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Everything posted by TCSSkin

  1. This has been fixed for an upcoming update
  2. You'll need to edit the colours using the in game editor It only works if you have Data Language set to English i believe
  3. I think the skyboxes are generated in real time, unfortunately the night sky box doesn't exist, its just a void
  4. post this here Im going to lock this thread as it was a place to show my work, not general matchday stuff discussion
  5. You're missing fonts and graphics, unfortunately theres no easy way to find what you need, apart from trawling through code
  6. Try mess with the Back of Shirt Style As you can see here when its set to Plain or Square for Number, its clear When its set to same as front
  7. In terms of getting skins to work, i can't say im entirely sure as I don't have gamepass or anything, you can try add this to skin_config and that may make it work, but i can't say for certain <boolean id="is_fmc_pc_skin" value="true" />
  8. go to the club screen, editor, edit kit details
  9. @FM DNA You have been told previously to keep everything in one post.
  10. No unfortunately i don't think it's possible to edit the text colour. The actual attribute colour strings relate to the attributes without mods
  11. Unfortunately we aren't able to assist with graphic issues here due to copyright issues Best bet would be one of the fan sites
  12. if you're playing on console its not possible to put graphics and skins on the console edition
  13. you might find a few scoreboards in other skins, but personally i'm not planning on making anymore or updating them
  14. just deleting the graphics would leave the attributes black and white, the use_attribute_colour_as_bg="true" has to be fully removed
  15. All threads merged into one. Please read, and follow the forum rules
  16. All threads merged into one. Please read, and follow the forum rules
  17. absolutely incredible work! i really need to get into editing the properties stuff, i never got round to it
  18. There was a thread a couple of years on getting the stadium picture to show on Nations with more than one stadium, can anyone remember how to do it?
  19. As Howie mentioned, when you're releasing skins, it's common courtesy to ask for permission if you're going to use something, i very rarely say no, the only time is if its going in a paid mod or its a full game thing taken with no changes. @GIMN has effectively given me a blanket waiver to use his stuff in my skins, I still ask every single time, because i know the time he's put in. I'm in the early stages of an update to TCS, and i've put about 15 hours of my free time in, that's time i could spend with my partner, time i could spend playing games or watching movies i've put on the back burner. Here's an interesting discussion about asking for permission we had a few months back
  20. No idea if it would work, but i'd go for <widget class="property_list_viewer_xml_panel" file="widgets/background picture label"> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/> </widget>
  21. for this one you'd likely have to increase then width of the container that has the logos in. This panel is awful to align stuff though, i've used the same one since 2014
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