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Everything posted by TCSSkin

  1. Having a look at the class, It has this <record min_value="1" max_value="5" file="mustermann/attributes/low" /> <record min_value="6" max_value="10" file="mustermann/attributes/average" /> <record min_value="11" max_value="15" file="mustermann/attributes/good" /> <record min_value="16" max_value="20" file="mustermann/attributes/excellent" /> If you edit the attribute_circle file in the classes/attributes folder, you can change it, though you'll have to restart the game
  2. if it makes you feel any better.. i done the same thing the other night. I've been making skins since fm 15..
  3. if you're referring to the normal attributes in game, then no, you're limited to 4. For any attribute "graphic", you can
  4. sure ill write a quick little guide up when i i get home from work
  5. in the player attributes file, there should be an attribute towards the top called row_height, reduce that value until you're happy
  6. There's no way to do it dynamically, the attributes would be hidden individually, however every player for example would be missing flair or teamwork. If that's fine, let me know and i'll write something up for you tomorrow
  7. that should work, but i'm looking at it work so i'm not 100%. There's definitely a way to simplify that, i'll send you what id use when i get home
  8. Easiest way would be to copy the class (i haven't looked through livid so i can't say what it's called), inside that file will point to graphics you need to copy over. If you want to copy the attribute colours over, they'll either be called in the class file, or each individual graphic will have an .xml file which will call the colour. After that you'll have to find them in the livid settings file that is in the settings folder, and copy that to your own. Im not sure how much experience you have skinning, if you have some it should be easy, if you don't have any, just take it slow, read everything a few times and just do everything one step at a time
  9. easiest way i find is the "use new file for each save" setting, but it uses a ton of storage space so if you don't have like 6tb like me it can rack up quickly
  10. your screen is a lower resolution than his. You can try make the zoom lower in preferences, but without a higher resolution monitor you're kinda stuck
  11. First post, under "Will You Make a “Normal” Version with Numerical Attributes?"
  12. please search before creating a new thread https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/579617-is-there-an-easy-way-to-remove-the-3d-media-backgrounds/
  13. For sure, however they have access to many tools we do not, as well as classes such as person_button that we don't, so it'd be less work for them than us. That being said, I agree, its unlikely but we can hope
  14. You'll have to edit the graphics in "graphics\tables\custom\squad"
  15. to add to what Snow said, that looks like the default missing font file, so you'll have to check what font the file is using
  16. They don't. I've bought up the difficulty of making light skins and the popularity of them in a meeting with SI reps, so fingers crossed for 25.
  17. Yeah i think so. Will double check when i get home
  18. Satoshi i believe. I'm at work so i'm guessing off the top of my head
  19. background pic is here Tactics icon is just a person_name button overlayed at the top rather than the bottom Only problem is it doesn't respond to kit colour, so if you have a white kit the name will be white
  20. if you look in wtcs, all three options are there, i just put it in a tab
  21. This is the only one that is released, Unfortunately they are a massive pain to create and most people don't have the time to commit to the task
  22. Made a few tweaks, stole more stuff from Rensie and Sas. Tweaked the background and just tweaked the header. Also added a bookmarks popup tweaking Wannachup's BG selector As of now, i'm thinking no release as this skin doesn't work great under 1440p and anyone who's released a skin will know exactly how it'll go if i do.
  23. Correct Record allows you to edit the line basically. For example personality looks like this, <flags id="PPst" /> vs <record id="PPst" colour="yellow" style="bold"/>
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