmour nodded, “His agent requested three grand a week, and as per your instructions, I offered one and a half.

Let’s see how he takes it then,” said Tina, before the journalist Martin Salkeld came back in.

I just wondered if it would be possible to get your autograph. The boys in the office would be extremely jealous, and couldn’t miss the opportunity to ask.

Tina smiled before taking the pen and paper off him, “Sure,” she replied, before scrawling her name for him.

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