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midfielders positioning

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hello guys, I have problem with my midfielders. Watching Barca B games or even Barcelona's first team we can see midfielders staying pretty wide in the middle of the pitch. My goal is to achieve the same thing in football manager but my problem is that they are roaming too much and play very narrow and so close to each other. Even if DPL(s) has ticked player instructions called "stick to position" and "stay wider" and my advanced playmaker has the same, they still come very close to each other and roam too much. I also added "wider" team instruction to my tactic and be more disciplined to see if that helps somehow but it doesn't really change that much. 


My tactic is 4-1-4-1 dm, balanced 







play out of defence, shorter passing, drible less, work ball into the box + I recently ticked also "be more disciplined" and instruction to play wider 


higher D line + higher line of engagement 


player instructions:

DLP(S) - stay wider, stick to position 

AP(a) - get further forward, stay wider + recently I changed to AP (s) and ticked stay wider + stick to position


The problem: my playmakers stay very narrow and close to eachother instead of staying wider and in position like they are told to do.

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Playmakers are generally roaming players as they go in search of the ball to get a foot on it and dictate play. If you are looking for wide central midfielders, playmakers I would suggest are not really the type of player you should choose.

Carilero are wide CMs but only in defensive phases as they cover wide areas but they are classed as more defensive players. Mezzalas on the other hand are players who drift wider into half spaces but are seen as more offensive players.

I'm guessing you are trying to find a mix between the two?

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'shorter passing' might be drawing your playmakers in

consider ditching the 'playmaker' roles and try your formation out with non specialist roles in the peripheral midfield positions and see how the tactic plays. also try carilero and mezzla as mentioned above

also consider bringing the DM up to sit in between the other 2 midfielders. this will generally have the effect of forcing them wider

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Playmakers are drawn towards the ball, making themselves available for a pass to feet. Even if making the team more disciplined it won't stop them being drawn to the ball and will still have more freedom than other roles even if reduced.

If you want a rigid style you'll need to use other roles and maybe use PIs to have them take more risks like a playmaker.

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