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Which is a good thread to improve my knowlodge?

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Hi guys,

I have used a couple peoples tactics, ie 'Betterhalf's Tactic Set', 'Knaps', etc. They are good but I don't feel like I'm using them probably so instead I want to learn how to create my own tactics, so I know how they work and when to make changes, so pretty much improve my general knowledge of Football Manager's tactics...

Could anyone recommend a few, I have read TT&F, Lovesleeper's guide along with Croucadinho's 4-4-2 simplicity. I only really brushed through them so is it worth reading those guides fully??

Also it can be a guide of this site.

Cheers :D:thup:

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I would definately advise reading through the guides you've mentioned fully, especially TT&F, because this will help you get a good understanding of a number of different tactical styles.

Then it's really a case of reading through the forum and seeing what takes your fancy tactically and experimenting with what you've learned in your game.

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I would suggest my own of course ;o) and those of the above posted....Mr Heathxxx and those of SFraser.

These three posts do not originaly contain downloads for people to simply download (funnily enough) and plug and play. There are all about learning how to 'play' the game, not how to play a 'tactic'.

There are called something like this:

My one: I think I'm onto something

Heathxxx: Lower league management

SFRaser: Tactics: a less if more perspective

All three posts have almost pure positive feedback and I can certainly vouch for them too.

A heads up though....... they are ALL long!


btw..... I am not suggesting that others do not have merit or are not good, its just that I dont do downloads.

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These three posts do not originaly contain downloads for people to simply download (funnily enough) and plug and play. There are all about learning how to 'play' the game, not how to play a 'tactic'.

Although I have been rather guilty of uploading tactics recently, but purely as examples for ease of discussion of course... ;)

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I'd steer away from purely downloading other's tactics, or trying to copy exactly what others are doing. Try to learn it for yourself with the help of the threads.

Instead I'd read (or skim read) all the above threads, decide which interests you the most, and then read it properly. This will give you the basis, and then you can design your own tactic. My suggestion would be to start with a 4-4-2 then read SFraser's Less Is More Perspective. I only reccomend this one as it is appealed to my managerial ideal, and It's the only long thread I have managed to follow from the beginning.

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What they said.

Try to build a basic tactic around they current squad at hand and get a better understanding of the importance of certain ( mental) stats. Play around a bit with d-line and tempo but leave the rest untouched and then do the same with mentality and closing down. Try to see a pattern in what each slider does. I would also recommend playing with a Championship team( norwich, Preston etc etc ) were its easier to see the players flaws and specific competence and how to tweak the tactic to suit the players( like rwball for Fullbacks when they only have 3 in dribbling etc)

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I've have a had read of SFrasers guide, I don't really understand it. ie, i know what he's talking about, how having a normal mentality creates better possession, etc. Though it's not clear to see what settings he uses, ie, mixed or short passing? fast or slow tempo? Any thoughts

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TTF is a very good place to start for anyone who wants an understanding of this game, it explains many variables and principles of FM but as SFraser have shown its not the only approach to tactics that works.

To get real understanding of the tactics I would recomend using SFrasers approach and I say approach because I think his thread is more about an approach or philosophy how to get the most out of your team by application of certain principles than a straight out tactic. It is more about learning how your players react to different settings or rather alterations of settings than a straight out tactic, even though he uses his team as an example of how to apply "Less is more". I very much support this approach, I share most of his views and I have always been against using sets of tactics, like to a certain extent are supported by TTF's more rigid views. I'm however afraid that understanding "Less is more" might be difficult without a certain understanding of how tactics work and therefore may not the easiest place to start for a "new" manager.

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