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1,194 "Here's Johnny!"


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    The first of two American Juventini named Weston. Jersey collector, FM addict, mediocre striker.

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  1. Makes sense. I'm not sure to what degree weather actually impacts the players' fitness (ie very hot conditions tire them out more), but this would be a great chance to add some realism where they get a lil boost and you have a chance to address the team.
  2. This is the first year in as long as I can remember that I haven't bought the game, in part because problems like this have become too repetitive to ignore. I was wondering if it got improved at all in this year's edition, but based on the replies to this thread continuing, I'm guessing it hasn't?
  3. Thanks for your reply. I've also been very frustrated with this issue for years, as a dedicated player who's sunk a lot of time into this game and always uses a tactic that revolves around having very strong wingbacks that can dribble and cross on the flanks of a narrow midfield diamond. I usually have to spend the first few years of my saves retraining players from other parts of the pitch to play this role (most recently a CAM) until I can blow 100m each on the two good newgen wingbacks in the entire world. Not to be dramatic, but this is the first year I've not bought the game in as long as I can remember, in large part because problems like this one have started to feel too repetitive and unmanageable to be ignored, and they've taken a bit of the immersion out of it lately. What I still don't understand based on your response is this: 1a. You say the issue is caused (or at least exacerbated by) the fact that crossing and dribbling are weighted very highly. Why do we not see this issue with wingers who have both? Is it because they don't use CA on defensive attributes? Does this balancing act issue also impact box to box midfielders who have to have both offensive/defensive attributes, as well? 1b. And why, in general, is this the main role that is impacted, when surely other positions have combinations of necessary but highly weighted attributes that are generated far more frequently? For example, it feels like there are always TONS of AFs with strong finishing and pace, and TONS of playmakers with those combinations of playmaking attributes with no issue. 2. I don't know anything about coding, so excuse my ignorance, but how is it not possible to simply set up whatever code generates newgens to give natural FBs/WBs a higher CA/PA range, if coding them to prioritize crossing/dribbling would drain too much CA/PA in other areas of their attribute spread? This seems like a decent temporary workaround patch. 3. Why has SI not invested in a temporary workaround by somehow boosting AI's tendency to train FBs/WBs in this area and attempt to boost young players crossing/dribbling after they've been generated?
  4. I, too, played every game myself. This, I think, has to be it, though the way it's calculated is very misleading. When I take over a club, they're usually not predicted to finish top. But then I work some magic in the transfer market and drastically improve the side, causing my predicted place to improve. The game should look at the prediction when I took over, not the prediction in place when I finish. And this is another good point - it seems the prediction vs outcome metric is too heavily weighted. Sure, it should factor in, but even if I was predicted to finish first, I smashed every record in the league, while the guy predicted to finish 2nd just finished 2nd in a routine way. Surely I still went far more above and beyond my predicted outcome than the other guy who simply met expectations.
  5. Yes, I'm very interested in learning more specifics of how it actually works, what the potential pitfalls might be, and how they might be worked around. If anyone finds any updated guide to this feature with a more in-depth breakdown, please post it here.
  6. Wow, that sounds awful. Didn't really understand why people were so adamant that they wanted to carry saves over to newer versions until reading that, what a terrible model. I assumed SI was just doing this to pick up some extra revenue from the folks who skip a version to keep playing a save from a prior one, encouraging them to buy anyway.
  7. Oh nice, thanks for sending. I wonder how it works with mods etc. I used a few custom databases, for example.
  8. Is this true? I can't tell when FM is releasing new features through influencers etc. or when 3rd party accounts are just starting rumors. If so, how does it work? I'm not seeing any info on it anywhere. For example, will this bypass existing bugs in the FM23 platform? I stopped playing FM23 after it scheduled my cup final during the international break. Seeing half my team gone because of such a longstanding bug just killed my desire to play the game entirely, but I could be interested in reviving that save with FM24 if this is a real feature and the new edition finally solves these sorts of problems.
  9. Ah, I wouldn't want to do that. Hopefully this is finally fixed for the next edition, then.
  10. @Zachary Whyte Let me know if you think this is salvageable at all or if I just have to push through as is. Haven't played since posting this in the hopes it's fixable in some way...
  11. Sorry for the slow reply, was traveling. Yes, see save "gala april ii." Aside from waiting until this is fixed in FM24, is there anything I can do with the editor to workaround this in the current save?
  12. @Zachary Whyte Would you have any advice on how I could use the in-game editor to try to workaround this in some way?
  13. I though this had been fixed by now, but maddeningly, it has not, and my cup final is in the middle of pre-Euro warmup camp with half my starting lineup out. Has anyone found a way to workaround this using the in-game editor? Can I somehow take the players out of the squad and then put them back? They wouldn't be missing the actual tournament, just a friendly, if that. If SI somehow still can't stop this from happening they have to at least give us some way to "fix" it ourselves when it occurs, surely...
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