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AI teams wont use increased budget


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So myself and 4 other friends run a fantasy draft online save but we use the pre-game editor to do it since it's just cleaner in our opinion. We realised that as a result of our draft some teams get absolutely demolished, to the point they no longer have a senior starting 11. As a solution to this, I proposed when we run our next save (which will be when FM19 comes out) we'll compensate the affected teams as fairly as we can. To make sure this worked I tested the theory on FM18. In our draft, Napoli is the worst affected team. So by our calculations, it would be fair to give them an extra 400mil transfer budget and extra 720kpw wage budget. First time I ran the simulation, I increased their budget to 300mil since it was the max it would allow and gave them 1mpw remaining wage budget - they hardly spent any money, less than 10m, highly confusing. Then I thought maybe it's because I didn't increase their balance to reflect the new transfer budget, so I increased the balance, there was hardly any change in transfer activity. So I thought maybe they didn't have the reputation to buy anyone they deemed worthy to be bought, so I upped their reputation to 9000. They then went onto spend 25m, still ridiculous. I added manager and realised it seems the AI wasn't able to manipulate the transfer and wage budget sliders and had stupid amounts of money as transfer budget while having no wage budget left. So I did another simulation with a remaining wage budget of 2mpw. They've now spent ~65m, which is an improvement but still not really the desired outcome. I continued the game to January and they did make a lot more signings in January, totalling to 190m (minimum value). I added manager and saw they had 200m budget left with 250kpw budget left. So clearly still a lot of money left. So I've been left baffled on how to get them to spend this money, it's also not just a Napoli problem, every team I've tried to compensate has reacted like this. I did just think now that it may be to do with FFP - that's my only idea. So I've come here to see if anyone knows if I'm right and also, if I am right, how do I fix it? Attached are screenshots





The screenshot shown says 1mpw remaining wage budget but that's an old version, the latest version has the 2mpw.

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1 hour ago, wkdsoul said:

have a look under the league or country, i think there was a transfer likelyhood (or called something similier, transfer frequency maybe) off the top of my head, increasing that might help.

Thanks for the reply. Not sure I want to make the whole league make more transfers but I guess it worth looking into. If there was a more local parameter I could change that would be perfect..

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