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Morale in FM touch

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As someone who plays only on the iPad version, the only way to improve morale is by improving results and through team meetings when suggested by your assistant (I avoid these as I usually always made things worse). We have less tools available than the full version so we have to focus on other areas that we can control. 

Read through the tactic forums. Find a tactic that works for you, tweak it as you go to suit your team's strengths and weaknesses. Once you have a decent tactic, I find the rest of the game is quite easy as long as you focus properly on squad building. Lots of good threads on here in the tactics section, on Guido's Strikerless site and if Cleon puts his site back online, he is an expert tactically. All these guys work helped me massively in learning the game. 

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Win games.  It's a bit of a vicious circle though.  Lose and morale goes down, making it less likely you will win and so on.

Try picking some young guys desperate to play well, or someone who's begging to get a game etc.

However, I hate the whole team talks things.  Simulating human interaction, without anything that makes human interaction actually work (what's the feel of team, how's everyone's body language, what are the rumours going around etc) essentially makes the whole thing a game of multiple choice when you're trying to guess what the game designer thinks is the right thing to do, as opposed to what is real.



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I noticed that morale doesn't really influence player's performance on the pitch as much as it does in full FM. I regularly field players moaning about wanting to leave, unhappy that transfer was blocked etc. and they play just as well.

In other words, you can ignore morale for the most part. If you know what you're doing tactically, that is.

Team talks, player and media interaction are horribly implemented in full FM and possibly the major reason I enjoy FMT so much.

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