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Jeroen Thijssen

SI Staff
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Everything posted by Jeroen Thijssen

  1. Thank you for logging , we will need to look into this.
  2. But Brice is a much better goalkeeper than Ahamada - take for example concentration, decisions and positioning. Rushing Out and Eccentricity are very hight for Ahamada as well - but those are actually less crucial attributes than some others. Overall Samba is a good goalkeeper and Ahamada really isn't that spectacular and he is rated fine for the Tanzanian league. By the way - the Tanzanian league is not bad, there's a lot of money involved in the past few seasons and it developing into a good African league.
  3. The capacities set are according to licensing requests, so not much we can change about this. Will have a good look at the attendances, thanks for this
  4. Missed this one up until now, thanks for logging this He should have set up €350.000 bonus after 20 goals €350.000 bonus after 50 appearances They do appear to be duplicated (both)
  5. Thanks for this - I'll add him in for future releases
  6. There should be an option set up correct in game. We don't have his actual fee - but the option should absolutely be there.
  7. We cannot use Thomas Tüchel's name due to licensing reasons - therefore there'll be a randomized name for your save game.
  8. It's randomized as we don't have a height set - but we will adjust this for future releases - thanks
  9. We have no height set for Hlynsson, so it will be randomized per game. We will look to adjust this for future updates - thanks for spotting this.
  10. Apart from not being an amazing goalkeeper, I think 7 is actually quite high for a goalkeeper period. As soon as he shows really comfortable things and maybe even showboats and who knows what with his weaker foot, we could consider raising it - but feels like that's a rarity. If you've seen clips of that - don't hesitate to show me. With 5 weak foot and other attributes you can control a ball and give a simple pass to your open defender, or loft it out of the stadium.
  11. Very strongly doubt Ramaj is fully capable to do things with two feet just like most field players. A 7 should do. Not really keen on changing Sutalo until after the winter break either. The rest will be looked into - and feel free to have look at the players yourself (and Stekelenburg) as well at some point....
  12. Thanks for this - it will do for now - that's a few names to check. I'll admit that I'm not such a fantastic actual FM game player that I know 100% of all the effects - but I do think we have to consider that this is not dramatic. They might not be portrayed exactly as what it says on the box - but they should still be fine - so if you were to play Noa Lang as an inverted winger, he should be very much capable of this. It may have to do with some tweaking of tactics as well. So I think Winger is the role for 433 while Inverted Winger is the role for 4231...
  13. Hey - thanks, hmmm - you'd say 11 would be correct - but it doesn't seem to come off how we'd like it... OK, we will look to amend this Hi, thanks for this. (I cut out all the images but not to ignore them) - well Hancko is set as DC 20, DL 19 - so he should be a DC foremost. He has a 15 WBL rating as well, which might be some influence too. He has been rated as a very good player, but he's instantly again one of the silent forces (well maybe not so silent) this season again. We'll keep on monitoring him and make adjustments when possible and/or required.
  14. Hi there, thanks for raising this - we will look into this for future updates (I think I've narrowed down what causes this)
  15. He's not in the Dutch database - he has moved to the Turkish database.
  16. There is an option to buy set for Lingr. Stengs has played almost 150 games as a right winger. This should probably remain his natural position for another 2-3 seasons - if not his entire career - but we will continue to look at his performance of course.
  17. This has to do with licensing, so not sure if there's anything we can do.
  18. Thanks - As indicated all this stuff is licensed. No need to raise this - although you have a point of course.
  19. This is interesting. Not necessarily a database / research issue - as in fact, we do have Noa Lang configured for his best role to be... an.... inverted winger: For Bakayoko it's "regular" winger, but inverted winger not far behind. If there are more examples (although Bakayoko is debatable) - then that's definitely noteworthy.
  20. Thanks, these have been logged for future releases
  21. We have had a few sponsorship - kit changes due to licensing issues (due to betting companies etc.) Fortuna Sittard is another example
  22. Not at all. It's a licensed division in an important country - both in and outside of FM - so it's much appreciated and we are always looking to improve our research and database! We're happy to receive feedback for Vanuatu too, mind you - although, sorry to Vanuatu, that is slighty more irrelevant.
  23. Any credible source is fine, Facebook can work as well - sometimes you can catch someone wishing a player (or coach) a happy birthday - and if you know his age or year you get there as well the rest is up for debate, but we'll have to keep on monitoring and tweaking - which gets done.
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