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Ram or processor?

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Careful: Judging a processor's speed by its clock speed is kind of like trying to guess the maximum speed of a car by how much PS it has. That works nicely for advertising as people assume that the higher the numbers the faster the computer must be. But that doesn't work quite as easily. It sounds like the second option could be faster, but without knowing the model it is impossible to tell. Only processors of the exact same type can be compared purely by their clock speed. For everything else there is often quite a big of a difference: number of CPU cores, type of processor which determines roughly how quickly they can calculate per clock cycle (some types need significantly more Mhz to be as fast as others with less), etc.

There's also another thing to consider if you want to go 3D, and that is the video solution of each of the options available.

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Core-i5 processor looks like a better choice for FM :)

Why because it's an i5 processor?

Both the i5 processor and the i3 processor the above laptops are almost identical.

I'd go with the laptop that has the i3 processor as it has more RAM.

Or look for a better laptop with an i5 quad core processor for around the same price.

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