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The First Lady Of Football


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Authors Note; Played on FM09 with All leagues loaded from England, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Scotland and Spain. The database is edited just to make Saunders the Wales manager. This story is the follow on of Dick Powell – One Hit Wonder, found here; http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?t=69508


Tina Powell sat at the Court Of Contractual Dispute meeting, and watched as Dean Saunders leered across the court room at her. He knew he had won, and so did she.

“Ms Powell, you do know that the claims you’re making have no evidence to back them up?”

“I know, but it’s the truth. My father and I drew up the contract to ensure stability to the Welsh football team, and to allow me to carry on what he started.”

“Ms Powell, whilst what you claim sounds like a sound plan, it has no evidence. The contract that you claim stated this otherwise proves that Mr Dean Saunders is the next in line to manage Wales. There is no other way I can look at this Ms Powell.”

Tina threw up her hands in defeat. “Yeah, your right.”

“Im sorry Ms Powell, its how I have to see it. Maybe one day you will be Wales’s manager, but it isn’t going to be today. I rule in favour of Dean Saunders to take control of the Welsh national team.”

Dean smirked across at her from the court room exit. He’s probably got the press waiting outside, w**ker.

She stood up, and shook hands with her brief, before shaking hands with the judge and leaving. She didn’t even give Saunders a second look. She was going to get that Wales job, and lead her country to glory. She was going to have to start somewhere; she had the experience of assisting her father during his time. It was something rather than nothing. She left the room and went outside and sat on a seat. Eric Harrison had been watching the proceedings.

"Im very sorry Tina, but you know there isnt much you could have done?"

"I know, the contract says what it says."

"Maybe Dick changed his mind?"

She threw him a withering stare. "He didnt. Dean did. God that man annoys me."

"I know," and he patted her shoulder "...youll just have to get a management job elsewhere and hope he gets fired."

Eric was right. It was time to get a job.....

She looked back at Eric, "Hows the golf?"

"Gave it up. Too hard. Stupid game."

She smiled, and walked towards her car where she made a few calls.

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She had asked around for management jobs for almost a week before a few popped up simultaneously. The first two looked very interesting, and they were Roda JC in Holland’s Eredivisie and had recently sacked manager Raymond Atteveld, and Watford in England’s Championship who had recently sacked Aidy Boothroyd. But the one that caught her attention most was Scottish Division 1 side Livingston . She had remembered watching them on television in 2004 when they won the Scottish League Cup and their extraordinary 8-6 aggregate defeat to Sturm Graz in the UEFA Cup. They now had an Italian board, with Angelo Massone at the head of the club. It was exciting times, but as Tina sent her application off in the post, she was wary that they might look to appoint an Italian manager, and rumours had it that Roberto Landi was heading the list. But she had one advantage. She knew a well known Scot, who carried some weight behind him, and it would give her a great referee for her application.

She would have to show her credentials without any experience to base it on, and that was going to be the hardest part. With the backing also of Eric Harrison, she knew she could rely on these people to put a good word in for her. The rest was up to her.


A week later and Tina had heard back from Massone. The list had been trimmed down to four people; Powell, Preston NE assistant and former Leicester City manager Robert Kelly, Lazio assistant Fedele Limone and the uncontracted Roberto Landi. The obvious option that would be attractive to Massone would be the uncontracted Landi, as no compensation package would need to be agreed. Tina was definitely the dark horse, while the other two were tried and tested assistants, with Kelly having a brief and unsuccessful stint in charge of Leicester. Kelly had been in the press recently stating his desire to remain at Preston for the future, but not ruling out a return to management. Limone hadnt been contacted yet by the press yet, but he had sent the application in, and according to rumours, was the idea of his manager Delio Rossi, who said he was ready to make the step up. Whether he would want to drop down the divisions from Serie A to the Scottish First Division would remain to be seen. Landi had been the favourite since the board had taken over and cleared the staff out. He has international management experience with the U-21’s of Qatar, Lithuania and Georgia, and club management with National Bucharest and FC Sopron. All she had was shadowing her father, and references from Alex McLeish and Eric Harrison, now at Birmingham and formerly of Rangers and Scotland. But it would have to do, she now had to focus her mind on the upcoming interview. And she definitely wasnt going to let them mock her, and she certainly wasnt going to let them use her sex against her.

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Tina sat waiting outside conference room at Almondvale Stadium. Massone wasnt chairing the interview though, he was away. So in his place were three of his managing directors. They were Vivien Kyles, and the two Tomasso's, Tomasso Bruno and Tomasso Angelini. The immediate worry that crossed Tina's mind was the name "Managing Director". With what had happened at Newcastle regarding Executive Director Dennis Wise and Keegan's resignation, she wanted to play no part in anything similar. She was listening to her iPod as she waited, and a short but well built man approached her. He had the appearance of a stocky Italian, though she couldnt be sure. Fedele Limone offered his hand to her, and spoke in English, with a very thick Italian twang.

"Miss Powell, my competition I believe?"

"Your either Limone or Landi. Nice to meet you."

"Limone. Fedele Limone. How are you?"

"Im alright thank you, a bit anxious about the interview though. "

"Ohh, dont be. Theyre much more relaxed than trying to get another job."

"I truly hope so Mr Limone."

"Please call me Fedele."

She smiled. He was quite an attractive guy, in his own way.

"Fedele it is. So are you the one I should be keeping my eye on?"

"Not at all. Landi is the one to watch out for. Hes very sly, and usually does anything to get what he wants."

"Reminds me of someone."

It brought back the memories of the courtroom and Saunders. Fedele sat down next to her, and they discussed a lot before a tall woman came towards Tina.

"Ms Powell, were ready for you now."

"Good luck, Ms Powell."

"Call me Tina. Good luck to you Fedele."

Fedele took her hand and kissed it. Tina felt herself blush slightly. She smiled and walked away with the tall woman.


As Tina walked in, she saw a large table, and three men were sat on the other side of it. She could tell who the two Italians were, in contrast with the one Scot. Vivien Kyles offered her a seat, but Tina was shocked at how blunt the Italians were with their first question.

"Miss Powell, why should we offer you this job?"

She refused to stare at her feet, the one thing you shouldnt do in an interview. But the words were slow to come....

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"I think that Livingston have the ability to return to the Scottish Premier Division, and once again attempt to reach Europe."

"And do you think you are the person who can take them back there? What makes you different from anyone else?"

"Im a good motivator. When I helped my dad with the Wales team, I sometimes gave motivational speeches, to try and spur them on."

"Did they work?"

"They did, and we went on to win important games."

The interviewers fell silent for a few moments, as they conversed in hushed tones.

"Miss Powell, how do you think the fans would react to having a woman in charge?"

She had been waiting for this question.

"I think that the fans would not care. I know there are no female managers in the mens game, but times have to change. Im just as competent as any man, and feel I have just as much, if not more, to offer the game."

They looked at her, the two Italians, with what seemed to her a high degree of cynicism. Sexist b*stards... she thought.

"Miss Powell, what are your views on transfer policy?"

"Id like to be in control of my transfers. I think that it takes a good scouting system to find talented players and ones that will fit into the squad, and if they are foreign, will be able to make the change to the Scottish leagues."

"Thank you, Miss Powell. There are no more questions from us. We will get back to you soon, yes?"

"Thank you very much. Ill hear from you soon I hope."

"You will."

Tina shook hands with all three men, and then was shown out. After wishing Fedele all the best, she left the building and went to her car, started it up, and set off home.


Angelo Massone was sat in the adjacent room, watching the interviews through a glass screen that the others couldnt see through. He had been very impressed with Tina Powell. She was very determined, and very strong minded. She could be just what the club needed.

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Friday 3rd July

Ring ring, ring ring.

"Miss Powell here."

"Hello Miss Powell, its Angelo Massone. The chairman of Livingston FC."

"Mr Massone, what can I do for you?"

Tina felt her heart race at what he might say to her.

"Im calling about the vacant managers position. My men were impressed with how you held yourself in the interview."

"I tried my best."

"I have to ask though, do you think you could handle being manager, in a game that is dominated by men? It wont be easy, you know."

"I know, but there are even many men in the womens game, so its time for a chance. I hope you think the same."

"If im honest Miss Powell, I dont really care for any of that. I want a good manager to kickstart my reign as owner of the club, be it man or woman, and I believe your that person."


"I do, and I want to offer you the job Miss Powell."

"Id love to take it. I really would."

"Im giving you a year, Miss Powell. Show me what you can do with my club. By the way, if its possible, id like you up here on the 8th to announce it to the media."

"Ill be there."

Tina thanked Massone, and as soon as the line went dead, she called her friends and let them know. She then proceeded to dance around her living room in excitement. She was back in business.


Tina arrived at Almondvale Stadium deftly on time for the media meeting.

No sooner had she sat down, and said hello to Massone, before the questions began to fire at her.

"Miss Powell, The Sunday Mail, Is this your dream job?"

"If im honest, im just very pleased to have the chance to work here."

"BBC Sport, Your appointment has caused reverbations throughout the world, especially to those who consider football as a mans game. Do you think sexism exists within the mans game?"

"I certainly do. I think women are just as capable of doing the job as any other man."

"Mark Shields, Livingston Football Post, do you think its going be difficult on you, being one of the few women in the game?"

"I do. I think people are going to try and make it easy on me and I dont want that."

"BBC Sport, whats your tactical approach going to be?"

"I like to see my team play a methodical, tight passing game. I dont want my team to push too far and leave the defence helpless."

"Mark Shields again, what can we expect in the transfer market?"

"I clearly dont have any mind to sign anyone yet. But should I need to, I like my decisions to be well thought out and careful. I wont make rash decisions."

Massone stood up, and announced there would be no more questions. Tina stood aswell and they all headed out onto the pitch, where a plinth had been erected. Tina and Massone got onto it, and Massone handed her a Livingston shirt with her name on it, and they shook hands, with pictures being taken by the attending press. Tina held the shirt against her chest, and more pictures were taken. After the event, Massone took her to his office and discussed her contract. She was offered an impressive (to her) wage of £750 a week. She had one year to prove herself.

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Friday 11th July - 10am

Tina was excited at the prospect of being manager. It was a new chapter in her life, and it started today. Having officially been named as manager 3 days ago, she had only been up here since yesterday, and she was already bricking it over meeting the squad. They had all turned up today to meet her, ahead of the friendly against Caen, who had apparently arrived in Glasgow an hour earlier. They were catching the train to Livingston, and would arrive in about an hour. The French certainly like their trains. Tina was sat at her new desk, and had her laptop open and on. She had wikipedia'd the Caen team and was looking through, seeing if she recognised anyone's name. The only one to stand out was central defender Karl Svensson. He had spent some time with Rangers in the 2006/07 season, making 21 appearances before moving to Caen. She was waiting for the scout report anyway, but she was sure his name would be on the list of players to watch out for. As she read some of her emails, she got a phonecall.

"Tina Powell, manager of Livingston here. What can I do for you?"

"Hello Miss Powell. Its Graham Roberts, manager of Huddersfield Town. I was wishing to make you an offer for Joe Hamill, a young left winger currently on your books."

"Sorry Mr Roberts, my players arent currently for sale. Even the for sale ones. Not until ive had time to run my mind over them."

"Not a problem Miss Powell, the offer was of £45,000 and a 20% of his next sale."

"Let me get back to you, Mr Roberts."

Tina took his number, and put the phone down. As she put it down, the scout report for Caen popped up in her emails, and she flicked onto it. There wasnt much she could gain from it, little other than to watch out for Karl Svensson and their Argentinian midfield playmaker Juan Eluchans, who has the ability to turn a game. The manager, ex-newcastle player Franck Dumas, liked to play 4-4-1-1. She deleted the email, and headed out for her first training session.



After the training session had finished, Tina had drawn up a mock eleven to start the game at Caen. While she still didnt have much of a clue on her players' ability, she had a feint idea of the more able ones. The amount of first team players that turned up was quite a worrying prospect, and she knew she was going to have to get busy in the transfer market, possibly after this afternoons friendly. Thankfully for her, she had two French players in her squad, and she asked them to come to her office.

Pierre-Antoine Martini and Jean-Jose Cuenca arrived as instructed, and sat down, looking nervous. They must be thinking theyre on their way out, bless them.

"I asked you two here because my scout gave me a rubbish report on Caen, and I know that last year you two both played in France. Was wondering if you could offer me any more information."

Both men looked really reasonably relaxed after she had finished. Jean spoke first.

"Well, I played in de reserves for Angouleme last season, and played against their reserves. They arent a technically great side, preferring to slug it out, but Julien Toudic was coming back from injury, and he was prolific for them in de reserves. I also heard Steve Savidan had moved from Valenciennes to Caen, and hes got an extremely good record for de teams hes played for."

"Thanks Jean, anything you can add Pierre?"

"Sorry Tina, I never got the pleasure of keeping them out of my goal. But because they are a French side, they most likely will play slow football, and try to build from the back."

"Thanks guys, ill see you both later."

They both nodded and left. She had a better idea of who to watch out for, and if the scout report stated a 4-4-1-1 formation, its likely Savidan will play on his own. She started to jot down the names for the side she was going to play.

GK; Pierre-Antoine Martini

DR; Gary Miller

DL; Jason Talbot

DC; Chris Innes

DC; Dave Mackay

MR; Liam Fox

ML; Joe Hamill

MC; Alejandro Caiaffa

MC; Jean-Jose Cuenca

ST; Rocco Quinn

ST; Calum Elliot

She hoped that from this game she could finally compile a report on her squad.

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3pm - vs. Stade Malherbe Caen, Almondvale Stadium

Tina stood in her technical area, dressed in jogging trousers and t-shirt. She wasnt impressed with how it affected her figure, but for now, she couldnt care. Her players walked out in front of a 1640 crowd.

She looked around and saw the fans and, to her, they looked excited. New times for Livingston, a new manager, a new board, and new players to definitely follow.

As the game kicked off, Livingston started brightly, with Talbot testing the right side of Caen's formation. On 5minutes, he broke through the line, and whipped a cross in, but Svensson calmly headed it away from goal.

"Talbot is quite nifty isnt he?" said Tina to her coach Ross Smith.

"Yeah, a good signing by the previous regime, especially considering he was free."

Livingston's first good chance came on 9 minutes, Talbot crossing from deep into the box, and Hamill forcing his header wayward after coming at the ball from an odd angle. There was more pressure from the right side this time, Fox beating Sueba before putting his cross in, which was dealt was once more by Svensson. There was complete euphoria as Caen slacked at the back, Sorbon not reacting fast enough to Caiaffa's cross into the box, and Sueba had failed to check Hamill at the backpost, and this time his header flicked into the bottom corner, past an outstretched Thebaux hand.

Caen immediately set about trying to pull level, Savidan and Proment teaming up, but the final effort from Proment was always rising over Martini's bar.

"We might need to check our closing down, they virtually walked towards our goal."

The attacking intent of Livi was pretty impressive, Cuenca playing Quinn through, but he was too slow on the uptake and the defender easily cleared. It was a heart wrenching moment for Innes, as he tried to head a corner away, but he completely got it wrong. The ball ricochet'd onto the crossbar and down onto the line. Proment tried to poke it into the net, but Mackay hacked away at it, and managed to get it away. A throughball from Mackay to Quinn saw him chasing along with Sorbon, but Quinn was evidently lacking in pace and it was cleared for a corner. Livi continued their attacking period, with Quinn hitting a shot from 25yards, and Thebaux seemed unsure what to do, electing to punch it back out.

More lovely play from Cuenca and Talbot results in Cuenca being through on goal, but he completely wrecks his effort by scuffing his boot over the top of the ball and Thebaux easily scooped it up. The final shot of the half came from Proment, but his 30yard freekick was never going to test his French counterpart in goal. Livi reached half time in front and with a chorus of songs coming from the home fans.


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Livi reached half time in front and with a chorus of songs coming from the home fans.

I certainly hope it wasn't "Tina, get your t*ts out for the boys" cos I'm sure the Livi fans would be more appreciative of their new manager than that. :D

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Spav, they certainly werent singing "Who Ate All The Pies", I can say that much ;)


“Well done lads, it was a great first half. I know its only a friendly, but it shows everyone what they can expect in the coming season, so just keep it coming, yeah?”

They all nodded at her, some even smiling now.

“Just one thing, we should close down their attackers much quicker than we did. Savidan is a handful I know, so if he gets the space, make sure he doesn’t have much time to manufacture anything. They didn’t pay a million for nothing.”

After a brief drink, they all headed out for the second half. Rocco Quinn didn’t make it back out though, he was replaced with Rafaelle De Vita.

The second half started with both sides attempting long balls, and neither creating anything. A long ball from Sordon found Savidan, but Livi seemed to have responded to Tina’s words, and closed him down very quickly, preventing his shot from being on target. The compact Livi defence completely prevented the Caen attack from getting forward, with Leca having to test Martini from over 20yards.

Colombian-born Cuenca also tried to show his talent, firing towards goal from just outside the box, and it had Thebaux worried. Tina makes four more substitutes, her bench fully used now. McPake, Cave, Sinclair and McKenzie replacing Mackay, Innes, Martini and Talbot.

McKenzie was immediately called into action as El Arabi broke through the defence and was one-on-one with him. It was superb block from him to keep the ball out of the net. Livi’s lead was cut short though, as Caen fought back, against the run of play and the game. Florentin broke down the left and put a great cross to the middle, where dangerman Eluchans headed the ball past McKenzie, and pulled is side level.

“Cant believe they pegged us like that, such a simple goal aswell.”

“Its those two at the back, very young don’t forget.”

De Vita was presented with an amazing chance to put Livi in front, but his shot hit sub keeper Mandanda in the thigh, and went out towards Cave. The games remaining minutes wound down quickly, Gary Miller coming close with a long range effort, before the referee blew his whistle on a steady start for Tina's side.

She shook hands with Franck Dumas, but in true French style, he took her hand and kissed it. Some Livi fans spotted it, and the echoing sound of "Ooooo" reverbrated around the stadium. She complimented all her players as they left the field. She now had a much better understanding of her squad.

Livingston 1 – 1 Caen

(Hamill 17; Eluchans 77)


Squad Report; Age, Appearances, Goals


Pierre-Antoine Martini - 20yo, 0, 0 - A very good goalkeeper, and will have the No.1 shirt this season. Has a high tendency to punch the ball, but hopefully not another person, especially after a few of his namesakes drink.

Roddy McKenzie - 32yo, 100, 0 - Played the most games of his career with Livi apparently, but doesnt seem to have moved along with the times. Wont make it past Martini, but should be an ok backup for him. Hes a fans favourite, so offloading him would be unwise.

Central Defenders;

Dave Mackay - 27yo, 106, 13 - Ever present for Livi in the past 3 seasons, and doesnt mind getting on the scoresheet, with 13 goals to date. Is also a natural leader and showed that against Caen, so will most likely be Captain.

Chris Innes - 31yo, 0, 0 - A solid defender signed after he was released by the now defunct Gretna. Attracting interest, but should he stay, most likely will partner Mackay.

James McPake - 24yo, 83, 4 - A very good young defender that will replace Innes in the next few seasons. Very good tackler of the ball.

David Sinclair - 17yo, 2, 0 - A good talent, but will need to improve physically if he is to make it as a defender.

Left Backs;

Phil Cave - 21yo, 0, 0 - Young full back and ex-newcastle trainee Phil had a terrific first season in football with Gateshead last year, scoring 9 goals in 39 appearances, inevitably getting him noticed. Will be interesting to see if he can make the step up. Will possibly move on if he cannot improve past Talbot.

Jason Talbot - 22yo, 0, 0 - A very good young full back, with a good eye for a tackle, and some umph going forward. Will need to be careful about agility, as wingers with tonnes of speed could outdo him.

Right Backs;

Gary Miller - 21yo, 17, 0 - The only right back at the club, but good enough at his job. Not physically impressive though, and a replacement may need to be found.

Central Midfielders;

Alejandro Caiaffa - 18yo, 0, 0 - An unknown quantity is this little Colombian. Never heard of him before I met him, but looks talented. Has a good eye for long range effort, and a fair amount of creativity, but thats to be expected from a South American.

Jean-Jose Cuenca - 22yo, 0, 0 - Signed from Angouleme last season, a good passer of the ball, but has an evident lack of stamina after the Caen game. Is definitely one of the best players here, along with Fox.

Liam Fox - 24yo, 54, 6 - A very good midfielder. Its no wonder Hamilton Academical are sniffing around him. Did well against Caen, but I will look to play him in the centre when a new right winger joins the club.

Right Wingers;


Left Wingers;

Joe Hamill - 24yo, 37, 0 - Played well against Caen, but was outshone by his assisting full back. I knew I had to play him after Graham Roberts came sniffing, but I didnt see too much that made me want him to stay.


Rocco Quinn - 21yo, 0, 0 - This young forward is on loan from Celtic, but seeing as he is 21 and shipped out, I dont think he has a future there. He was unimpressive against Caen, seemingly lacking any sort of concentration on the game itself. Will hope to get more out of him.

Raffaele De Vita - 20yo, 0, 0 - The young Italian forward was also a struggler at youth level, failing to break into the Blackburn Rovers team after his move from Roma. Should have stayed in Italy to be honest, but he showed some nice touches against Caen.

Calum Elliot - 21yo, 0, 0 - Good young forward on loan from Hearts, but to me, looks like he shares the same story as the othe two. Though he has played first team football for Hearts in recent years, more when he was younger.


Tina looked at what she had written down, and noticed areas that definitely needed strengthening.

1 x Right Back

2 x Right Wingers

1 x Left Winger

1 x Striker

For the moment, that was her list. It was time to call the scouts.

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....if there were any scouts. She had been shocked to find that the club didnt have any scouts, and happy to learn two were on the way, albeit Italians. She also had an assistant on the way in, but had no idea who he was. Massone had arranged all three, and Tina was just happy to have the extra staff. She picked up her phone and called Graham Roberts at Huddersfield. She had to reject his offer for Hamill, as she was lacking in backup and alternatives. Plus, he had scored, showing some talent and awareness for goal. Best he should stay.


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The three scouts that Massone had promised finally arrived on the 16th July, and Tina immediately set them to their duties. Local scout Stuart Alexander had joined before the others, and he had compiled a list of players currently available in Scotland. He had been given 4 days for this, and the list Tina held was pitiful to say the least.

"Stuart, this list. Its dreadful. I already know about half the players on it. And did I buy them? No."

"Tina, you gave me four days, theres not much more I could have to done to make the list bigger."

"Just go back out there, and bring me some more names. We need players, and im not going to make rash decisions. Find me some players!"

Stuart left in a huff, clearly not happy with Tina. But she couldnt care less. A few of the names were worth looking into though. She made calls to her other two scouts and sent them on their way.

Samuele Landi was sent to Italy on a talent hunt. Massone's arrangement, thought Tina.

Stuart Alexander was sent back to scour Scotland and Guiseppe Lombardi has been assigned to watch the English sides Reserves Leagues.

Happy things were on the up in terms of transfers, she left a bid with the clubs of two of the players on Alexanders original list. Time to wait and hear back now...

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Friday 19th July

Tina called Dave Mackay and Chris Innes into the office to discuss the captaincy, and both men looked nervous. It obviously meant a lot to them.

"Dave, Chris, I made my decision regarding the captaincy. Its going to be you Dave, with Chris as your vice captain."

"Thanks Tina, I wont let you down."

"I hope so. The only reason I gave it back to Dave, Chris, is because hes a club hero. The fans adore him, and youngsters will look up to him. Thats not saying that they dont do the same for you, Daves just been here longer. I hope you understand."

"I do Tina, its perfectly fine, honest. Being vice is just as good, Daves always injured."

They laughed, and both men left the room. Tina had no sooner turned on her emails before she recieved two from two Italian clubs regarding the players Paulinho Betanin and Antonio Zito. They were recommended to her by Samuele Landi who had seen them play in friendlies, with Betanin transfer listed. She would like a better first hand look, and offered a 3 week trial to his club, Palermo, and a 2 week offer for Zito to his club Siena. Both offers had been accepted, and she hoped they would agree a visit across to bonny Scotland.


No sooner than Innes had claimed that Mackay was injury prone, than he did actually get injured in training. He somehow managed to get a thigh strain, and the physio told her he would be out for around for between 2 weeks and a month, with the recovery period being reliant on his fight back to fitness. It was nice for Tina to talk to the physio, who was also a woman at the club.


Thursday 24th July

Not a great day for news to be honest. Betanin wont be linking up with Livingston, opting to join Serie C1/B side Foligno instead. Tina also learned that her first game in charge would be against Annan Athletic, their first game in their new season, after joining the Scottish League system in place of Gretna. The odds for the division were brought to Tina's attention by her assistant Valter Berlini, and Livingston should apparently gear up for a long and hard season. Great, she thought. Later that day, Zito opted to join Venezia. Not a good day for transfers.


Saturday 26th July

Livingston vs Annan Athletic, Scottish League Challenge Cup

Tina got to Almondvale from her rented apartment after a night of restlessness. She was extremely nervous about her first game in charge of Livingston, bar the friendly at Caen. She hadnt been at the club long, and didnt want to upset fans with a loss in the cup to the newboys of Scottish league football.

She also realised she hadnt made any signings and the team was pretty weak as soon as you looked past the first eleven.

Annan had just come back from friendly defeats to Sheffield Wednesday and Halesowen and were vulnerable, especially with their stance as the new boys.

She was also without Rocco Quinn, who was out with the same injury as Mackay, and the same length of time until full fitness.

Tina named her side for the game, and announced it to the squad on the coach to Annan's stadium.

GK; Pierre-Antoine Martini

DR; Gary Miller

DL; Jason Talbot

DC; Chris Innes

DC; James McPake

MR; Liam Fox

ML; Joe Hamill

MC; Alejandro Caiaffa

AMC; Jean-Jose Cuenca

ST; Raffaele De Vita

ST; Calum Elliot

She was confident that they would be strong enough to overpower Annan, but their's always the nagging doubt of those pesky underdogs fighting til the end.....

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Before the game had started, Tina had made enquiries regarding two strikers, one currently playing in the English Reserves league and the other in Italy's . They looked good, and she wouldnt mind making one of them an addition to her squad. She hoped to hear back within the next few days.

She stood in the little changing rooms at Galabank, and looked at the men huddled around, dressed and ready for their first game of the season.

"All right lads, this is our first game of the season, and im not going to fool you with theatrics. We need to get off to a winning start. No draw, no defeat, a win. Theres also the fact that this competition is something we could go on to win. Were a strong team, we all know that. So lets get off to a good start."

Berlini then stepped beside her, and the tactical briefing began.

"As we know, Annan are the new boys in Scottish football, so theyll be looking for a higher league scalp. We watched them at Halesowen and they played really slow and defensive. Mike Jack was a handful in their midfield, and we will need to snuff him out. The last thing we need is a creative midfielder running loose. Raf and Cal, we know you have the pace, so we want you to look forward when in possession, dont let the defence block you out with their strength, you have to utilise the pace, which is why were going for a quick tempo in this game. We want the passing kept short, for the start anyway, to see if it works well enough for the forwards to beat the defence. Alright lads, go out there and do it."

First HALF;

Livingston started the much better side, Hamill bending a corner towards the far post, where captain Innes bounced a header off the crossbar, and his follow up shot was scuffed and rolled out harmlessly. Tina was up in the air as Elliot played a lovely short ball to De Vita, and every Livi fan was on their feet as he raced towards goal, hitting his effort towards the right of the Annan keeper, and it flew in off the post and into the back of the net. De Vita looks hungry, and tried his luck from distance, but his shot was always rising and it flew harmlessly over. Hamill had anothe corner on 19minutes, and as it bent in it curled back towards goal, and Calder had to palm it away at the last minute. Annan were on the backfoot once more, and it came to show how weak they were as Fox drew in off the wing, and seeing the forwards no where, carried on running, beating two defenders, and then sliding his shot under the onrushing keeper. Livi sat back happily and played the ball around for the final few minutes of the first half, and headed in with a good lead.

"That was a great half. You know it was! Im very pleased with how youve played so far, and id like to see more of it. Keep the passing and everything we discussed the same, and we will be in the next round in 50minutes."

Second HALF;

Some lovely slick passing started the half well for Livi, and Talbot drew in with a long range shot, but it was a rash effort and didnt trouble Calder. Hamill continued to wreak havoc with his set pieces, putting a lovely freekick on Innes' head, but his header bobbled just wide of the post, with Calder looking on in hope. A triple substitution in the second half by Livi as Cave, McParland and Griffiths replace Hamill, Elliot and Fox. Livingston are stunned as Annan seem to come to life in the latter stages of the game. Jardine played a long ball to Johnstone, who beat Innes before lashing his shot past Martini. Livi needed to be careful now. Tina was anxious, she didnt want to squander and mess up in her first match. Both sides had great chances to change the game, Sloan heading over a good chance for Annan, and De vita volleying just wide of the post from 7 yards. Livingston finally manage to seal the game, 3 minutes before time. Cave with some lovely attacking flair on the wing, played the ball back to Caiaffa, who smashed home a sensational 25yard screamer past Calder. The little Colombian is delighted to say the least. One final chance for Livi falls to Griffiths, but he is kept out by a great tackle from gnarled veteran Derek Townsley. The refereee blows the whistle on a wonderful start for Powell's Livi Lions. FULL TIME.

"Well done lads, we made it through. Though I must say, you had my blood pressure up a level when Sloan had that free header. Im just glad were through, well done."

Annan Athletic 1 (Johnstone 83)

Livingston 3 (De Vita 7, Fox 35, Caiaffa 92)

Attendance; 1961

MOTM; Liam Fox (8.0)

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Tina was extremely tired after the drive home to Livingston. She had fallen asleep with her head propped on the window, and was awoken with a jolting jar as the coach hit a bump in the road.

"Welcome back to the real world, sleepy head."

Valter Berlini was sat across from her, and had his head in a mystery thriller novel. He hadnt even looked at her, just noted her stirring with his efficient sixth sense.

"Valter, its obviously going to be the Butler."

"Really? Quite how the Butler could build up a World Wide Empire and attempt to take over the world is beyond me."

She laughed and looked back out of the window. Scotland was a lovely country, and she had completely enjoyed her time here so far. And with a win in her first game, she was excited for the next games.

She fell back asleep as Berlini turned onto the last page of the novel.

...and as Doctor Munjave put his hand to the pistol wound in his chest, the blood convulsed out. He looked at the nemesis in front of him, and stretched for the pistol. His hand just reached it as Captain Shard was upon him, and he fired three rounds into his chest. Quite how this man had ever made it to Captain from being a butler in a royal Austrian palace was beyond him.....

Valter looked across and laughed at Tina as she slept, and threw the book down onto the adjacent seat.

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Tina awoke to a phone call, followed by a second. It was the managers of Ascoli and Charlton Athletic, regarding her bids for strikers Domenico Falco and Stuart Fleetwood. It was now her choice alone on which one she wanted to bring. Falco was definitely the stronger of the pair, but Fleetwood was more proven, especially with an impressive season at Forest Green a year back, when he scored 27 goals. Fleetwood also came on higher recommendation, and was £6,000 cheaper than Falco, so Tina decided she would opt for the Welsh Fleetwood. She called up the respective agent, and found him to be asking for £1,400 a week in wages. She nearly choked at this, she only had £4,200 of wage budget free, and this would take up exactly a third of it. She said she would call him back. After a few minutes browsing BBC Sport, another call came her way, and it was Berlini, letting her know that they had been drawn at home to Second Division Arbroath in the next round of the Scottish League Challenge Cup. It was definitely winnable, and they should be able to progress.


Wednesday 30th July

Tina arrived at Almondvale to find a man standing at the gates. He was just stood there, like he was waiting for something.

"You ok?"

"Im waiting for someone, the manager of this club."

"That would be me."

Tina could see that this had startled him.

"Your the manager? But your a..."

"Woman, yes. 100% woman, as im sure you can tell. What can I do for you?"

"Well, I wondered if I would be able to join your club. I really love to play football, and ive been without a club for awhile. But I want to get back into it."

"Whoa whoa, slow down sailor. Come inside, and lets have a steady paced conversation."

After a short walk through the building and a stop at the coffee machine, they were sat in her office.

"So, Mr?"

"Snijders, Mark Snijders."

"Why are you without a club?"

"I left my last one after failing to win a new contract. I was with Port Vale, in England."

"When did they release you?"

Snijders went quiet. He shifted his eyes and muttered something unintelligible.

"Excuse me?"


"Youve been without a club since 2000?"

"Yeah, but ive been keeping my fitness up, just in the hope id find a new club. This is my last roll of the dice."

"If you dont mind me asking, how old are you Mark?"

"Im 36."

She nearly choked as she took a sip of coffee as he said it.

"Ok... well it just so happens that today might be your lucky day, as I need defensive cover for my injury prone captain. But youll need to prove your fitness, so im going to stick you in the reserves until you can be assessed."

"Thank you so much, Miss?"

"Powell. Dont let me down Mark, im not usually in this sympathetic mood. And if you do let me down, ill be on your back like a ton of bricks."

He nodded and they shook hands. Tina watched as he headed off towards the fitness rooms accompanied by fitness coach Nazzareno Salvatori. She took another call regarding two trialists they had taken on, and that they were also undergoing the training with Snijders. One was Stefano Pani, recently with Cagliari and the other Christian Giacomini. She called up Stuart Fleetwood's agent, and negotiated his contract down to a figure of £925 a week, and both parties agreed. After a 10minute gap, the agent had called both club and player, and agreed the fee. Her first signing was imminent.

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A large gathering of fans had turned up to see Stuart Fleetwoodarrive from Charlton Athletic for £4,000. Tina wasnt sure how they would have taken to him, with him not being much of a proven force. But they seemed very happy at the prospect. He was held in high regard by the Charlton staff, but they felt he needed to move on to get a chance at first team football. He was paraded around in his new Livi shirt, and signed autographs for avid fans. Tina also took the time to name that two of the trialists at the club may play against Morton, but she refused to be drawn in to name them. She almost forgot that this press conference was joint with the one to take place after, regarding the Morton match. She was excited about the first match of the league season. After the conference, she returned to the changing rooms, and set about the tactics for the match.

"Snijders, its your chance. Salvatori tells me you are fighting fit, so your in for this one. Youll be man marking Peter Weatherson, 'cos hes a bloody handful. This is Scotland, dont be afraid to make him fall by accident."

Berlini stepped across and made some points about their backline, pointing out that there is only three of them. "The midfield is where the battle will be won gentlemen. They have midfielders out there, so make sure you get the upper hand before they do. And dont forget, their backline is slow, so lets use this pace again."

"Go out there and make it count boys!"

She watched Snijders as he strolled out, maybe this was the big mans last year but he looked ready for it.


Saturday 2nd August - Livingston vs. Greenock Morton, Almondvale Stadium

GK; Pierre-Antoine Martini

DR; Gary Miller

DL; Jason Talbot

DC; Chris Innes

DC; Mark Snijders

MR; Liam Fox

ML; Joe Hamill

MC; Alejandro Caiaffa

MC; Jean-Jose Cuenca

ST; Raffaele De Vita

ST; Stuart Fleetwood

Subs; Roddy McKenzie, David Sinclair, Tony McParland, Calum Elliot, Christian Giacomini.

First HALF;

Morton started with the more intent, McGuffie looking to test Martini with a long range shot, but there was no problem. He was beaten two minutes later, Weatherson shooting past him... only to see it ricochet off the post and luckily get cleared. Livi eventually find some footing in the game, a long ball finding Hamill who headed Fleetwood through, and his cross nearly found De Vita, but the keeper just managed to scramble it. Another great chance followed moments later, Fox crossing in to find Fleetwood, who heads towards goal and sees his header cleared off the line. Some slick passing ended with a Fleetwood shot going over, and the end of a goalless first half.

"Come on, lads. You all know that was a poor half. We came alive at the end, but we never even looked dangerous. We looked like dangers to ourselves, lets get it sorted. And you two, in the centre. Start finding your passes or your off."

There was no more words spoken from an irate Tina.

Second HALF;

There was an instant reaction from Tina's talk, as Caiaffa picked out a delightful pass to Hamill, who continued to work his way down the wing, and pulled a cross to Fleetwood, who seemed to be hauled down. Almondvale erupted with shouts for a penalty, and even the opposing defender felt like it was. Livi definitely look dangerous now, especially when Fox is bombing forward, its just no one in the box is daring to go for the ball. Morton continue their attacks though, McAllister and Weatherson trying their luck from distance. Martini makes his first save of the game moments later, tipping a Weatherson shot wide after he was put through one-on-one. A double substitution is made as Elliot and McParland come on for Cuenca and De Vita. Its hopeless though, as Morton finally take the lead that they deserved. Paartalu picked up a loose ball, and threaded it through to a suspiciously offside Weatherson, and he poked it past Martini, who was looking to the linesman for a miracle. Martini's prayers are answered, but not the way he thought they might be. Some wonderful passing from Livi sees Fox, now in the centre, play Elliot through on goal, and he rounds the keeper before passing into an empty net to equal the scoreline. Livi had a great chance to steal the game in the last few minutes, but Fox's shot was saved point blank by the keeper. The final whistle goes on a lacklustre performance. FULL TIME.

"I have to say, we were lucky. I dont care how any of you look at it. We were lucky. And I want an improvement in the next match."

Tina left, hoping they would stew on their performance.

Livingston 1 (Elliot 79)

Greenock Morton 1 (Weatherson 76)

Attendance; 3567

MOTM; Allan Jenkins (7.6)

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Tina had a visit from Mark Shields of the Livingston Post, asking questions before the Stranraer game.

"Do you think that Roddy McKenzie will recieve the first team football hes been quoted as asking for, Miss Powell? Hes a fans favourite dont forget."

"Roddy knew that id be picking Martini on the basis of age and fitness. If Roddy trains well, then he has a chance, just like everyone else. Im not going to pussy foot around them because theyve been here awhile. They have to earn their place."

"Miss Powell, what do you think the result will be against Stranraer?"

"Your a Livingston fan, yes?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Then you already know the answer."

She left the room and headed down to the car park where the coach was waiting.


Tuesday 5th August - Stranraer vs Livingston

Stair Park

Scottish League Cup

GK; Pierre-Antoine Martini

DR; Gary Miller

DL; Jason Talbot

DC; Chris Innes

DC; James McPake

MR; Liam Fox

ML; Joe Hamill

MC; Alejandro Caiaffa

MC; Jean-Jose Cuenca

ST; Calum Elliot

ST; Stuart Fleetwood

Subs; Roddy McKenzie, David Sinclair, Tony McParland, Raffaele De Vita, Phil Cave.

First HALF;

Livi started the much stronger of the sides, and pressured Stranraer, Caiaffa going close with a long range effort. Gary Miller had a golden opportunity to put his side ahead, after being played through by Fox. But he completely wasted the chance, not even forcing the keeper into a save. 25minutes had gone before the Stranraer goalkeeper made a save, Fleetwood being played through, and the keeper saving well, but he was offside anyway. Fleetwood once more had a great chance, but he hit his shot at the goalies legs. Livi should be in front by now. Cuenca has one last chance to put his side ahead, but opts for the shot instead of the pass, and it goes just wide. Both sides head in at half time level, Stranraer feeling the luckier.

"You two up front, your wasting chances no end. Lose the act or get off the pitch. Stuart, keep trying and youll get there, but aim for a space in the goal where the keeper ISNT standing and you might have better luck. Lets go out there and just get that goal. We only need one."

Second HALF;

It took Livingston all of 5minutes to take the lead, Cuenca playing a lovely low ball to Fox. He then turned a defender and played it to Miller, who hit it with force from the edge of the area and past the keeper. They continued to apply the pressure, Caiaffa having a header saved by the keeper. Stranraer got their first effort of the day, not on target though, as Whorlow tried to bend one in from the edge of the area. There is a blow for Livi as Cuenca is taken off injured, and is replaced with McParland. Stranraer have a great chance to pull level, McBride pulling himself free of Innes, but his lack of confidence is evident as he hits it straight into Martini's arms. Hamill and McParland continued to pressure down the wings, but seemed unable to find the strikers. Some sloppy defending from Fox and Talbot saw a freekick gained on the edge of the area but thankfully nothing came of it. A clearance from Innes found Elliot, who had been non-existent in the game, through on goal, but he hit his shot too early and the defender easily cancelled it out. The final whistle blows with a whimper, Livi happy with the win in what seemed like a tough match. FULL TIME.

"Well done, a win is a win. I asked for a goal and I got one. Were going to need to work harder next time though, Stranraer had chances to pull us level, and we might not have been able to get out of it. But good work."

Stranraer 0

Livingston 1 (Miller 50)

Attendance; 2336

MOTM; Jason Talbot (7.3)

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"Ah, Tina, I thought you'd never pick up."

"F*ck off, Dean."

"Now, thats no way to treat the man who succeeded your Dad."

"Dont even go there, Dean. You and I both know that your guilty of changing a legal contract. If I could prove it, you'd be the newest member of the shower crew in prison."

She felt that she could hear Dean wince as the idea flashed for a second in his head.

"Yes, yes. So you say Tina. Maybe your Dad wasnt everything you thought he was."

"What are you trying to say?"

"How do you know he didnt change it behind your back? Maybe because you werent ready?"

"Even if thats the truth, he most certainly wouldnt have put your snivelling weasel name on the contract."

Dean's tone sounded sharper and more threatening now.

"Listen to me. The only reason you got that job is because you have breasts."

"Even if thats true, at least I got on in on my talents, whether it be my interview, ideas or breasts. Remind me, howd you get the Wales job?"

"Shut it Tina."

"Struck a nerve have I? Your a d*ck. Now go and get on with your job, and make sure you do a good job at it, because before long, im taking it off you. And when I do, im going to ruin your career. Youll never get another job in management. Dont you worry about that."

"And how could you do that? Your not wonderwoman."

"No, and wonderwoman never managed a football team. If she did, she'd have nothing on me, sweetheart."

The line went dead.

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Thanks Blinkeh, welcome to the story, and thanks for your first post in FMS. Hope you stick around.


Tina awoke with a throbbing headache. The conversation with Saunders had wound her up no end, no matter how much she may have put him in his place. The man repulsed her. It was only 4:30am, but she felt damn lousy. And her job was hardly one she could call in and say she was ill. With the match against Clyde coming up and the transfers she had going on, the headache returned. She had decided that Snijders had earned himself a contract to the end of the year, and emailed him with the good news. She couldnt wait to see his face later.

She fell back asleep, but the sleep just wouldnt come, and she eventually got dressed and went into the office early.

She was greeted by one of Massone's aides, a creepy looking Albanian called Bekim, and he followed her into her office.

"What a pleasure in the morning." he murmured.

"Excuse me?"

"A lovely sight, that pair of legs on a friday morning."

Tina tried to pull her skirt lower to cover them up from his sight.

"Go away, Bekim."

He moved into the office, and closed the door behind him.

"Tina, Tina, no need to be like that."

"What do you want, Bekim?"

He gave a dirty, wry smile.

"I want you, Tina. Your a beautiful lady, im a good looking man, the possibilities are endless."

He ran his finger down her leg. Tina snapped. She pulled his finger backwards and snapped the bone. He fell to the floor screaming,

"What the f*ck is wrong with you?!?!"

She walked past him, and kicked him squarely in the nether regions.

"Touch me again, and ill make sure there is nothing left down there for me to kick."


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Thanks minisav, hope you keep reading along.


Tina was sat with Massone, with Bekim stood by his side, his finger all bandaged up.

"Angelo, Bekim made an inappropriate advance towards me yesterday morning. Im very unhappy with his conduct."

"Tina, Tina, im sure Bekim isnt like that. Hes a practical joker. Maybe on this occasion he went too far, but he certainly didnt mean anything, im sure."

"Im sure he did. Hes a creep."

Bekim gave her a hard stare and spoke for the first time.

"Mr Massone, I can assure you that I didnt mean to offend Miss Powell. Its just the way I am."

"Exactly as I thought. Tina, Bekim has been in my service for such a long time, I know him inside out." said Massone.

"Alright, you win. Im going down to the training session."

Bekim glared at her as she walked out, and he followed her out. As she went down the steps towards the changing rooms, Bekim pulled her to one side, thrust her up against a wall, and held her by her throat.

"Tina, Tina. I warn you to NEVER try anything like that again. Massone will never believe you."

Tina couldnt get her words out. She tried to scream, but the noise wouldnt come. At that moment, her knight in shining armour came out of the changing rooms, and noticed the pair against the wall.


Mark Snijders came running down the hall, but Bekim had vanished way before he got there.

"Tina, are you alright? Did you get a look at him?"

She thought for a moment, but decided against it.

"No, I didnt, sorry. Im ok though."

"Come on, lets sit you down."

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Thanks alot minisav, id certainly read anything you started after your kind words here.


Mark sat Tina down, and returned with a bottle of sports drink.

"Its the best I can manage, no coffee machine around here."

She smiled at the warm that radiated from his face. Now she had a better look at him, he was quite a handsome guy.

"Thanks Mark. By the way, dont know if you got my email, but ive decided to offer you a contract."

"Yeah, I did thanks. I was just on my way to say thanks. You know who that person was, dont you Tina?"

"Im sorry, I have no idea. I wish I did, id gauge his eyes out, the creep."

Mark laughed, and led her to the changing rooms. "I think you have a team to talk to, and prepare." And he smiled as he walked in first.


Friday 8th August - Clyde vs. Livingston

Broadwood Stadium

Scottish First Division

GK; Pierre-Antoine Martini

DR; Gary Miller

DL; Jason Talbot

DC; Chris Innes

DC; James McPake

MR; Liam Fox

ML; Joe Hamill

MC; Alejandro Caiaffa

MC; Jean-Jose Cuenca

ST; Calum Elliot

ST; Stuart Fleetwood

Subs; Roddy McKenzie, David Sinclair, Tony McParland, Raffaele De Vita, Phil Cave.

First HALF;

An extraordinary quiet first 20minutes saw neither side push towards goal, content with playing it around the back. The first real chance fell to Clarke, but he fired his shot straight at Martini before it was cleared by Miller. A foul by Kettlewell givves Livi a freekick from 30yards, and Caiaffa tries his luck, seeing his shot just graze the top of the bar as it flew over. But it was Clyde who took the lead, and it fell to Clarke, who played in McKay. He then made the defenders stand off, and gave him ample time to smash his shot into the top corner, well away from Martini's hands. Livi headed in at half time with little to look at for positives.

"What a disgrace that was. You just let him make you stand off, and then fires in that cracker. Its you pair's fault, sort it out, NOW! You lot up front aint much better, its like your non-existent. Get it sorted."

Second HALF;

Caiaffa is taken off at half time and replaced with McParland. It doesnt start much better for Livi, Martini forced into early action to save from McKay. Livi's first chance fell to Fleetwood, but he didnt make it an effort, he lashed it from 30yards into Row Z. Clyde continued to be the better side, Clarke and Emslie trying their luck from distance but failing to breakthrough. By some clear act of luck, Livi manage to pull level. McParland puts in a cross to the near post, but it doesnt reach Fleetwood. It hits Ohnesorge on the knee and bounces into his own goal. Phil Cave comes on to replace the injured Gary Miller. The next thing is a complete stroke of luck again, as a long pass back to the Clyde keeper see's him screw up his clearance to Elliot, who steadies himself and fires into an empty net from 20yards. Before long, Livi are three goals to the good, and its Elliot again. He turns the defender before unleashing a curling effort into the top corner. The baffling match takes another intriguing turn, as McPake passes back to Martini, but their was too much power on the pass, and it went straight past a helpless Martini to make it 3-2. It was thankfully the last effort of the game, and Livi managed to see it out as winners. FULL TIME.

"That was a great turnaround lads, but we were still sloppy. Im looking for improvements at the back next time. But good turnaround, that much is true."

Clyde 2 (McKay 42, McPake OG 86)

Livingston 3 (Ohnesorge OG 64, Elliot 78, 83)

Attendance; 1916

MOTM; Calum Elliot (8.4)

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After the great comeback against Clyde, Tina was relaxing in her bath when the phone rang.

"Miss Powell, I assume?"

"Thats right, who is this?"

"Graham Heathcote, manager of Blue Square Premier side Altrincham. I was calling in relation to your bid for our midfielder, Lewis Chalmers."

"You have accepted it?"

"Im here to negotiate. You offered £16,000, well, were a small club with small finances, and selling our best players for little fees isnt in our plans. We'd like £21,000 for him, £9,000 up front, and £12,000 over 18months. Would that be alright?"

Tina sat thinking, and decided to accept.

"Alright Mr Heathcote, youve got me. Send him up here for a medical asap."

"Pleasure to do business, Miss Powell."

"You too, Mr Heathcote."

Tina put the phone down, and slid back into the warmth of the bath water. There was a rustling noise outside, and after awhile, she got spooked by it, and got out of the bath. After donning a bath robe, she left the bathroom and walked towards her front window, and looked out of it. She heard it again, but could see nothing. She returned to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her and dropping her robe, before sliding back in.

Across the street, a man was watching the house and looking directly at the window where the bathroom glass was smoked. He couldnt see in, but his perverted mind was running wild. Just the sight of her at her front door was enough for him. He walked home after about 20minutes more just sat there.

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Thank you Spav as always, your words keep me going. Thank you and welcome to the story kajito99, hope you stay along for the ride.


Tina arrived at Almondvale early the next morning, and found that there were only two cars in the car park. One belonged to physio Mairi McPhail, and the other to Bekim.. She stood outside and debated whether she really wanted to head in there, knowing he was lurking. She summoned up all her courage and went inside.

"Morning, Tina."

Tina turned, half expecting to see Bekim, but was, to her relief, greeted by Mairi.

"Hey Mairi, how are you today?"

"Im alright thanks, yourself?"

"Yeah. Was pretty spooked last night, im sure I heard someone outside my house."

"Like a rustling noise?"

"Yeah, exactly like that. You experienced it too?"

"Yeah, freaked me out. I never did see anything though, when I looked."

"Me either. Though I had a fairly good idea who it may have been..."


Tina looked towards Bekim's crusty little car.

"Bekim?" muttered Mairi.

"Mhmm. We had a run in, and he made a move on me."

"Dirty man, he scares me. Always looking at my legs."

"Same here, which is why im now starting to wear jeans more. Not that it'll help, he will still stare."

They both laughed, and headed inside together.

After they had both left from sight, the window in Bekim's car wound up, and Bekim himself sat up. He rubbed his eyes from sleep, and got out of the car.

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I fell behind on One Hit Wonder, but caught up when this was started, and now I've read through this. Keep up the good work gavren, and well done on partially living up to the prediction I made about any stories with female managers :D

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Thanks alot blinkeh. Stay along for the ride! And Happy New Year from Tina ;)


Tina awoke to a knock at her door. It was two days before the next game, and Tina was annoyed at losing her lie in. She got up and put a gown on, and went to the door. She almost scoffed as she opened the door and saw who was standing there. Alex McLeish was stood there, and he smiled as he saw her attire.

"Oh, sh*t!" murmured Tina, and she closed the door. After composing herself, she opened it again. Thankfully, he was still standing there, and still smiling.

"Alex!" she jumped onto him and gave him a big hug.

"The First Lady Of Football. "

"Come in, come in. Ill make you a coffee and then get dressed."

Alex followed her in, and she led him to the living room. The house itself was rather modern, something more than she would have thought Massone would have given her. The living room was decorated in a light red, with the fireplace wall done up in white. It was Tina's favourite room, and she often fell asleep here. Alex sat down on the nearest chair, and saw that Tina's notes were scattered around.

"Want to be careful Tina, some dashing Scotsman might invade your house for your secrets."

Tina laughed but then pretended to turn serious, throwing him a withering stare.

"So what brings you all the way up here, Alex? Birmingham not playing at the weekend?"

"Nah, moved for TV coverage, so we play on Monday instead."

"Lucky you. I cant complain, got the day off today."

Tina returned with a coffee, and then left him while she got dressed in her room. Alex walked around her room, and looked at two photos on her fireplace. One was of her and the late Dick Powell, her father. The other was of her and ex-coach Eric Harrison. Dick Powell had led Wales to the Quarter Final of the European Championships after a sensational qualifying campaign which saw them beat Ireland and the Czech Republic to the second spot. Tina never hid the fact that she was proud of her father. She also never hid how much she hated Dean Saunders.

Tina returned to the room wearing jeans and the Livingston shirt given to her on her announcement as manager. Alex couldnt help but notice how ravishing she looked, especially in clothing so simple.

"Welcome back."

"Thanks. Its so nice of you to pay me a visit. No one has dared to make the venture up here to see me yet in fear of getting lost."

"Im a Scot, this country is built into my blood." Alex winked at Tina.

She laughed and sat on the other spare sofa chair.

"Hows life at Birmingham?"

"Its going alright thanks. Got a good set of lads together, and hopefully we can make the push to return to the Premier League. I dont think David Gold would settle for anything less."

"Well at least you dont have to work with a complete creep."


"Bekim Cana, Massone's aide and press manager. Suffice to say, I truly hate the guy. He even made a move on me."

"What did you do?"

"I showed him true Welsh grit."

They both laughed, and continued to talk through the coffees. After about two hours in each others company, Alex headed for the door.

"Thanks for the coffee's Tina. Im off to the see the parents now. Ill see you soon I hope."

"I hope so too Alex. Good luck for the upcoming fixtures."

Alex got into his car, and waved to her as he drove off.

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Thanks alot Cam.1 and Goofus, hope to keep you reading along,


After a call from Graham Roberts at Huddersfield, Tina had finally caved in on his offers for Joe Hamill. A firm straight offer of £100,000 was made, and Tina would receive £60,000 of it for purchasing new players. Tina looked up as Mark Shields of the Livingston Post knocked and entered her office.

"Hey Tina. Alright if I ask a few questions before the game?"

"Sure Mark. Fire away."

"Do you think motivation will be hard to come by against a weak Arbroath side?"

"Not at all. I ensure that my players are always motivated before every match that they play. If not, they lose their place."

"Do you think an upset is on the cards?"

"An upset is always on the cards, but I wont allow my team to go down without a fight, if they are to go down at all. If Arbroath beat us, it will be because they are the better side, not because they have less to lose."

"Do you agree that Steven Weir is the main threat to come from Arbroath?"

"If there is any threat at all, id say it could be him. But I have full confidence in my defenders to keep him at bay."

"Thanks alot Tina, and best of luck for the match!"

"A pleasure Mark. See you soon."


Monday 11th August - Livingston vs. Arbroath

Almondvale Stadium

Scottish Challenge Cup 2nd Round

GK; Pierre-Antoine Martini

DR; Gary Miller

DL; Jason Talbot

DC; Chris Innes

DC; James McPake

MR; Liam Fox

ML; Joe Hamill

MC; Alejandro Caiaffa

MC; Jean-Jose Cuenca

ST; Stuart Fleetwood

ST; Calum Elliot

Subs; Roddy McKenzie, David Sinclair, Tony McParland, Raffaele De Vita, Phil Cave.

First HALF;

A delightful start from Livi saw Elliot play a lovely through ball to Fleetwood, but he hit his shot straight at the rushing keeper. It was a top chance and he knows it. Livi continued to apply the pressure to their lower league opposition, and eventually found a breakthrough. A deep cross from Caiaffa found Fleetwood at the backpost unmarked, who headed the ball with ease into the net to make it 1-0. Elliot had a great chance to double the lead moments later, but he skied his shot way away from goal, and rightfully held his head in hands. Half time arrives, and Livi look good on the pitch.

"A great half team, all of you have done a good job so far. Some lovely slick passing i've seen aswell. Lets keep it up, and put ourselves in the 3rd round draw."

Second HALF;

Arbroath came out the better side, and immediately looked about trying to get back into the game. Weir hit the crossbar from 5yards after a defensive error by Innes. McMullan played the ball back in, but it was finally dealt with by McPake. Almondvale nearly erupts as Caiaffa and Cuenca take a freekick, the former whacking it from 35yards and forcing the keeper to save it onto the bar. Tina makes a change as Elliot is replaced with De Vita. De Vita immediately sets about to make his mark, and fires a shot just over after beating a defender with ease. Fleetwood and Caiaffa continue to test the keeper from distance, but make no impact with their wayward efforts. De Vita was played through with a delightful through ball from Caiaffa, but after speeding away from the defender, screwed his shot and fired wide. Livi fans have their hearts in their mouths as a goalkick finds Scott unmarked, but his shot is just too high, and cracks off the crossbar and over. Fox gave away a freekick in a dangerous position, but Lunan couldnt convert it. The full time whistle blows, and Livi make it through. FULL TIME.

"Well done lads, its a win. A bit sloppy at times, and we seemed to be holding on for parts, so we will need to look into that. But good job, none the less."

Livingston 1 (Fleetwood 8)

Arbroath 0

Attendance; 1535

MOTM; James McPake (7.6)

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Atfer the win at Arbroath and James McPake's MOTM appearance, Tina knew she'd have a hard time keeping hold of him.

There was already interest, and the players agent was as shifty as they come; always looking for the next bundle of cash.

"James, im making it clear right now that I wont be letting you go. Im not sure if you get the concept of promotion, but it does require a team to keep hold of their better players."

"I know Tina, I understand that. But if I could manage a move to an English club, then theres no telling where I could get to."

Tina slouched back in her chair.

"Ill get back to you, James."

McPake could tell that it hadnt hit Tina too well, and he fully understood.

"Sorry, Tina."

She waved her hand at him, and he left. She picked up the newspaper that McPake had brought with him, and it had an article about Yeovil Town manager Russell Slade.

Slade After Livingston Number One - by Tony Jordan

Yoevil Town manager Russell Slade spoke with us today after his sides 2-0 defeat at home to Crystal Palace in the Carling Cup 1st Round.

"I think we played well considering how strong Palace actually are.

It did show me that old Skivers (club captain Terry Skiverton) needs a strong defender beside him, especially with the current injury to Terrell Forbes."

"Anyone lined up for that role?" I asked him.

"Well, my number one target is James McPake, currently plying his trade with Livingston in Scotland.

Id love to acquire him, and yeah. Hes definitely my first choice at the moment."

With their next game coming at home to Northampton Town, Slade looks to want to expand his squad.

With no players to have come in yet, Yeovil fans, watch this space.

Tina threw the paper down and cursed him for making her star player want to leave. She now had to think of a way to make him want to stay. Today was also the draw of the Challenge Cup 3rd Round, and Livingston were drawn at home to fellow Division 1 side Morton.

Stefano Pani walked into the office, and after a brief chat with him, she explained that there was no space for him right now, as she had decided on making Mark Snijders a permanent acquisition. He shook her hand and left the office. She wasnt feeling too good, and she hadnt heard back about Lewis Chalmers, and she still needed to find a replacement left winger for Joe Hamill, who was seemingly on his way south to Huddersfield.

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Atfer reading up on her scout reports from Italy, Tina finally thought she'd found an ideal replacement for the now gone Joe Hamill. Antonio La Cava was a good left sider whos career started at Salernitana. Physically and technically, he was a good player, and should they be able to attract him to the club, Tina felt he would be an exciting player.


- Joe Hamill to Huddersfield Town for £100,000


Saturday 16th August - Livingston vs. St Johnstone

Almondvale Stadium

Scottish First Division

GK; Pierre-Antoine Martini

DR; Gary Miller

DL; Jason Talbot

DC; Chris Innes

DC; James McPake

MR; Liam Fox

ML; Tony McParland

MC; Alejandro Caiaffa

MC; Jean-Jose Cuenca

ST; Stuart Fleetwood

ST; Calum Elliot

Subs; Roddy McKenzie, David Sinclair, Tony McParland, Raffaele De Vita, Phil Cave.

First HALF;

St Johnstone started the better side, Craig steaming down the left and undoing Miller, but his cross was too much for Sheerin. Livi had the irst clear cut chance of the game, Cuenca shooting from 20yards. Despite beating the keeper, it came back out off the post, much to the dismay of Livi fans. The next best chance fell to Samuel, but it was his wrong foot, and Martini wasnt troubled by it. Hardie tested the hands of Martini with his freekick, but it was simple stuff really for the keeper. A big blow for Livi as McPake is stretchered off and had to be replaced with David Sinclair. A Hardie header was the final chance of the half, and the whistle blew.

"Alright lads. We need to make more of an effort out there. I know its a blow to lose James, but we CAN continue and win this. We need to make more chances, and if we do make them, you two up front need to take them. St Johnstone wont let us off lightly if we dont."

Second HALF;

Another blow for Livi as Sinclair picks up an injury straight after coming back on, and is replaced with Phil Cave. Fleetwood wins a freekick from 25yards out, and Caiaffa has a crack, but his effort sales inches wide of the target. Another great chance goes begging as Fox tees up a long range effort and it cracks back off the bar. St Johnstone are the much better side though, and seemingly try to exploit Cave in the centre, who is naturally a left back. Against all odds, its Livi who take the lead. Some lovely direct passing see's Cuenca play the ball to Fleetwood, who turns and unleashes an absolute cracker of a shot past the Johnstone keeper to put Livi in front. De Vita comes on for Elliot. The next piece of play is absolutely remarkable, and reminiscent of the first goal. Cuenca played a lovely low ball to Fleetwood, who this time passed to De Vita. He turned his defender, and curled a 25yard shot into the top corner, for a truly memorable goal. Johnstone manage to grab a goal back though, and like the other two, its a pearl. Hardie plays a long pass to Derek Holmes, and after a run on goal, lobs the keeper from 20yards to make it 2-1. The final whistle blows seconds later. FULL TIME.

"Well done lads, some great play out there in the second half. A bit sloppy at times, though. And Martini, please, please please dont get caught off your line like that again."

Livingston 2 (Fleetwood 81, De Vita 90)

St Johnstone 1 (Holmes 91)

Attendance; 1535

MOTM; Stuart Fleetwood (7.8)

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Thanks alot minisav, glad your still keeping in touch with it. Welcome to the story ashton321, hope you stay for the ride.


Tina slouched onto her settee as soon as she got home from the St Johnstone game. She was knackered. It had been one heck of a year for her. After the death of her father Dick, things looked tough. And she hadnt forgotten Dean. Oh my, she could never forget. She managed to find the willpower to get up and went into the kitchen. After a minute searching around, she found her prize. A vintage bottle of Romanee Conti wine. It had cost Eric Harrison a grand, and it was her gift for getting the Livi job. She popped open the lid, and watched the red contents slide into her glass. After popping the cork back in, she returned to her settee, and slouched back into her position. She flicked the television on and decided on watching Jerry Springer. She actually allowed herself a laugh for the first time in what seemed like forever. She had to turn it off though, as two rather larger than life ladies began to strip down. She nearly jumped through the roof as her mobile phone began to ring.

"Angelo. What can I do for you?"

"My favourite lady. I wanted to talk to you about a small trip I need to make soon."

"Go on."

"Im going back to Italy for a couple of weeks."

"Thats fine, do you want us all to keep the place ticking over while your gone?"

"Oh, sorry Tina. I didnt mean to mislead you. I was calling to say that Bekim will be in charge whilst im gone."

Tina felt her heart drop a thousand feet into the dark pits of hell.

"Come again?"

"Hes the best qualified person. He knows me better than anyone."

Yeah, better than your wife knows you, twit.

"But we've had run ins. Its not a good idea."

"It'll be fine. He has strict instructions to stear clear of conflict."

Tina felt the world was shrinking around her.

"Fine. Is that all you wanted to say?"

"Yes. See you in a few weeks Tina."

"Bye Angelo."

Tina felt a surge of anger rise through her. She threw her phone on the settee and went to stand at the window. She thought she caught a glimpse of someone watching her home. She looked again and saw nothing. That wine is bloody lethal, she thought. She closed her curtains and went up to her bedroom.


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Thanks minisav ;) welcome to the story Gauvner, hope you stay along for the ride. Heres the next post ;)


Tina was dreading walking into Almondvale. With Bekim in charge, she wasnt sure what to do. He had control, and she knew she had to go talk to him. She needed a cheque signing for the transfer of Lewis Chalmers, and there wasnt anyone she could send. She had to be there.

She walked into her office, and purposely diverted her eyes elsewhere as she walked past Bekim's office.

"Tina! Can you come in here, please."

She stopped dead in her tracks, and slowly made her way back around to his office. She didnt go in, she leaned around the doorframe.


"Just to let you know, im in charge whilst Angelo isnt here. Anything you do, comes through me. Understood?"

"Yes, Bekim."

"Thank you. And may I say, you look dashing today."

"Oh. If you say so."

"Arent you going to say thanks?"


She scowled on her way out, and made her way to her office.

Her assistant Valter Berlini was waiting outside as she got there.

"Tina, heres the physios report from after the game against St Johnstone. McPake is out for quite awhile im sorry to say. The good news is that Snijders and Mackay are now fit again, so McPake can be replaced without too much of a hassle."

"Thanks Valter."

"Are you alright, Tina?"

"Not really, Bekim is in charge and I hate the bas*ard."

"Hmm. Hes not the nicest guy ive met, but it'll be alright."

"I hope so. Anyway, lets give some results to Massone when he returns, ey?"

"Sounds like a plan, Tina. Talk to you later."

Valter left, and Tina sat down. She had to go talk to Bekim and get the cheque signed. Or she could sign it AS Massone.....

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Haha, thanks you two. Twists and turns.. ;)


After swallowing her pride, Tina knocked on the door to Bekim's office, and he waved his hand in a bid to let her in.

"Bekim, these cheques need your signature."

"What are they for?"

"Two players I want."

Bekim looked at the numbers on the cheque, but stopped signing them.

"I think, we can come to an arrangement before I sign them."

Tina had seen that look in his face before, and it made her feel sick.

"Bekim, dont even think about it. Ill drop you quicker than you can say 'Help'. Remember last time?"

The colour in his face drained very quickly, and the sly smile was replaced with one of someone lost at what to say.


He signed the cheques, and thrust them back across at her.

"You repulse me, Bekim. Massone hasnt even been gone two days, and your making a move. I knew to expect it, but he wouldnt listen."

Tina realised she had walked into a trap, and his smile returned.

"Thats because im a good boy, Tina. Now get out of my office. Oh, and could you send Mairi up here, please."

Tina felt her insides turn upside down.

"No, I cant and wont."

She left, and slammed the door on her way out. Revenge would be hers though. And it wouldnt be long she hoped...


Bekim picked up the phone after she left.

"Ardan, I need your help."

The voice at the other end of the phone was crackled.

"Bekim! Im a bit busy at the moment so make it quick."

Bekim could hear guns down the phoneline, and it sounded like Ardan was on a jeep or truck.

"Can you come across sometime, to Livingston, and help me intimidate someone."

"Sounds serious. Who is he?"

"She. Ill call back."

Bekim put the phone down, and swirled around on his chair. Ardan was the best he knew at this sort of thing, and one of his old childhood friends. He sat for 10minutes, before his phone rang again.

"Ill be there in a week, Bekim."

And the line went dead once more.

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Thanks you two, I hope the twists and turns are keeping you interested!


Tina had been to watch the reserves in action on Sunday afternoon, and was buoyed by the man of the match performance from Mark Snijders. The defender marked his game with a beautiful headed goal, and she was impressed with how he handled himself. Livi Reserves 2 - 1 Dunfermline Reserves


Big news in the transfer world for Tina as Antonio La Cava agrees to sign for Livi. The price is £10,000 and he joins from Serie C2/C side Isola Liri.


Another deal is wrapped up a day later, Clyde's 18yo central midfield talent Jordan Murch joining Tina's livi for a fee of £3,000.


Saturday 23rd August - Dundee - vs. Livingston

Dens Park Stadium

Scottish First Division

GK; Pierre-Antoine Martini

DR; Gary Miller

DL; Jason Talbot

DC; Chris Innes

DC; Dave Mackay

MR; Jean Jose-Cuenca

ML; Antonio La Cava

MC; Alejandro Caiaffa

MC; Liam Fox

ST; Stuart Fleetwood

ST; Calum Elliot

Subs; Roddy McKenzie, David Sinclair, Tony McParland, Raffaele De Vita, Phil Cave.

First HALF;

Livi had the first chance of the game, but Fleetwood wasted his chance by pulling the trigger too early. Some slick passing saw them work Fleetwood in again, but he wasted it once more, firing over. Third time lucky for Livi though, Fox and Caiaffa teaming up well to play Fleetwood in, and he unleashes a cracker from 20yards to put Livi in front. Livi continue to apply the pressure, and reap the rewards as Caiaffa is dragged down by Lauchlan in the box. Mackay steps up, and easily places it into the left side of the goal. Dundee fight their way back into the game though, and Livi are caught out when Martini comes off his line once more, and is lobbed from 20yards by French compatriot Antoine-Curier. A Miller freekick finds its way to Fleetwood unmarked, but he fired inches wide of the far post with his volley. Dundee are level before half time, Livi completely throwing away their lead. Pozniak beats Talbot before firing somehow past Martini at an impossible angle.

"Its just not good enough! Youve thrown away a two goal lead for f*ck sake. We worked hard to get a good start to the game, and youve lost it. Martini, I warned you last time about coming off your line, and you paid the price again. Its not good enough, so f*cking sort it."

Second HALF;

Livi seem to have listened to what Tina said at half time, and come out guns blazing. Their efforts pay off when a Caiaffa corner finds Fox in the box, and he puts a glancing header in the bottom corner. Dundee push Livi on to the back foot though, and make them pay for the third time today. Pozniak plays a ball to Cowan, who picks his shot and fires past Martini. Its been a sloppy day for all concerned. McParland comes on to replace La Cava. The lead is restored once more for Livi, and no thanks to McParland. His long cross to Fleetwood was delightful, and a sublime 20yard dipping volley flew into the Dundee goal. The guy just does not score a normal, non-exquisite goal. After all of 39 seconds, Dundee are level. Cowan crossing the ball to the far post, and Killen firing past Martini after seeing his header saved. Livi continue to knock on the door, but chances for Fleetwood and Elliot fall foul of a fifth and final goal for Livi. FULL TIME.

"What can I say? Youve thrown away four goals today. Its not good enough. Your all coming in for an extra training session so we can practice corners and freekicks, and crossing for that matter. You were shocking in defence. However, you midfielders and strikers played well, so keep it up for the next game please."

Dundee 4 (Antoine-Curier 22, Pozniak 42, Martini OG 72, Killen 80)

Livingston 4 (Fleetwood 9, 77, Mackay pen18, Fox 56)

Attendance; 4096

MOTM; Stuart Fleetwood (8.0)

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