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Types of Tutoring?

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IIRC (and I may be completely wrong about this) :-

"is the ideal role model for" leads to the youngster trying to learn the tutor's PPM's and have their mental and hidden attributes influenced towards those of the older player, but this is option which is the most difficult to achieve excellent results with.

"Adopting approach to game" attempts to influence the mental and hidden traits, while "can learn from" leads to the player attempting to pick up the PPM's

Don't quote me on this though, it's been a while since I asked the same question myself.

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I think the key difference is in the personality type of the players involved. If the youngster and the tutor are of similar/compatible personality type, the youngster gains immensely by choosing ideal role model option. If their personality types are clashing, but you want the youngster to pick up some ppm or some mental attributes from the tutor, you can opt for can learn from option. The three options just indicates the amount of time spent together/strength of bond b/w them. Just look at the personalities and choose an appropriate option.

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This needs an overhaul. If their personalities are already more or less the same, then there's little point in tutoring in the first place. The point should be to transform a somewhat unprofessional young player into a somewhat more professional one.

Then there's PPM's besides that. Okay. But surely it should specify what each option does. "Learn from" does not communicate that the player will learn PPM's at all. It's just something you learn from experience (if you're lucky/are a really in-depth player). It causes heaps of confusion/uncertainty for new players. It doesn't reflect the experience of being a manager, because you, as manager, should know full well what you are asking the tutor and tutee to do. In real life, managers don't spout a nice-sounding phrase and hope the players will understand what you want even though it could be translated to mean anything. You'd want to be specific.

Very badly done imo. Especially with the rate of unsuccessful pairings leading to bad relationships (in my experience anyway).

One of my major dislikes of FM. The way it's done, not the principle behind it.

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They all do exactly the same thing, the wording is only important for how the tutee (and possibly the tutored) reacts to the tutoring.

e.g. Asking your key world famous player to be tutee, it would be best to ask him to be a "role model"

I came in to say this. Sadly I can't find the thread where someone from SI confirms it.

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They all do exactly the same thing, the wording is only important for how the tutee (and possibly the tutored) reacts to the tutoring.

e.g. Asking your key world famous player to be tutee, it would be best to ask him to be a "role model"

Exactly that is what I've read in a post by an SI person on here somewhere.

That said, I don't like the tutoring system.

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