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Everything posted by karlcole

  1. Hi mate can you give me a quick heads up on how to use these. ive set the code attatched but doesnt seem to be working? Got the 9 boxes but just cant seem to change them
  2. Yes that’s the one. I’m not at my pc but send me a screenshot of that folder and I’ll explain it. Dm if you like
  3. Hi mate if you go into the skin folder you will see a file called graphics. change the ‘1’ to background and vice Verda then refresh skin and it should work. changed mine last night
  4. Thought this myself. Happy to take from everyone else haha
  5. Wow that is lovely work, really up my street for the type of skin I like! Clean but loads of info. Well done sir!
  6. Hi, What do we need to change? mine is also not showing? Thanks
  7. Hi, Is this not working for FM23? only want to make the profile picture big but doesnt seem to work?
  8. Hate to hijack this thread but I can’t seem to find players faces on the squad view this season. Do you know what tab they come under? Thanks
  9. Thanks rensie this helps me aswell! is there a way to get all things in the same small panel. Foot, description and traits?
  10. Don't suppose Youd be able to add or point me in the right direction of being able to have the edit button under the player analytics area? WKDSOUL has this on his and it would save a bit of time when request data for players. thanks
  11. Thanks, ive managed to get it looking like this but as you can see the title bar is not showing and they are only available in seperate panels. Also in the drop down they are shwoing as widg Is it possible to add a header then have them all in one panel? not sure how to do this. Thanks
  12. Or even better have all these 3 in one of the boxes?
  13. Could this be done with heights and weights too?
  14. mind me asking how you got that as your matchday background?
  15. You should realise release this even Behind a paywall I’m sure people would use it
  16. Yep all working now thanks pal. hope your enjoying fm23 without the stress of skin making 👍
  17. This would be so helpful along with pkayer height and weight and preferred foot
  18. Don’t suppose you know what code line I’m looking for mate?
  19. Hi, Can someone point me in the direction of how to tone down the size of the matchday commentary. Thanks
  20. Ah spot on mate! Thank you so much for you help
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