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Everything posted by stevemc

  1. Couple of teasers of current WIP for FM23...
  2. On this one, I think I've found the code, but how do I add a transparency adjustment in?
  3. /Users/NAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/skins/fm23BaseTrans/panels/generic/kit icon.xml /Users/NAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/skins/fm23BaseTrans/panels/player/player personal details panel.xml
  4. Of course, here you go, download and rename them player personal details panel.xml and kit icon.xml kit icon.xml player personal details panel.xml
  5. 1. Download the fonts you want, so in my instance I downloaded: ProductSans-Black.ttf ProductSans-Bold.tff ProductSans-Regular.ttf 2. Then drop then into this location: /Users/NAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/skins/fm23BaseTrans/fonts 3. Then open every file in the fonts folder above and replace the font name entry below with the fonts you've downloaded: GT-America-Standard-Black GT-America-Standard-Bold GT-America-Standard-Regular.ttf Obviously ignore any European Competition files if you want to retain the branding. So for example in the actions_disabled.fontxml file; Original: New: 4. Once all done, load up FM23, clear cache, reload skin and enjoy...
  6. I've just edited my post above, my backgrounds don't work in the small stadium space - you need to download a pack specifically for that. If you download the pack I linked to above, and file them in the location I put named "mini stadiums" then Clear Cache and Reload Skin, it will work.
  7. Download these and put them here: /Users/NAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/graphics/mini stadiums My backgrounds are for the full screen, not small stadiums.
  8. It needs some work to make it fully transparent, I’m working on a version now that will offer more transparency for backgrounds
  9. This would amazing if it can be achieved…
  10. @DarkXess I can share my file too if you need it, if the one above doesn’t work for you
  11. Couple more backgrounds I'm looking to change the opacity on but not sure where they are controlled, if anyone knows? This box here (middle box that is solid with previous winner in) appears on BROWSER > WORLD > The box here (bottom of the screen with rules in) appears on every Nation:
  12. Do you mean like this? If so, this thread should cover it for you:
  13. Possibly, there are a few Inbox Items that still have a solid panel (when I'm aiming for transparency) - seems to be more like the forwarded new items, which I'm struggling to locate...
  14. In preferences, there is something called Render Scale in relation to the match graphics, but it has no explanation with it - it should do really. And my next question, is what is it?
  15. It's the Transparent Base Skin from the first post^^
  16. That's worked in the most part, but not for every news item, some news items still have a solid background...
  17. Evening all, I'm after having the players faces on the subs bench in match, instead of shirts. I had this set up in FM21 and FM22 but for some reason I can't get it to work in FM23 - any Ideas? I know it's controlled by this file: /Users/NAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/skins/fm23BaseTrans/panels/widgets/match players bar widget.xml FM23: Standard Bench (I want faces instead of the shirts) So it looks like this (face, number, heart): FM23 Code in match players bar widget.xml Code that worked in FM22 from the match players bar widget.xml but doesn't work in FM23:
  18. Anyone know where the XML file is that controls the inbox news items, as I want it to change the opacity so the images show through? (Base Transparent Skin). Thanks in advance
  19. All sorted, thank you, just adjusted the font size down slightly in the kit_icon xml file.. /Users/NAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/skins/fm23BaseTrans/panels/generic/kit icon.xml
  20. Correct I have changed the font, thanks for this I’ll take a look later!
  21. I've added in the kit/name to the Base Skin, but how do I get the name "WAN-BISSAKA" to stay within the shirt area? Imagine if it was Milinkovic-Savic, it would be over his face I’ve been going round in circles but can’t seem to figure it out. Any help appreciated Line 16. /Users/NAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023/skins/fm23BaseTrans/panels/player/player personal details panel.xml
  22. Still struggling getting this name to fit the shirts width though, been playing around for ages now
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