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460 "They call it a Royale with cheese"


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    I live in Florida


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    BJJ, Axis & Allies, Marketing

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    Spennymoor -> West Brom

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  1. Agree. Both cartoonish faces and ridiculous names are bad. (Yes, we can use AI faces and edit names but we shouldn't have to compensate for such low standards).
  2. Indeed. Cock Monster?... It's this type of sh*t that devalues the game.
  3. The button is still there. Under My Profile/Retire, there are two options: immediately or end of season.
  4. Odd indeed. I posted on my joining Arsenal with a 17 million pound payroll budget per year. Something catastrophic seem to have happened to the club finances. After a season though, payroll budget went up to 250 million pounds per year.
  5. Thanks so much for your thoughts, I think you changed my mind. I'm glad it is not a glitch. In fact, the financial situation is not as catastrophic as it first seems: if I move all transfer budget to payroll, the deficit improves to minus 22 million pounds. This means I can sell a couple of expensive players and fix the club financially. On the pitch, the situation is quite dire though, with Arsenal on the 16th position and losing most matches... It is an interesting challenge indeed.
  6. I'm running West Brom with a 87 million pound payroll budget per year, and got an offer to go to Arsenal with a 17 (seventeen) million pound payroll budget per year (running with a deficit of 274 million pounds in salaries, but projected to make 969 million in profits in three years!! Whaaaa?!...). Is this a glitch or a rare financial challenge? As I look through financial data, it seems it could be either. The game year is 2033 (so, not in an outlandish future...). No, I'm not running any financial realism files. (If this is a glitch, I'm going to Roma instead, or maybe start a new save entirely)... Please see screenshots below and let me know your opinion. Thanks in advance.
  7. Thanks guys. I took your advice into practice, but as soon as I increased the intensity level of fit players (on green light), I start seeing more serious injuries... I reckon something in my broader training configuration is forcing me be more cautious with the Rest schedule... Thanks much anyways. Any other ideas/thoughts are appreciated.
  8. Too tiny to see, but he's hearing facial protective gear. It corresponds to his medical status indeed. Amazing...
  9. Thanks. I used to have this setup which is logical, and will give it a try again. in response - my setup seems counter-intuitive, but the logic is: I won't be using a super tired/recovering player in my matches, so I'll increase his training load. The opposite is also true, if a rested (green light) player is good for matches I don't want to overload him with training. Makes sense?
  10. How do you go about setting your training intensity in the Rest Page? I feel that if I go too low on intensity, my players won't get injured but won't develop skills much either. What's your optimal schedule? Thanks for sharing.
  11. Indeed, managers are somewhat involved in bringing/offloading players IRL but this is a qualitative conversation with the business team (for example, "how much I want that player on a scale: from indispensable, quite a lot, somewhat, a little, to don't bother...). FM allowing managers to arrange contract details is *not* realistic, but it's fun. (And you don't want to delegate it to AI staff to make stupid decisions anyways...) Likewise, managers shouldn't select jersey kits before matches, but the game often mixes up colors, and, two, it could be fun. As I said before, FM allows managers to make decisions on many topics in ways that do not follow real football practice, but these decisions are lots of fun anyways. Selecting jersey kits would be just one more possibility. But, hey, I'm not losing my sleep over this topic...
  12. If you don't mind matches where both teams wear the same color, good for you... No need to get pissy though... Peace.
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