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Tony Wright 747

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519 "Wax on, wax off"


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    Athletic Club Bilbao (FM12)

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  1. FM07 was good if you are happy with 2D but IMO FM12 is still the best, so long as you ignore the known exploits
  2. I believe they said the second quarter April to June.
  3. looks like he tried a long shot having spotted the keeper off his line but totally messed it up
  4. I guess the alternative would be to delay release, which would bring it's own plethora of complaints, and I'm not sure they could do that anyway with their contractual obligations to Sega
  5. SI must have been watching Southampton play too much (too much passing at the back)
  6. How does the foul count compare to real life, they seem a little low to me.
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