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Everything posted by forameuss

  1. Was that the Cheat Engine thing? I'm not sure they locked that down, they just said that it was making absolutely zero difference - as you say, placebo - and they're never likely to recommend you using external tools regardless of what they are. SI do offer a huge amount of freedom in how you change the game. Some people will still say it's not enough, in certain aspects they're maybe right, but it's still a huge amount of power.
  2. No-one has any idea either way, but it would take a significant sea-change in how SI have operated for decades for them to suddenly block off a massive part of the game. Only thing for sure is that you're extremely unlikely to know anything on the subject prior to release. SI aren't going to publicise all the ways you can get around the licensing they're bound to.
  3. Which they could do safe in the knowledge that it's a Battlefield game with a built-in enormous market. It's nowhere near as niche a product as FM is, which is likely a big part of why they've historically been very careful to cater for lower systems. I'm not saying that's what they're going to do, I've no idea, but I don't think it's anywhere near as simple as just waving that problem away and saying they have to do it. I doubt there is going to be some big silent group of people waiting to buy FM to replace the people they'd potentially lose with such a move.
  4. I wouldn't imagine there would be too many changes in that regard. They've said in the past that people would be surprised at the sort of systems people try and run the game on, so unless they absolutely have to do so, it wouldn't make sense for them to lop off part of what is already a pretty niche market.
  5. Put most basically, if you enjoyed FM23 (or 22, or 21) then you'll probably enjoy FM24. I don't think anything has changed drastically enough to single out specific editions. Some things better, some things worse, a lot of things largely the same. The two specific mentions are probably going to be incredibly subjective as to whether they're good, bad or indifferent.
  6. Should be an odvl value in there that holds the original name, certainly was when I did it. Maybe they've changed something in the editor.
  7. If it's just the UID and name, it's not too bad, although still pretty tedious (unless someone else knows a better way, which I'd be delighted to hear). Go into the editor and load a fresh database Do a search for cities with no parameters to get all of them (make sure you set the Maximum Records per Search value in settings to Unlimited) Select all, then click edit It'll take a while, but once it's done getting them all, you'll see what looks like a blank city object. Change the name to anything (I usually just use A) This will again take a while, and the editor will be unresponsive throughout, but once it's back that should have changed every single city to have the same name Export those changes (not save) which will give you an XML file From that, you'll get an entry for each city with the "old" name, and db id within. You'll need to do some parsing of the data at that point, I use Python. from that you can pretty easily build up any format you need I probably still have a copy of exactly this list of IDs somewhere, can check when I'm back on my laptop if you'd like.
  8. They haven't even formally announced the game, you're not going to get recommended specs from anyone.
  9. That's probably not something that can be answered outside of SI. All we see is the CA and PA values of a player once they're decided in the save (and we're not even supposed to see that), how it is determined isn't something we can see. There's probably more to it even than just "pick a random value" as I wouldn't be surprised if there's some balancing so that random chance can't put everyone with a negative PA at the top end. Think your only option if you really want an answer would be to create players with combinations of values en masse and try and draw some conclusions there. Probably going to be a long, tedious process, but doubt you'll get an answer from SI.
  10. What is there to "buy"? It's just how things work. If it's just a case of one number being bigger than the other, fine, but it rarely is and a lot of the areas that are sorely lacking are in complex modules that are probably made far more complex than they need to be given they're years old. You act like testing is fixing. They can have the most robust testing process in the world (and it's a lot more wide-ranging than a lot of people are going to imagine) but that just identifies a problem. What are you expecting them to do if that fix is either difficult to achieve or causes more knock-on effects?
  11. Or, probably more accurately, they're well aware that there are several areas of the game that aren't really good enough, but if they were to wait until all those elements were at the standard you're clearly expecting, then they'd probably never release a product ever again. This is likely the best chance for this to happen. Will it? Who knows.
  12. Hadn't checked, but in working on the original database, you can't import files from that into the 24.3 one, so pretty sure there will be wholesale changes.
  13. Don't think it's possible by design for PA to fall below CA. If you had the values in the example, it would effectively come between 160 and 170 I would imagine.
  14. Well, no, not really. Number 1 essentially means it's received no attention at all, because it's deemed too low a priority. Number 2 would require a significant amount of effort already burned into it for them to decide it wasn't worth keeping going. Number 3, as I said, is somewhere in between the two.
  15. Almost certainly one of two things. It's either such low priority relative to other issues that it's yet to receive the sort of attention needed to actually fix it, or it's a lot harder to fix than it seems and they've yet to find a suitable solution. Or a somewhere-in-between third option which is a bit of both - it would take too long to fix relative to its priority.
  16. Not currently. Only really supports starting from a fresh point. No idea, would depend on how they've changed the unique IDs. If they've shifted, you'll probably run into problems.
  17. And where exactly have they explicitly said they are "satisfied with it"? I'd be surprised if that's ever the case. It's almost like there's a lot more to fixing something in a complicated system than a Disneyland style "if you just wish hard enough".
  18. I presume then that the problem is a snowball effect. If the reputation or rewards on offer for winning the league end up being too high, then one team winning it is going to make them odds on favourites to do it again. If they win again, they're stronger still, and on and on until they're largely untouchable. The only way you could really stop that happening without intervening yourself would be to eliminate that boost as much as possible. Even then, certain teams are probably always going to rise to the top.
  19. It literally says it's named after the manager, who is also OP going by the screenshot.
  20. No idea. But a skin is just a visual front-end on the back-end data. The export functionality doesn't care about what skin you have I'd imagine. Raise it as a bug if you want a real answer, no-one here is going to know for sure.
  21. The export functionalities have always been janky in game. I doubt there's anything that can be done other than it being fixed at source, and that's unlikely to happen given how relatively minor the issue is. Maybe with the move to Unity, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
  22. Another (unfortunately minor) update on things with this. I know on the last post I talked about almost having an updated version, but in my infinite wisdom, I changed my approach to how I gathered together all the changes I was making. After spending ages getting all the testing right, I went to do a final check of everything and it was error central. I think some stuff got mismerged, particularly on the spreadsheet side, and I'm faced with spending ages watching it fail, making minor changes, then pushing it to the next failure. Couple that with getting generally less time to work on things, and it's not the greatest recipe, so I apologise. Hopefully I can still release that incremental version, but will let you know. One thing I am pursuing though when I get a chance is a sort of 2.0 version. I know, I know, I'm talking about a 2.0 version when 1.0 is still toss, but from working on this it's clear that having that Excel step is really not doing anyone any favours. It's awkward, it's platform-specific, and it just doesn't work very well generally. I'm investigating whether I can build something that really simplifies the whole process and removes all the woolly stuff that keeps breaking, but that might end up being a longer-term FM25 based project. And of course, that'll probably be where SI completely change the way data is structured or something.
  23. Without plugging it in and having a look at it, I'm reaching in the dark a bit, but from experience of errors like that, I suspect it's an ID collision of sorts. When the editor reports that record not found, it's because it's trying to assign a change to an item with ID X, but X doesn't exist. As an example from yours, you're creating a city with ID 2000337279, and then trying to assign all the changes to object 2000314856. That latter object doesn't exist, so you see RECORD NOT FOUND. I'm at work, so can't see the spreadsheet you've linked, there might be something in there, or it could be an issue with the system itself. If I get a chance I'll take a look, but getting less and less time to look at this unfortunately.
  24. Good luck with that. The "proper package" will only provide you with a key to load into Steam.
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