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Everything posted by TCSSkin

  1. Here https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2024-early-access-bugs-tracker/save-game-compatibility/
  2. one thing to note, these files are from 2020, they might not work properly and you'll probably be missing some stuff like the deadline day counter, although i can remember which game that came in
  3. easiest way would be to use a horizontal arrange = fill
  4. when you're editing properties files, swapping back and forth between skins can break things. Just an issue with the game unfortunately . The game loads the properties on launch, so just restart your game and all will be sorted
  5. the manager name will be a person button in that panel, just add colour="text" to that line
  6. Hes only joking, but yeah screenshots are preferred. Windows snipping tool is legitimately very good these days, but stuff like ShareX is also great To answer your question, i haven't looked at the opz skin for a while, so when i get a chance (likely tomorrow evening), i should be able to help more. There'll be width values in the file but without seeing it i can't say for sure
  7. Did you change the logo code at the bottom for the one in your titlebar, I'd recommend making sure it works on your club overview or something easy to access like that, if it does then try it in matches
  8. This is the code from one of the dynamic images, have a play around with it <container class="transformation_container" id="logt"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="20" apply_to_children="true"/> <list id="transformations"> <!-- Rotate 12 degrees --> <record type="rotation" value="12"/> </list> <widget class="object_portrait_picture" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" wants_mouse_events="false"> <!-- PROP_CLUB --> <record id="object_property" get_property="Cclu" set_property="objt"/> </widget> </container>
  9. Another concept I won't finish 😂 I seen a really cool concept for a dumb NFT app and based a design around it
  10. You can use it in a value based position i presume
  11. im guessing it was similar to how @GIMN found the set piece numbers, using the personality ID with a custom class that displays the string as numbers
  12. TIL. Me and @GIMN spent ages tryna figure it out. Now i can't even remember what i was trying to do 😂
  13. Serious answer time, SI have access to a lot of telemetry which shows what teams people are using, what skins they use, how they're performing in saves etc (this is the popup when you start the game and it asks for your month and year of birth and so on), if you press No then they can't track it. Its how posts like this are made https://www.instagram.com/p/C1pUEJINrdU/?igsh=MWNtZ3M3cjN4MjlvbA== I'm guessing they probably looked at the telemetry, seen that people using light skins is a very low percentage and decided to save resources. Even from personal experience, my last light skin in 2019 got 10000 downloads, compared to the normal skin which got 80000. This shift has lead to stuff like colour="white" being used like Olas mentioned. I've raised the issue and desire for a white skin directly to SI so we'll see if anything changes.
  14. put this before </widget> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/> If youre tryna pull info from another page, this always works wonders
  15. You must've missed all the posts where someone posted their skin and people crapped all over it. I post my skins to hopefully inspire other people and show what can be done, i don't care about feedback because i like what i make, but some people take it incredibly hard and personally.
  16. yeah value based pictures would be the way to go. I wish we had value based strings though, that'd make my life much easier 😂
  17. Feel like it's getting a bit tense, so let's leave the conversation here guys, if you have something to say take it to PMs, but please keep it civil @Mark8213 - sorry to hear about your troubles, my memory has been shot since i had covid in all honesty. Skinning is a ton to learn as it is, so if you're also struggling with memory i get it can be incredibly frustrating. My advice is to do what i did when i started skinning, keep a spreadsheet or a sticky note on your computer with any files you come across, and any tweaks you made to it. That way you have something to refer too. Please remember we're here to help, the whole thing with "just ask" is true. However we are also effectively unpaid volunteers who have our own lives, so if we see the same thing over again, or people not understanding something, we get frustrated. Snow is a brilliant person, there's not one part of me that thinks he's acting in bad faith or trying to deter people from posting
  18. At the moment, no. Got no motivation for anything FM or even working on projects for other games
  19. japan is particularly bad this year. Lot of red and blue and green and yellow
  20. in the position panel there's a line which is something like kit_icon="pictures/kits/icon/dots" point that to a shirt icon. it might be a bit off but i'm bedridden with illness so im not 100% sure
  21. as far as i'm aware no one else is making these mods, is there was i wouldn't have started making them myself
  22. Make sure you post it above </panel> and underneath the last </container>
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