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990 "To infinity and beyond!"

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    Virtus Francavilla

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  1. Sorry , i dont see Burnley having 60% possession with Man City or Arsenal IRL
  2. TBH, the AI managers tendency plays out of defence i consider it to be bugged in the current ME. AI teams that have these managers hoard possession by having endless passes between defenders, no matter how crap the team is. Every team can have 60% possession if they have an AI manager with plays out of defence...
  3. I was referring for the AI.. I can be strong with any formation i use. IT's not an issue for me at all.
  4. Can the 3-4-2-1 formation that Leverkusen used all season be improved in FM25? Right now any AI team that uses this system is crippled by the lack of movement of the front 3 and the 2 wingbacks... It's one of the worst AI formations in FM24...
  5. Yeah.. it happens. I havent played FM in 3 months though.. Waiting on news for the new game.
  6. Any examples where the AI copies your formation? I haven't been able to find any kind of evidence to suggest this is the case. For example in one of my saves i used for a long time, a 4-4-2 Diamond but i didnt see any AI manager use this formation ( change his pref style to 4-4-2 diamond ) in the 10 years i won title after title. So I think if the AI can indeed copy, it should be heavily buffed to copy it much more often and include more formations that it can copy.
  7. Wouldnt it be better to have defensive and attacking formations rather than have roles that move to other positions? Or at least have the tactic screen show the positions your players will occupy with certain roles. I hope that FM 25 revamps the tactical UI screen entirely... Its too old school, and frankly .. ugly
  8. I've seen AI use IWB's in 4-2-3-1 all the time. Never seen them use libero, maybe it's disabled for AI.
  9. Sorry but the real life 4-2-3-1 employs a double pivot or 2 holding midfielders not 2 CM's like you would see in a 4-1-2-3. I don't think that 4-2-3-1 with CM's reflects reality in any way possible.
  10. In my save Guardiola's City has the most possesion in the league.. Although i did put his attacking formation as 4-2-3-1..
  11. Yeah.. but the willingness to apply fixes will be higher i imagine.
  12. Can't wait for FM25... At least in that one we will get more ME fixes and more developer interaction since it's basically a new game.
  13. Can AI throw-ins from the penalty area be defended at all? Or should i be resigned to receive a goal every 2 matches from those dreaded throw-ins?
  14. I have an idea, Lets not make the AI smarter , lets put Spiderman as their Goalkeeper. Im gonna start taking notes how many times i face a superhero as the AI GK.
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