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Everything posted by karlcole

  1. its not for me. Im using WTS skin but have added the club overview panel from stato skin
  2. hmm yes seems nothing showing in the XML folder. any idea what code i would need for these to work?
  3. Ive copied the full folder over from club overview? Thanks
  4. Not sure if this is a bug etc but some player icons are showing as black. does anyone know how to change these? Thanks,
  5. Hello, Using some panels in a different skin and have transferred the ful club overview panels across. Everything is working fine except manager and captain pictures etc. Screenshot below. Anyone any idea? Thanks
  6. Wow this would be so popular if it was released!
  7. Hi can you share the panels for the match screen (3rd picture) would love to have more detail during the game. thanks
  8. Hi, Can someone explain or show how to reove the WTS branding etc. It doesnt make sense what jack is saying
  9. Hi guys does anytone know how i can resize the panels to remove the dead space and bring everything close together? Thanks
  10. Ah sorry completely newbie to this. Guessing its complicated?
  11. Hi, I would like to add you player analytics to the baser FM skin and keep everything else. What panel would i look for? Thanks
  12. Wow such a nice skin, wish I could do all this! Would love a skin like this but analysis instead of attributes!
  13. Thank you. Sorry for the newbie questions! just trying to get started skinning so completely new to all this! will have a play around this afternoon and see how it looks.
  14. Thank you very much. Excuse the newbie question but i take it i just copy that code into a note and save it within the panel folder?
  15. Morning guys, fairly new to skinning so looking for some help please. I would like to have the the analysts section from the below screen shot but the other sections from the section screen shot. I have marked them in red so hopefully this makes sense. Im guessing i just add some sort of player panels into the Base skin. Just not sure which to add to create my mixed skin. Thanks
  16. Mate this is unreal. The season stats is class, anyway we could have that to replace attributes for those of us that like to play attributeless . even if it’s just a larger panel? Thanks
  17. Hi Kev, wondering if this one would be better than the one suggested above https://www.laptopsdirect.co.uk/asus-15-x515ja-bq2557w-core-i7-1065g7-8gb-512gb-ssd-iris-plus-graphics-15.6-x515ja-bq2557w/version.asp?campaign_type=pmax&bucket=26-30&refsource=ldadwords&mkwid=_dm&pcrid=&pkw=&pmt=&slid=&pgrid=&ptaid=&cpgnid=18536188040&channel=&gclid=CjwKCAjwwL6aBhBlEiwADycBINL_hzrPTic7k8PnhWNGfqoxiWwYPP9gko7nZC0kj-Xvtm69c21LyhoCitkQAvD_BwE its i7 but cheaper. Which would be better graphics? thanns
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