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Wolf_pd last won the day on April 12 2023

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4,754 "Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads"


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    Editor Beardo

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    Iron Curtain editor


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    Historical Divergence

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  1. I asked you to open your own thread. You can't ask for an edited file in someone else's thread.
  2. Btw, this doesn't mean I am doing Africa first. It's just that I took some time of the Iron Curtain to do something else to cleanse my editing palette.
  3. Working a bit on a colonial map for 1918-1920 Colour coding, France = Bleu, Portugal = Red, British Empire = Purple, Italy = Green, Yellow = Spain, Pink = Ethiopia If you know your history, you will maybe notice a few things that look out of the ordinary, but the map currently is mainly correct for this period. Grey parts are either places where I need to draw my own borders (Morroco and Nigeria area) and places that are under discussion (the four voices in my head are not agreeing, as per usual).
  4. In the meantime I am also looking through colonial history and it seems I am getting to the point where World War 1 really is THE deciding point, just like the Napoleonic Wars are another one. Deepdiving into colonial history brings up a wealth of things I didn't know, like for instance that if the Belgian troops weren't send back in German East Africa, the Belgian possesions after WW1 could have included 1/3rd of Tanzania as well. Next up is, what to do with that information
  5. Advanced Rules verified on second attempt. First attempt was thwarted by an error because of registration rules. That's a bit of a problematic one popping up regularly. Hungary had the same issue in FM20 Iron Curtain. I removed the registration rule for Bundesliga for now as I need to check on the workaround, but I do know how to put it back in, so that's easy peasy. Next up some advanced rules work and when the basics have been done there i need to write down exactly which competition relegates to which one and which competition promotes to which one via regular competition and via playoffs. If you were ever looking for a difficult sudoku..... Here it is! Good preparation for the similar work in Yugoslavia and Soviet Union btw!
  6. Verbandspokale is the lowest I will go to at the moment. Bezirkspokale would have needed at least an extra level on the pyramid as well and while for some areas it can be done, for other it would mean massive amounts of extra teams. As one nation project that would be doable, for this one not so much.
  7. Can you post the file? Phase 7 does not have to refer to stage 7,
  8. DFB Pokal is trying to annoy me when not accepting the various Verbandspokale in Basic Rules. I will leave it simple without the Verbandspokale now. That's easyily added in Advanced Rules. Time for two more cups and a quick check if I can set up promotion and relegation better in basic rules to save myself time in advanced rules. I have tomorrow and Friday to do the first things in Advanced Rules and finish up the biggest part of the setup in Advanced Rules this weekend.
  9. Next up: Cups. Only now realised that all Verbandspokale are already in the game. Which means I can clean up a bit on the part of created competitions. Added bonus, their history is in there as well, and that was what alerted me to check the competitions when I was setting up the DFB Pokal. Makes things soooooo much easier Swapping out competitions should be enough to get things to work for me which probably means Basic Rules are redone tonight. I will probably do some work on the Advanced Rules, but that's reserved for a later date. This week is just to have the basics for Advanced Rules ready and see that the file verifies properly (had some headaches with that afterall....).
  10. Luckily some good news after Sunday's dissapointment. I worked on re-adding teams today. They were more than the 19 I had in mind, but less than the 126 I lost. Just 6-10 to go and I am done. It does help to be able to copy everything from FM22 Hopefully tomorrow I can start re-setting the competitions again. That will be some work with all the various cups, but could have been much much worse. Edit: Already have set the (basic) competitions, but might dive a little deeper into properly setting all promotion and relegation.
  11. While I am overthinking my sins in the Iron Curtain files, I am also working a bit on a Brazil file. After much reading I came to a setup that doesn’t differ much from the current setup. The difference is that it is more streamlined and made more efficient, but other than that Brazilianfootball does have its own flavour with the state competitions. Only decisions to make is to set foreign player policies and transfer policies.
  12. I have used a workaround to set up II teams for competition to fill out the ranks. That means instead of 127 I only have to created 19. I have to take a good look at the level 5 rules for II teams though. I am going to set maximum for II teams, but they get higher the lower you go. So, time lost for now, but not as much (yet). I hope I can finish the data Monday or Tuesday, so I can recheck the competitions and see if I need to create more teams. I am not behind on my West Germany planning, but I don't have much room for error either. And the Soviet Union is looming.
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