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Everything posted by João14

  1. Dan can you bring up Mac/Console skin to be put on iPad and support mouse and keyboard with shortcuts and stuff? It could work like the controller skin we have when we connect a gamepad to iPad. I feel I am like 2 or 3 QOL + 5 or 6 bug fixes from selling my computers
  2. Hi Zachary, how are you? Is there anything new about this? Can we get a more detailed explanation about this bug being specific about FM Touch? Because on FM Console it's not an issue. Just trying to understand if this is due to being unable to attend matches on iOS devices. Also since we're on it, is there any reason why iPads can't attend matches? We could do it on FM Touch 21. Sorry the hassle it's just this is the main reason why I've not made the full transition to Touch and leave laptop life behind Thanks for your understanding.
  3. @Zachary Whyteand @Dan Sheppardis this by design really?
  4. This is by design as confirmed by @Dan Sheppard
  5. Is there any word from SI team about poor technicals development?
  6. quoting this without regens and with a comparison with full FM as I do truly believe there's an issue with player development technicals.
  7. It's not possible that development is something the QA team is happy. It really can't be possible, development is terrible handled by AI managers. Stats on a 3 year simulation without regens. July 2023 At least 17 Dribbling - 93 Finishing - 39 First Touch - 104 Free Kicks - 80 Passing - 91 Technique - 172 July 2026 (excluding regens) Dribbling - 53 (less 40 players) Finishing - 24 (less 15 players + all of them were already at 17 finishing on July 2023) First Touch - 72 (less 32 players) Free Kicks - 27 (less 53 players !!!!!! + none under 27 years) Passing - 53 (less 38 players + all of them were already at 17 passing on July 2023) Technique - 103 (less 69 players !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Comparison with a DB of 60k players on full FM on July 2026: Dribbling - 69 (less 24 players) Finishing - 34 (less 5 players) First Touch - 85 (less 19 players) Free Kicks - 41 (less 39 players !!!!!! + none under 27 years) Passing - 74 (less 17 players) Technique - 135 (less 37 players) What in the mother of earth is this? Do you really think this is ok? Players don't develop any relevant technicals outside the defending ones? This is borderline outrageous and needs a quick and hot fix. What type of saves do you need? Is it needed? This needs URGENT fixing.
  8. Consoles are not free either. It's a trade off. I love the PC game and I spend the most time on the console one just because I can play more seasons and faster. I don't think the console player base would even think in having the same game as with full fat PC version.
  9. And what about the regression on set pieces attributes?
  10. @Dan Sheppard Can you give us any answer about this? Set pieces attributes decline a lot in addition to bad technicals improvement
  11. @Dan SheppardEven though we might be a little harsh with posts here, I just want to clear out it (at least for me) that it does not go unnoticed the effort you, @Neil Brock or @Zachary Whyte from SI and @zakbrown96from the Mod Team in getting some answers. I also know that the "core" player base for C/T is a lot different from the Full Fat FM so it's not and never will be a top priority from SI and to my knowledge that's totally okay. In addition to the teaser part it would be nice if you could give an insight to let's say 50% of the bugs reported like you did on the one I reported: "This is being looked but it dosen't look like it's getting fixed in this cycle" or obviously the opposite: "This is probably being fixed in a further update". With this I want to say is (and I guess I speak for a lot of the users here) some communication could be done in a more direct way and not so ambiguous. Other than that I reinforce that as always those 3/4 higher ranked users that usually answer to our problems are doing god's work as this forum used to be a lot worse in terms of participation. Thanks and sorry for any misunderstanding. KIU
  12. hoping the team can find a fix for the player development and reserves/b teams training/tactics/development as well (sorry the hassle with the same posts, i'm just a gigantic fan of touch/console that i have the two subscriptions to have the game always available to me )
  13. I don't actually. SI used to have full PC game on console and it was a fiasco to say at least. Maybe you're not from that time, the game is not made to run on a controller, even on a steam deck it's not the better experience. If you can't understand what purpose the console version meets then it's a you problem not everyone problem. Then upgrade your PC. For some context in the past a Stadia version was available to purchase and never worked well, there's no need for a full PC version on Console, there never was.
  14. Well, after doing some sim saves i notice the same thing. Technical attributes are pretty much disregarded but mentals and physicals go up like crazy eating up all the Current Ability (from Potential Ability). This is similar to what happened last year.
  15. Almost one week since the update on Full FM touch and console as always disregarded. Is it coming this week?
  16. Fired up xCloud last night just to see something and the question is: Can SI give us the old skin back through preferences and let users choose what they want? xCloud on iPhone gets the old navigation mode and it's a lot easier to navigate through.
  17. Dang, I'm pretty confident this should be one of your high priorities for this cycle. Not trying to be messy nor create conflicts but youth development is a huge part of every game you guys have (Mobile/Touch/Console/PC), it's fair to say the Console/Touch part has been quite neglected about this these past years. I have better reserve/youth development at my club if I fire up the Mobile version. I know this is not a comparison nor should I be comparing two completely different worlds, but youth will be highly neglected at our club unless our squad page has 40 or 45 people, this is not a good experience as there are people playing in smaller devices like phones. Tactics and training on reserves/b teams is huge for us and is huge for any club in real life as well We have a true diamond in a rough let's make it worth it shall we?
  18. Then play the PC version, there's absolute no need at all for the full version to run on Consoles this was never intended
  19. Got finally a good session in and my first initial feedback possible is, with all due respect can we get @Marc Vaughanon FMT again? FMM is a clearly a well thought game, is a mobile game that listens to it's users and it's by the most part a 200% enjoyable game. Kudos to all that team. Really.
  20. On Consoles it is impossible, on PC it can be done. Which one you're trying to achieve?
  21. Nope. It is not possible to import anything over to the Console Edition as the game only looks for what's stored on to the MS Cloud.
  22. If it this was normal it was not until this year where a lot of high profiles players are missing on their teams due to missing clubs, this leads to a starting point really unbalanced as there are really good players available on a free...
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