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Everything posted by Aoyao

  1. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2888461160 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2888452708
  2. Here is the original file in the game documents. U can read it in NOTE++ The words which in the red circle is the Hints and Tips in the game.
  3. Here are Some files which is Hints&Tips in the game. FM21_H&T.txt FM22_H&T.txt GENERAL.txt GUI.txt MATCH.txt PLAYER.txt TeamInstr.txt
  4. There is any way to access all the Hints and Tips content in the FM23? OK,I got it. Here it is! hints&tips.zip
  5. They won't play out of defense ,when they trigger counter-attack. They won't trigger counter-attack,when they trigger play out of defense. They are not in the same phase.
  6. Here is a clips about tempo. The different way to explain. https://youtu.be/36KjMZy_Alc
  7. Here is the clips about tempo.Maybe he's right. https://youtu.be/36KjMZy_Alc
  8. I add player's duty in the tactic review and opposition tactic tactics icon info panel review.xml tactics icon opposition predicted team kits.xml I'm gonna post edited skin in the attachments section. All credit goes to Wozzie. I only edited 2 or 3 panels. @Wozzie If you are against posting this version just let me know and I'm gonna delete it. Tato23_skin_v1_Darktab.fmf
  9. 2.STEP UP MORE look at Ekpiteta whom in the blue team's D-line.
  10. here are some clips about D-Line STEP UP MORE or DROP OFF MORE 1.DROP OFF MORE Loook at blue team's D-Line,when Targett recived ball and toward blue's goal.
  11. Here is the Pass Into Space. The open space for run to reach,not on feet.
  12. 同样的,还有这次的新指令: 就比赛中的表现而言,翻译成:”前顶和回撤“两个词,似乎更合适 而压迫陷阱的这个新指令,也同样存在优化的空间: 可以翻译成国内媒体常说的:守中放边和守边放中,这样便于球迷理解和具象化 另外,还有转换的指令: “立刻反抢”改成“就地反抢”,都能很方便中国球迷去理解和掌握
  13. 首先: 个人指令中的:sit narrower 和stay wider 这两个指令,在英文中是个的比较级的词语,更适合翻译成中文的”收紧些“和”拉开点“这样的中文去描述,而不是单纯的描述为”拉回中路“和”抱紧边路“ 这个和球员习惯中的 “抱紧边路“完全不是一个含义,难道要求中路位置的球员去抱紧边线?实际上就是让他更多的去场地的半区吧(HALF SPACE)。 其次,move into channel 其中的channel和pass into space的space以前的翻译,都翻译成”空档“,实际上这在英语足球术语中完全是两个概念,中文翻译一概而语就很不准确, --CHANNEL指的是”中卫和边卫之间的纵向间隙,中文通常称之为 肋部“, --SPACE指对面防线压上后所产生的”防线身后的开阔空间“ 建议将move into channel改成”多走肋部“更符合现代足球教练的语言习惯 pass into space改成”多打身后球“这样的结果性陈述, 以下为此项指令的截图: 下面的截图是关于球场上区域的翻译,由中国的足球专业人士提供对应的中文翻译
  14. These are still an issue in the FULL Release.
  15. FM's ui is so confused. In balance mentality. I set up these instruction Are they the same? Here are the others about play width
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