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Importance of hidden personality attributes for developing players

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I've been searching for the best part of an hour now for a good thread I was reading here a few weeks back that highlighted the importance of Professionalism in terms of helping your young players develop towards their PA more quickly. (If it jogs any memories it had some nice graphs and the shocking news, for me at any rate, that maybe Determination didn't have as much importance as previously thought).

Now I'm sure someone will find it in about 5 mins flat and make me feel a bit silly :) but, the other reason I wanted to find that thread was to discuss the importance of Ambition in that sense ...

I've got a young player with very high Professionalism (18) but low Ambition (5). From your experience, is the lack of Ambition likely to hold his development back?

I have read somewhere that Ambition is just really an indication of how likely they are to want to go and join a more successful / bigger club - if so, great ... but I do wonder if a low Ambition would make a difference in a players progression.

The main reason for asking all this is that the player has pretty good other hidden stats so I don't really want to tutor him to try and raise Ambition, at the expense of perhaps inadvertently reducing Professionalism depending on who I have availble to tutor ...

Any advice appreciated! :)

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It was deleted as the person who posted it on here didn't have the persmission to post it, so the original author asked for it to be deleted.

Professionalism is more important than ambition when training yeah. As far as I'm aware none of the other hidden stats contribute to player development other than professionalism.

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This has really baffled me as there are several unproffesional players wich has really made it, and this one stat pretty much sums up how they will become in the future.

They might have become even better players with higher professionalism. It's not an open-and-shut case, but simply that if you can raise a player's professionalism it will benefit their growth in the future. Other factors such as playing time, morale, and the actual training schedule matter as well.

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Think of professionalism as modifying the amount of progress gained from an activity (i.e. game-time), higher professionalism players gain more 'ability' per performance. The performance of the player (at the appropriate level) defines how much base 'progress' the player makes, the professionalism then modifies it. A low-professionalism player will gain more from playing well in games appropriate to their level than a high-professionalism player who plays poorly at a level well above his ability. Neither player will progress very fast without game time (although it is likely the professional player will still gain faster than the non-pro but gametime is the most important factor in development).

A low-professional player can still attain their potential it's just that the rest of their development has to be more optimal than the top-pro.

In real-life professionalism is extremely hard to measure. Are dirty players professional? They bend the rules, that's unprofessional, but they do so because they want to win and winning is part of being a professional. There are plenty of players who enjoy a night out, that's unprofessional, but they probably work their nuts off on the training ground, that's professional. In FM terms it's much simpler, given the same conditions professional players progress faster than non-pro's.

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Professionalism affects the hardness of training the palyer will do without complaining. If he trains hard and he is happy doing that he will grow faster than a less professional one training less or being unhappy to work so hard.

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I remember that research from the dugout but i always thought that ambition was quite important as well.

No as that's more to do with what kind of club a player wants to be at, does he want to win titles, play for the best teams etc.

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