
New Stadium Name Problem...


In FM09 I had this exact same problem, very dissappointing that it didn't get picked up on even though I posted it in the bugs forum but anyway...

Im currently on a Tottenham file and got a new stadium last season, first of all I was annoyed about the league fixtures not being played there becasue of the date the stadium got finished and the date the fixtures come out.

My second problem is that the new stadium name doesn't show up anywhere. It's suposed to be called 'Hoddle Park' lol so it might be a good thing it doesn't show up but still, this should have been sorted for FM10 so fingers crossed it will be sorted for FM11.

I will quote the user WalB all cheers to him :)

"Well I can certainly confirm that this works...

What happened was that in my 2016-17 season at Chelsea, we finally moved into "Zola Arena" However, after reloading a saved game, the stadium name had disappeared.

I don't know how you can get the stadium unique ID from the game itself, but by using an editor (such as Immuner's FMScout09), you can load the game, then (using this editor), select Teams -> enter the team name and double click on the search result - the first line on the rightmost pane gives you the ID of the ground.

Make a note of this, then go into your Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2009\db directory (I have set my own one up - not sure if this would be a part of the file structure if you're using the standard/default one) and there should be a folder called 'lnc' within the database folder.

Create a new file - MUST have a .lnc extension! - I've called mine 'chelsea.lnc') and in that file, using a text editor (notepad is good) type in the following:

"STADIUM_NAME_CHANGE" 2023039526 "Zola Arena" "English"

First column is the command - must be exact, including the double quotes!

Second is the unique ID of the stadium that you got from the editor

Third is the name of the stadium - again must have the double quotes!

Fourth is the Language - again in double quotes.

Hope this helps those that have experienced the same problem... "

Does anyone know if this method still works?


Yeh same method, just placed in a slightly different directory if you have patched the game.

I patch 10.2...

via Steam: Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\football manager 2010\data\updates\update-1020\db\1020\

Not via Steam: Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2010\data\updates\update-1020\db\1020\

Also, if un-patched: Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2010\data\db\1000\


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...


I know this is quite an old thread and most of you will be probably already playing FM2011, but I'm still really enjoying FM2010...

Anyway, I'm managing Torino FC and the chairman has decided to build a new stadium, calling it Stadio Torino.


I don't know why I seemingly can't change the name stadium. I've followed the instructions and created the following lnc file:

"STADIUM_NAME_CHANGE" 2062140787 "New Filadelfia" ""

"STADIUM_NAME_CHANGE" 2062140787 "Nuovo Filadelfia" "Italian"

and placed it in every lnc folder I have on my pc.

The software was installed via dvd and then updated to patch 10.3, and the game was created with the 10.3 patch already installed.

Thanks and bye.


I think that .lnc files are read only at creating the game. Then all data are inside savegame. You can change the stadium name only acting with a Real Time Editor, like FMRTE.

I tried testing what you said changing the name of a player, and I got it right!


And moreover I remember using .lnc files in FM2006 to change kit colours season after season.

So, I must be doing something wrong with the stadium .lnc file: I double checked the ID and it's not wrong... Don't know what to think!

Thanks for answering though!


it only didnt used to show up the stadium name in my fm10 saved games cos I used fmrte to edit the crowd information at the stadium so much that it stuffed up the name file, have you done any editing at the new stadium ?

No, nothing... I've just tried changing the name with FMRTE and then the name disappeared. I'm pretty sure I'm getting something wrong with the syntax of the .lnc file, but I don't know any better!


  • 5 years later...



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