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Everything posted by zachalxnder

  1. What scenario should we create in our heads for taking over from Arteta? Was Gary Neville right? 5th was the best he could do and he must venture to pastures anew?
  2. This is a good idea. These things drop late at night and it’s worth staying up and dispensing with sleep through Friday evening. I’m probably not going to sleep until then.
  3. The “you beta be ready” tweet indicates tonight or tomorrow. Staff do not usually mess about with jokes about beta release until it is time, otherwise people on here go mad.
  4. Releasing the beta achieves the same goals as the livestream and other marketing, while also cutting short any negativity.
  5. He announced from the beginning that he would not be tweeting features and they would come from the main FM account; however, that has not happened either.
  6. Cannot drag them up right now but he used to tweet about going "into meetings," then the beta would be out that evening ... though he seems less active on Twitter these days
  7. I think this is plausible. Why do a stream showcasing what people have been moaning about?
  8. This year is different. Excitement is down. An earlier beta release, absent the usual precursors (livestream, tweets, etc.), would surprise everyone and stoke some buzz.
  9. Speculation - SI accepted there are not enough changes to showcase, thus no livestream and the reason for no tweets from Miles.
  10. What would happen if they just did not release a beta? How crazy would this place get?
  11. There has been a lot less activity than years prior, though that is partly attributable to Miles' Twitter inactivity.
  12. Yes, something like that. It is always a little over two weeks, not two weeks exactly.
  13. Why do people complain about the graphics so much? Who started playing this game for the graphics? I’d take a reduction in graphic quality for continued improvements in features that make the game.
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