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Contract Extension Bonus

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Hello fellow managers,

I, like many, am a big fan of the FM series. And I, like many, am looking forward to this years' interation. However, before I dig deep and plump my cash down on the metaphorical table and opt for the Contract Extension Bonus offer of a 25% discount (which ends tomorrow), I would like a somewhat detailed feature list. Which brings me to my point: why are SI waiting to give us details on the new features? Ultimatel;y, why are they giving us, their loyal fans, such a short time to decide on whether grab the pre-order bonus? Are they sceptical about wether these features will be well received? I mean, whatever changes/additions are being implemented, they would have been decided upon some time ago. I want to buy the game, but I would like some information first please.

Take care, guys.


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10 hours ago, Cowboy71 said:

Hello fellow managers,

I, like many, am a big fan of the FM series. And I, like many, am looking forward to this years' interation. However, before I dig deep and plump my cash down on the metaphorical table and opt for the Contract Extension Bonus offer of a 25% discount (which ends tomorrow), I would like a somewhat detailed feature list. Which brings me to my point: why are SI waiting to give us details on the new features? Ultimatel;y, why are they giving us, their loyal fans, such a short time to decide on whether grab the pre-order bonus? Are they sceptical about wether these features will be well received? I mean, whatever changes/additions are being implemented, they would have been decided upon some time ago. I want to buy the game, but I would like some information first please.

Take care, guys.


Have a look at the pinned topics. The top two contain the videos that were released, one with the headline features and one going into more depth about Dynamics.

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We all have a choice. I was disappointed with 17 and took the decision to wait, play the demo and then take one of two routes.

Buy it and gladly pay the full amount for a quality product or don't buy it and play a previous version for 12 months.

You don't have to buy every version that comes out just to keep up with the rat race.

Take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

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Rorys, I don't buy the game to "keep up with the rat race", that wouldn't make sense to me at all. I buy the game because I enjoy the simulation, and I will gladly do so again provided this years' game has evolved enough. I would simply like to see what that evolution entails. Also, I agree with the previous post; they don't have to offer the discount at all, but as they do, I think it a little cheeky not to give those who qualify for said 25% off sufficient information about the new version so that we may make an informed choice. I'm not moaning, simply asking for more information than is currently available. Because, as I said in a similar post in the Steam forums, they know what those features are - they must, with only weeks away from release. So why not tell us now?

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Well so far this is what understand from the videos:
-new features like dynamics and medical center 
-they comfrimed that they have made improvements at Al
-more roles for the players
-new 3D engine(but i dont expect big difference to the current graphics btw)
-different tactis screen
I think it is up to you decide if these changers deserve the money or not
P.S my opinion is that you can pre-order the game now wait for the feature videos and if you dont like the changes you can ask for a refund from the steam :)

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Hello, Nick. I am looking forward to this year's release, like always. I really don't want my original post to come accross as moany. I guess I'm just a little frustrated. But, hey, I'm sure I'll get my money's worth.

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Based on what I've seen so far, I've decided not to pre-order and its likely I'll skip FM18. The new squad dynamics feature does add more depth and I think its a good addition. Nevertheless, from what SI have shown us, there isn't, for me at least, enough to justify buying FM18, especially given that I'm in a long-term save on FM17 that I'm enjoying.

No criticism of SI here re. new features btw as it must be tough to keep thinking of things to add, but ultimately sometimes its better to skip one now & again and then buy a game 2-3 years down the line that feels significantly fresher.

I may of course change my mind. Time will tell :)

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