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25 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


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    34 year old disabled, autistic cat Dad living just outside of Swansea.


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    Video games, music, movies

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  1. @affe1802 So I'm guessing to add the 17 B, just copy the line, change the enum_id to something unique and keep the rest the same like you do when amending any other enum record?
  2. No problem mate. If anyone ever works out how to sort the naming issue with currencies I have a bunch more to add as well.
  3. To be fair, I have to change most of the UIDs anyway but I use a text editor for that. It's not the end of the world. In principle it still functions.
  4. @MorrisseyMuse the update you mentioned is out now. Looking forward to seeing what you can do
  5. This add-on updates all of the in-game currency exchange rates to their current exchange rates via xe.com The rates provided use the mid-market rate. In the future I hope to be able to add more currencies, if a workaround to the name issue can be found. I will also try and keep these updated regularly. Version 2.0.0 - Accurate as of 09/04/2024 (22:45 UTC) Ben's Default Database Updates - Currency.fmf
  6. I swear if you do find it they should give you a knighthood or something. It will help with a lot of mods, especially retro-modding.
  7. Alright - is it possible to manipulate the names in the same way that the Nations names were fixed?
  8. Going to assume all of this will still function with 24.4?
  9. @cleiria Do you know where the game draws on the list of currencies and regions (not local regions) from? They must be listed in some file somewhere, surely? I've managed to completely overhaul languages, it's just this thing with the currency renaming is the only thing that's eluded me?
  10. Take your time. Quality of quantity. Anyone who knows anything about modding knows how long these things take by the time you do research, graphics and all that. I'm working on some stuff myself at the moment. It gets even more challenging when you're working on obscure and/or remote areas.
  11. Is it possible to link the project to an existing database? For example as I continue to make changes or do I need to install a new database and use the default values every time? For example I reactivate the dead nations and rename a lot of the default stuff, so I am just wondering if there's a way to make such changes reflected in the project so it doesn't fail when generating?
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