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85 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. Since i got my main penalty taker in permanent "penalty taking" individual training he stopped missing penalties.
  2. They are boring and i don't trust my assistant that's why i removed them by using the pre-game editor
  3. 24 is a downgrade, stay in 23 for long term saves.
  4. Assisting your own goal... https://i.gyazo.com/d6c3980d8d38f020cd00b5035337f9c9.png
  5. @RDF TacticsI think you posted this important topic in the graveyard area of the forum, nobody can see it here and provide more examples.
  6. Or they don't know how to fix it... Or they want to sell the fix as 25
  7. This is even more crazy and it's about the only statistics that matters in football... I was looking for my shots in Data Hub and team scored 50 goals (number in bottom center) I want to the league table because something .... Team has 51 goals in the league table (same date) I went back in all league games to see if there was an own goal... there wasn't Save deleted and playing Hearts of Iron 4 since then.
  8. Back to your original question... I trust what i see during the match, if i am happy with the player (positioning, runs, mistakes, etc.) i 'll keep him otherwise i 'll sub him. I don't even know how the avg. rating is calculated or what exactly is showing during a match (i see a 'jump' in the end of halftime and fulltime, making me wondering ... why) And avg. rating is very important since it's affecting player value, development, morale...
  9. Or something like this, where Clear Cut Chances in team and player stats are different... Or when we get an "advice" to close down someone who is freely crossing and we see that these "crosses" are corners and/or throw-ins.
  10. Not attributes (anyway technical and mental are always lower during matches compared to the values in profile) but statistics. If you see that player A has attempted 50 passes is that number 'real' ?
  11. The real question is "Do you trust the numbers in FM, have you ever verified them ?"
  12. Is there going to be a match engine update or development of 24 is done ?
  13. For some weird reason scouts do not increase knowledge if i have their focus "ongoing" To go around it i make normal focus that i repeat until they learn the country... scouting is bugged as hell
  14. Keep in mind that FM doesnt count all the times a ball hits the post so the real number is higher. According to FM if the ball touches someone before hitting the post it doesnt count...
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