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Olas Nick

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Everything posted by Olas Nick

  1. interesting. in my case it's a class change in match players bar widget it is changed from person_button to text
  2. since the last update, the fitness shown as a heart does not decrease during matches. is this a custom skin issue or did the "great" SI programmers hack yet another widget to add to the ones that haven't worked in a couple of years? does it work for you?
  3. is it possible to make Sidebar in fm23 like in fm19, with a "next match" button?
  4. a practical example... how to find that horrible blank panel? Is it possible to put stadium images or other widgets on this panel?
  5. I noticed that if you in file text.fontxml set the parameter <integer id="fill_colour_alpha" value="0" /> then ....
  6. What can I say about Flut... There are 2-3 panels with a good idea that can be replicated in a custom skin. But in general, the skin is overloaded with unnecessary information, has a terrible source code (resulting in slowness), some panels are changed just for the sake of change. And most importantly... She's dark, it's terrible
  7. you can change settings.xml for cities or for supporters so that they are just a picture, and not a background
  8. which section? there are 3 sections. title, body and 3d scene 3d scene in client object browser title in some panel with the word "header" in the name
  9. nothing at the moment. I am currently trying to figure out the fixtures list sub panel. when loading game, the view is constantly switched to standard (Fixtures). I'm fed up with it and I've created my views, set them as defaults, but there's no response. the default type remains Fixtures. also i give each column its own width but that doesn't work either... the only way out is to delete all views except the custom.
  10. how do you search for non-obvious widgets and panels? i.e. if it doesn't find anything by name or by some text inside?
  11. it is impossible. if you took client object from a skin with transparency you will get transparency on this skin
  12. the form section in the inbox mini profile team info panel.xml has not been working for 2(?) years. maybe someone fixed it?
  13. new look it's good. but 99% real skins and mockups have one big problem... it dark
  14. in affiliates this code not part of affiliates panel. it load as separate file, i think this method will work here as well. the idea is interesting, I will try to implement it in myself.
  15. I think the idea is similar to the one implemented in the club affiliated clubs panel That is, you need a panel with a club nation widget and a panel in which the code will be connected as a file="club/nation parameters"
  16. this will be a great skin in terms of demonstrating how to use standard widgets to create your own panels. also the scrolling concept is a great idea for low resolution screens. but I absolutely do not like the color scheme also I think that for normal and high resolution screens the tabs concept(simple tabs, not tabs with popup menu) is much more convenient.
  17. not base skin but one, two
  18. good luck my friend! I have been fighting with white text for the third year and there is still one place where I have not won. plus this year added the problem with the horrible draw panels. it will be interesting to look at your code and dark text on a dark background should also be changed to light, for example the Av.Rating column looks bad
  19. this skin don't uses backround, you need edit client object browser.xml or use it from other skin
  20. one of a thousand "best skins", nothing special and original I don't see the point in additional bookmarks
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