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How much do you trust your coaches' star ratings?

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Do you trust your coaches star ratings of your squad?

I have some coaches with decent JA/JP. But I am trying to figure out if it is coincidence, my own reading of skills into players, or what when a 2 star MC seems to always be in the right place at the right time, get more assists, and more goals than the MC who is rated 3 stars. Same for a certain striker: He is rated 1.5 stars. Yet he always seems to be there for the critical rebound, seems to make things happen on the pitch, etc. much more than the striker rated 4 stars. He is also showing a value of $100K while my 4 star striker is showing a value of $45K.

Thoughts, experiences?

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More than most people, I expect. Either for "realism" or "laziness." So, I trust them but retain a veto.

All the intensive squad analysis systems I used on FM2010 pretty much came to the same conclusions as the staff.

With morale becoming more and more domminant, a question like "who's the best winger in the squad" is becoming irrelevent anyway.

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I trust all of my staff that has more than 16 in JPA/JPP, and more than 11 in LLM. Though, in lower leagues, the PA isn't so important, but I always take their evaluation under advice. Of course if I have to decide between a player who has 2.5 stars and another who has 3 stars I'll judge him by myself, but when a player has 1 star and other has 4 stars I trust my dear staff :)

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I prefer my own decision on a player based on his attribute depending on the role i want the player to play. however if you are lucky you can sign 3-4 staffs with good(15+) PA ability, check the PA with all these staff...

Staff are there to help us, but they must be coherent....

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It seems to me, when you actually own a player, the coaches will always end up being within half a star of each other. I'm Blyth, and the JPA/JCA figures of my coaches go from 3+4 through to 9+9, and they all have the same opinion. I think JCA and JPA are only used for scouting, as my ass man, who is JCA 3 JPA 4, is useless at scouting, but useful for assistant reports.

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It seems to me, when you actually own a player, the coaches will always end up being within half a star of each other. I'm Blyth, and the JPA/JCA figures of my coaches go from 3+4 through to 9+9, and they all have the same opinion. I think JCA and JPA are only used for scouting, as my ass man, who is JCA 3 JPA 4, is useless at scouting, but useful for assistant reports.

That is because the Coach can talk with each other and can be influenced by each other reports. However the individual report still retains the mark of the staff attribute distribution.

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I didn't trust my last Ass. Man. at all; he was 'orrid at it. The new guy is much better (being about a 10 point total improvement in combined CA/PA recognition). I think he's pretty likely to be in the neighborhood.

What was his principal Asst.Stats like mentality, tactical knowledge, PA, Players,etc;

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I take the star ratings to be a pretty good estimate at the CA and a reasonable estimate at PA, but at the end of the day CA isn't the be all and the end all. With various attribute allocation, mental and hidden attributes, it's very possible to have a striker of 150 CA perform better than one of 180 CA, which could represent a difference of 2 stars according to your coaches.

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I take the star ratings to be a pretty good estimate at the CA and a reasonable estimate at PA, but at the end of the day CA isn't the be all and the end all. With various attribute allocation, mental and hidden attributes, it's very possible to have a striker of 150 CA perform better than one of 180 CA, which could represent a difference of 2 stars according to your coaches.

Yep thats why I love this game, Its makes my skills superior to player I have....

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I trust them to a certain point. I signed the Norwegian Markus Henriksen for my Everton team as a player for the future and most likely my long term replacement for Arteta and every person on my Backroom Staff gave him at least a 4 star rating for potential ability and they all said he would be better than Arteta. I trust my staff here that I have made the right call in signing him as they all rate him so highly

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