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Everything posted by TCSSkin

  1. unfortunately not, we're limited to the existing code which is what is already used
  2. Not "officially." Easiest way would be to use a custom team talk panel remove all the content on the screen, then take a screenshot using F12 (if you're on steam). Rename the file below to match team talk panel.xml and place it in your "skin folder/panels/match" match team talk panel.xml
  3. off the top of my head, take the action bar code from the client object browser file and place it in titlebar.xml then you can do as you so please
  4. no guarantee on FME being available next year tbf!
  5. wouldn't even need to do that, config files have the exact same for at least 10-15 years now
  6. i think there's a way to suppress the popup, but i can't remember what it is. You can try wants_mouse_events="false" but i don't think it is that. I'll see if i can find the answer for you tomorrow
  7. I don't believe they exist. I know FME has them, but the star ratings don't match up to the value for me
  8. Youre missing files from this https://sites.google.com/site/michaeltmurrayuk/fm2021/skin/fm21-match-screens-mod-v2
  9. if the player doesn't have a squad number it shows. You can make that particular graphic invisible, if you search on the forum you'll find something. At work atm so
  10. Try clearing your cache and preferences files
  11. as far as i'm aware steam is the only platform that has the resource archiver
  12. there's a big lack of documentation unfortunately. I suck at explaining things and work a full time job so it's not really possible for me
  13. Panel is scouting top bar in the team folder. Your icons are as so Scouting responsibility: icons/custom/icon box/staff Scouting focus: icons/custom/icon box/focus Assignments: icons/custom/icon box/focus Recruitment package: icons/custom/icon box/package Recruitment team: icons/custom/icon box/staff Scouting budget: icons/custom/icon box/scouting
  14. I don't think you understand the amount of work that goes into making a skin, let alone one of this complexity. Don't be so demanding
  15. in bed so i can't give you a full answer, but they'll be in the fm-widgets folder, which i believe is in sitoolkit.fmf
  16. file in the generic folder i think. pop up information panel i believe
  17. i remember it happening, however the only time is when i have more than one position selector active, which you don't, so i'm not sure tbh
  18. strange, can't say ive seen that behaviour before
  19. Extract the file into the skins folder. did intend to compress it into an fmf file but i just forgot
  20. Nah it wasn't finished, I think @Drakestone has shared a more finished version elsewher
  21. what's your windows resolution scaling set to? not fm, but windows
  22. Just delete the container
  23. I had to disable backgrounds as they didn't work with match screens, but if you want to reactivate them, you'll need to edit the transparency value on line 41 of client object browser.xml. 0 is completely transparent, 1 is completely opaque. Absolutely no need for three posts within 6 hours. I work and have other priorities. I can answer general questions on the bus home, I can't tell people how to edit code on the bus. You'll need to edit line 55, remove that widget. Yeah not a clue mate. I haven't seen it raised by anyone one else, nor have I seen it myself. Can't think what'd cause it.
  24. lost track tbh. New UI, new panels on club and player screen, some inbox panels edited
  25. TCS4 v1.1.0 Hoped to release this alongside an FA Cup win today but it wasn't meant to be. Drive | Mediafire
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