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Everything posted by zachalxnder

  1. This has always been an issue though. It’s why Liverpool play Salah until he’s 40.
  2. This is why I keep asking for more examples. There are too many unknowns, like what you’ve asked. Plus, does it depend on the database you’ve loaded? How much is this a difference from past years?
  3. This is a good point. Also, some technical attributes are improving. In previous iterations of the game, as you pointed out, technique did not improve significantly. There is an argument to made that it is the physical attributes that should improve more significantly.
  4. I think they usually release hot fixes for things that do really impact the beta, which this would. There are always a few fixes for crashes. And I think there was one some year for people not being able to advance past a date.
  5. If you’re trying to do a youth save, might be worrisome. Don’t think you should stop if you’re having fun though. In theory, this is big enough of an issue that they should release a hot fix.
  6. I think it depends on how far into a save you get. Most development is usually around +3 points. There is some development in the game, but not at that level. I think if you’re around 3 years into a save, it will have a big effect.
  7. Think the update for the development bug should be a hot fix during the BETA to give an adequate idea of long-term playability
  8. I need hard data on the supposed technical development bug for a report. If you’ve got something to off, please PM.
  9. It will likely be fine. Nothing is ever truly game breaking.
  10. Currently at what you asked me to set them to, though those are the only changes
  11. Already reported and being looked into, just wanted to see if it was a problem for others
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