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We can win this.....when do you use it?

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The question is clear. I suppose we should use this team-talk when the odds are close. My ass man recommends me this TT very often, but I have yet to see a positive effect from this. For me it's something like negative TT which can totally destroy my team's performance.

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Thanks for the response. I haven't used is at half-time yet, only at the beginning. It seems to demotivate my players (reported by ass man) and even when he reports nothing, my players seem to be demotivated on the pitch as they lose challenges easily etc.

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pre-match the team-talk is "you can win today" or "you can win tonight" so "we can win this" can never be used pre-match...

however, using "you can win today" in a close game is not something I would normally do, especially with a confident team, as it tends to breed complacency... I would use it IF I think we are good enough to win against tough opposition and IF I have used the media/player interactions to make this the "obvious" team-talk (i.e. played down our chances...)

"We can win this!" tends to show up at half-time in a game that is closer than it perhaps should have been - i.e. the score is 1-0, 1-1 or similar against a team that should be winning at a canter... and in this case, if we were the underdog doing well, I would probably use it to encourage the players to give that extra effort in an attempt to gain an unexpected 3 points.

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The 'you can win' pre-match teamtalk is the most common one I use and it works very well - FOR ME.

I have a very young squad, expected to struggle. I try to take as much pressure off them as I reasonably can, so I'll start with that, then give individual 'keep up where you left off' talks where allowed.

At half-time if we're drawing, 'we can win this' is my most common talk.

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