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Marc Vaughan

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799 "If you build it, he will come"


  • Member Title
    Sports Interactive Developer


  • Biography
    Head of Handheld Development at SI, sorry not on twitter these days

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    Melbourne, FL


  • Interests
    Helping to make Football Manager Mobile and Football Manager Touch /Console, eating, sleeping

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    Eastbourne Boro

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  1. Would you mind emailing me your save game is you're finding it 'that' easy I'd be interested in taking a look at your save (marc.vaughan@sigames.com) - thanks
  2. Dangers of capitalism - if this is the one where the developer is basically asset stripping your club then if you pander to him too much then you're seen as his lackey and are likely to be sacked when someone comes in to save the club. This might be a tad harsh and I'll double check how its handled later today (as this should only happen if you're not doing awesome).
  3. England has a bank holiday today - I expect Mike or someone will get back to you tomorrow (I'd try and help but tbh importing saves isn't something I do often myself so I'm not the best person to talk you through this).
  4. There is an explanation of how to transfer save games between devices in the FAQ on this site - How to transfer save games
  5. First time I've heard anything along these lines - if you can send in your save game then it'd help us ascertain what has happened (and potentially fix it for your save game).
  6. Can you examine your devices file structure and send us some of the files from your save game area if possible - tbh if they aren't displaying then it is likely they are corrupt/not complete and that might indicate that there are faulty sectors on your device or another issue which is causing the game not to complete saving correctly (presuming you've got the latest updates and its still occuring).
  7. That is (as in real-life) something that can happen ... players with low work-rate will tend to drop off from pressing if they feel tired ... or if they are unprofessional, just might not 'feel like its their job' if they're attackers etc. ... Ideally pressing players need high work-rate, stamina and good positioning ... which means that quite a few strikers won't be the most effective at it for obvious reasons (although pace can help).
  8. Sorry to hear that - the move to Netflix wasn't something which was done on an impulse and was to secure the future of the series, which it has done (with the game having more users than ever this year). Hopefully we'll entice you back one day.
  9. Is your national squad full? - there has to be space within it in order to call up a player, the other reason it might not be present is if your squad is locked because you're in a tournament or close to a match.
  10. Hi - with the team dynamics, simply put the personalities of the players in your team will lead to a certain dynamic within your dressing room ... for example if you have a lot of senior players who are unprofessional then your team will have an bad rating on the professionalism section of dynamics and you'll find youngsters will drift towards an unprofessional personality because they're following the example of the senior players, senior players might slack in training and be a bit more unprofessional in interactions with the media etc. To change a dynamic in a manner you want to either buy in more players with personalities which support the worldview you want to promote, teach the existing players to behave that way (though interactions with them, disciplinary measures etc.).
  11. I'll take a look into this, although (as always) any assistance that users can give will help us track down oddities and race conditions - for instance a save game from your save just before that award was given out would be a huge help.
  12. I'll have to double check later - but I think you're short of the requirements I'm afraid, not apart from anything else I think there is a time period limitation (ie. you can't get it THAT quickly).
  13. I'd recommend you post that suggestion on the FMT/C forums as this is for the Football Manager Mobile game.
  14. In the mobile version of the game you can only manage one team and can't add a second manager - if a lot of people request 'hot-seat' play when we'll consider adding it in a future version, but tbh it never seemed that popular when we last had it implemented.
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