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HopOnBaby last won the day on July 10 2023

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2,689 "Hasta la vista, baby"

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  1. The Nunez/Klopp bit is especially fun, given the conversation in the FPL thread right now
  2. It's like the fans whose idea of a protest is to march from a pub they were going to anyway over to a stadium they were going to anyway.
  3. 48 teams, yeah; it's just how to arrange them once they're in the hat.
  4. Watched every game I've been able to (two or three I was busy for) and loved what happened on the pitch. Totally understand why some didn't want to watch, but I'm glad I didn't miss it.
  5. True, A and B weren't as goal-a-minute, but both Senegal and the US managed to turn around their positions in the group to qualify, while France losing is always fun and it was a lovely moment for Australia to get through.
  6. Pretty much every group built to a crescendo - is it just recency bias, or are final matches not usually so routinely exciting?
  7. Very much this, and for those who haven't had the pleasure, here you go.
  8. How about taking inspiration from the Champions League and going for a Swiss system? Eight groups of six, with 12 top seeds, 12 second seeds, 12 third and 12 fourth, i.e. two from each pot per group. Then you play three games about one team from each of the other pots. So, if you're a top seed, you'd play one of the seconds, one of the thirds and one of the fourths. Once each team has played their three games, the top of the table go straight through, with second playing third, i.e. 2A v 3B, 3B v 2A, etc From there, straight knockout. Eight games instead of seven for 16 of the teams, but hopefully the final matchday should still have plenty riding on it.
  9. He seemed pretty certain about it, but we'll see what occurs. Will feel a little odd - very 90s MLS. That said, if they make it a 35-yard-shootout, I'm up for it.
  10. One of the commentators on this afternoon's games mentioned that there will be no draws in the 2026 group stage - all games will go to penalties if drawn after 90 minutes.
  11. We're nearly there, lads - Monday is our final 10-1-4-7 day. From Tuesday on, it's 3pm and 7pm, so we can start to work/see people/live our lives again!
  12. Only saw about the first half hour of France v Australia due to going to a comedy night and all of Belgium v Canada due to going for a meal. Won't see Belgium v Morocco or a fair amount of Croatia v Canada tomorrow due to playing. Wish I'd missed England v USA
  13. Seems like you don't use Twitter, but you get served up trending topics that can give views that you wouldn't see otherwise. Also, friends seeing such views and sharing them to show their disgust/disbelief.
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