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*OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT* Crashing game - please remove ALL custom facepacks/logos etc

Neil Brock

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Hi everyone,

It's been brought to my attention that a number of users are using graphics packs from FM09 and FM10. Normally this would be fine, but it would appear some packs are causing issues with your games, causing them to crash. So please, if you are having crashing errors, especially at the start of the game, when selecting leagues, creating a manager and clicking on players, please REMOVE ALL custom graphics packs and see if this resolves your issue.


EDIT: I will say when the FM11 specific facepacks/logos etc are released these may well not have these same issues.

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I had similar problems when I couldn't get past either the Select Manager screen or the game would freeze up at the Team Information Screen.

I therefore deleted all Kits and started again downloading FM11 kits. All worked fine when I suddenly noticed I had extracted them to

C:\Documents and Settings\***********\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2011\kits

rather than the usual

C:\Documents and Settings\**********\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2011\graphics\Pictures\kits

So just as a tidy up I moved the kits folder into the graphics folder but once again the kits suddenly vanished from the Team Info screen and it froze up when I reloaded the skin I once again if I pressed Team Information everything just froze up.

I then cut and pasted the kits folder back to

C:\Documents and Settings\***********\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2011\kits

And once again everything works fine.....

So I was wondering if it isn’t actually the kits that are a problem at all, just some rather bizarre conflict when you put the kit folder into the graphics folder?!

Somewhat bizarre to say the least!!!

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Yes but why do new kits work fine if placed in

C:\Documents and Settings\***********\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2011\kits

but not

C:\Documents and Settings\**********\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2011\graphics\Pictures\kits

??? Flommoxed look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have sed from day one ... that it is the kits that are the problam ...

the game crashes has nothing to do with face packs or logos ... its kits kits and only kits ,, but SI wot here me ....

Could be........the only thing with kits in my game is in La Liga. Alot of the teams default kits don't show during matches,tried to add my own kits to the league but they don't work either.

I think there is a few issues with La Liga

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I must say it's a shame really. I mean I understand licensing issues etc but that of course means that a lot of people put an awful lot of time and effort into graphics and because we can't request what are the best etc a lot of people spend a lot of time searching for them. So you would think it might be a nice touch to pretty much allow the game to accept graphics as easily as possible each year and not fiddle about with official templates, codes etc because people then have to re design all over again!!!

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tbh I had this problem when I first got the game, I couldnt get past the first manager screen, so all I did was I tested each of my graphic packs e.g. kits then facepacks then logos etc, and just by putting one folder back in at a time starting a new checking that then it worked, then added another folder started a new game and checked that it worked and eventually I got all the folders to work and had deleted or left out anything any of the graphics, the only thing I can put it down to is that for some reason I had all the graphic in a sub folder but never had a problem with fm 10, 09 etc

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dear fellow fm-gamers. had this problem with the kits as well. i think i found a solution if you have this problem. the problem occours when you click on a team that you don't have a kit for... that usually means that the game will load a default kit. however fm 2011 has a whole new range of default kits (pretty great actuallly) and they do not go well with the old ones. so until skinners/kit makers come up with a new default set, i recommend that you delete the folder for default kits. as it looks right now, new default kits (not the old ones that many are using) should be placed at : documents/sports interactive/football manager 2011/graphics/pictures/kits/2d/outfield/front/default

hope that helps someone.

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Wierd but my game game crashed about 5 or 6 times BEFORE I installed any graphics. Incidentally I'm crash free since starting work on my own skins - coincidence obviously but I'm not convinced this issue is entirely graphical.

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After looking into this and trying my hardest to cause a crash with all sorts of graphics, I'm inclined to agree that there doesn't seem to be a problem with graphics from older games. I've been unable to crash the game once.

So for now its probably best to close this thread. If anything comes to light that there is a link between older facepacks and crashing then I'll reopen the thread.

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