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Would SI consider releasing past databases...

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I think rarely would the databases be forward-compatible, so "compatiblising" them would be a great task for SI. This seems to me more the project of someone from the community who doesn't mind an attempt using the database that they can get from the game disk.

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I agree that the db's have been steadily improving over versions and patches. But wouldnt it be a nice treat for longtime fans of the game if SI offered us this option? And as a digital download it needent be that expensive.

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I don't see Si doing it, but i'm allfor add ons rather than in game additions like this.

I would say go and ask in the ditors hideaway or check out a fansite like CM Frenzy, they have a Busby Babes database, but to recreate a full database e.g. CM01/02 would be a hell of a job and I don't see SI doing it.

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I think that if this was to happen SI would have to make a database with select classic teams in. For example, there could be a league comprising great English teams from down the years or classic International teams.

Whilst finding info about the "Busby Babes" could be done it would be nearly impossible to find info for all the teams in the league at the time. You could find info about Duncan Edwards on the internet but imagine trying to find out about Leicester City's reserve goalkeeper. It would be too much effort for a feature which would be regarded as a novelty.

Then there would be the question of what attributes to give. It's likely that very few people who could do the job saw some of the teams play and so can't give as accurate a rating as desired.

I don't think that re-releasing databases from previous games would be a good idea either. It would probably take too much time to make sure they worked with the current version of the game. I think that the way the database works has been evolved from version to version. This to would perhaps be regarded as a novelty feature and |I'm not sure if many people would use it.

I'd rather the SI team kept on improving the game than spent time working on the past.

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I suggested this a few years back. It would be a great way of making revenue for SI and specially selected "editions" could be released between major FM releases, meaning they wouldn't have to bring out every year.

They could have a full priced seasonal update for the last big release of Football manager, that come with a second database from a specially selected period. Then that would give them a couple of years to bring out better full versions of FM , rather than churning out seasonal releases that aren't massively different from the previous versions.

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