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Olas Nick

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Everything posted by Olas Nick

  1. not sure about that. there is no time at all, maybe after the new year I will start adaptation for fm24
  2. for example, you can start by replacing the line class="inner_subtle_box" id="speB" appearance="boxes/custom/speech bubble/top/paper" red_replacement="bg lighter" on something like class="main_transparent _box" id="speB" or class="main_subtle _box" id="speB" editing specifically boxes/custom/speech bubble/top/paper is a bad idea because it might cause problems elsewhere
  3. you can not change the graphics, but change the container class to one that uses more transparent graphics, or create your own class and graphics with the required level of transparency
  4. I am almost sure that the full information about what happened was not provided. simply adding/removing graphics packages cannot produce a similar result.
  5. for one person it's just a titanic job and even playing in Spain I had to replace a lot of photos of cities and stadiums on my own because the existing ones are of terrible quality. did you consider putting the project somewhere on git so that people could suggest their changes, and you only approved or rejected them? I think in this way the quality of the set would increase many times, and the time for its support would decrease many times
  6. but why should it work? there is no constant league_conference_continental in fm23 maybe I just haven't unpacked new resources files for a long time?
  7. this is graphics but I don't remember exactly which one and I also couldn't achieve a satisfactory look on all panels related to cup draws
  8. yes. i simple added it to ignor list and don't follow it anymore
  9. As far as i know, he's just makes chaotic changes to a randomly selected skin, each time is different, and there is no talk of creating your own skin
  10. it's weird. I thought it was a well-known standard method used in news_items_panel
  11. it makes no sense, this page is called "attributes". not "statistics", not "overview", not "attributes and statistics". if there is a desire to repeat one of the main mistakes of most skins(cluttering the page with a lot of information just because there is free space for it), it is files player profile and player overview panel
  12. You were answered, this is the player stats panel
  13. how can you not find it in a file containing only 100 lines?)) <!-- Row 4 - Player stats panel --> <container class="player_stats_panel" id="pstp" should_show_overall_last="true"> <list id="properties_to_forward"> <record target="pstt" set_property="default_properties"> <record id="value" alignment="centre" colour="red"/> </record> </list> </container>
  14. there is no need to reinvent the wheel. just take a skin where it's already done and see how it's done.
  15. practice shows what it is a very very very bad start. for some reason, beginners think that this is a standard skin and cannot find many elementary things because the requested skin contains a very basic number of files. I believe that only by manually unpacking all fmf files, you can find the necessary parts of the code with less time. and of course, using the right software tools is also a must. it's pretty funny trying to do something using a notepad.
  16. it doesn't really look good. the club logo duplicates the logo from the topbar, it makes no sense although I saw how people placed 4+ logos on 1 page. in my opinion it's just terrible
  17. it`s right. squad and home are different sections. without resorting to the method of trial and error, I would say that what you want to achieve is impossible.
  18. I sometimes do not understand such problems. you can find it yourself in 2 minutes <!--Future Playing Time--> <widget class="icon_button" id="chgb" auto_size="horizontal" click_event="EcPt" controller_button="x_button"> <translation id="text" translation_id="295066" type="use" value="Change[COMMENT: button for changing a kit style]" /> </widget>
  19. @putuadidharma0 @snowofman I think I'm also a bit wrong this button is indeed there, but only in the last match report but it really doesn't work. I remember it well because I encountered it back in november. and then it seemed to me that it was deleted in one of the updates.
  20. What is not clear to you in the phrase "the default fm23 skin does not have this button"? I have no idea where you get it from. if you try to make a skin for fm23 using as a base skins from fm22, fm21 or even older ones, you will be in for more than one such surprise.
  21. yes, I'm talking about her. this is a button from old versions of FM, FM23 does not have it.
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