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Everything posted by anagain

  1. Very much doubt there'll be football next weekend. If anything is stopped for a day it need only be Monday
  2. Suspect we all know the answer but who knows, maybe the sun will shine in the right direction for once. Would be nice to just have one day where the world stops the financial merry go round.
  3. So wonder if any of the big supermarkets are going to give staff time off next Monday? Or even close as a mark of respect? Is thats such a bad idea. They used to do early Wednesday closing once upon a time. Let's see if greed can make way for a change. People can live without supermarkets for a day. Will anything else close, I wonder?
  4. Caption competition!!! "I-uh- heard you think we should be abolished. Have you-uh changed your opinion on that like you did with Brexit yet?"
  5. She could have said "I was wondering if it was something I said". Might have gotten a laugh
  6. They were way better...even boring Starmer's was 10 times better than Truss'
  7. BT still not showing adverts...just switched over to Sky (to see what was going on in cricket) and they had first an advert for viagra and then winter sun holidays... ...senseless brutes All money for Murdoch.
  8. If anyone wants some sport, the World Padel Tour is live on BT Sport 3 right now... ...so stop grumbling
  9. So, how will the fpl deadline work? Will it just be extended until the next round of matches? When they take place in about 8 weeks... It is important...I was on a mission to rescue my season and was gonna wildcard
  10. Witchell does have an iritating way of speaking. It's like Clive Everton doing the snooker but not necessary for tension and less rivetting. So many sentences have words drawn out in some kind of drama building excercise. The way he said that. "The firing of these death gun salutes" drawn out to take 4 minutes and 32 seconds, almost
  11. Is it just me or are we actually seeing a human side to our polticians with their speeches in the Commons today? I actually quite enjoyed the speeches of Boris and May. God, am I getting old? I wear slippers...I'll have a pipe and a labrador next.
  12. Maybe my humour is way out there but it sort of amuses me to think that it's sad that Liz can't see that people kinda liked her. If the flowers and all at Buck Palace are anything to go by, and the words from random people...and the fact they cancelled all the bloody sport as a mark of respect. I think she's be a bit annoyed that there was no footy at the weekend...bet she was a Chelsea fan. Maybe some of you believe she's up there lookimng down on us. Possibly saying, can't you put a bloody film on instead of all this talk about me, and ain't Boris a buffon. Not too soon to have a bit of a laugh about it, is it?
  13. Bloody hell, Boris has about 5 pages by the looks of things. And the buffon calls her a statesman. That will get the people talking...
  14. Boris could have brushed his hair, today of all days. I thought Starmer's speech was so much better than Truss'. Maybe I'm biased.
  15. I just don't think it helps. I just think it causes more tension. 2022 is all tension. What people don't consider is the Queen was actually a very considerate person that had a lot of intelligent thoughts of history and the effect of colonialism. Was watching Simon Schama talk on it. A lot of bad things happened in history. I don't believe we learn by stirring up antagonism. Did people know that Liz was criticised by parliamentarians (talking 50s here) for apparently caring too much about foreign nations? Can't we just all get along? 😁
  16. I don't agree with football being called off. I think it could have been a celebration of Liz. I know many, like Christmas, feel different but I do believe this country is usually able to show respect. I guess they may be concerned about travel but with the WC it'll be hard to fit fixtures in. I agreed with someone who said Liz seemed to like sport and I bet she'd like to carry on regardless. What's done is done though. I'll just play more FM.
  17. Anyway, slept and am surprised I still feel bit numb over what has happened. I did say yesterday that I think it has lot to do with family tree research giving me a stronger connection with family and that my nan, who I grew up close to, was a huge royalist. I do miss her and know how she'd feel. But I've always been very sceptical of the royals and their role. Maybe I'm just a grumpy old bastard. I tuned out entirely from the weddings and Phillip's death but shocked my own self that I have BBC on now. Mostly it's just chatter in the background, and I would like to know the football plan so I can get my FPL team sorted. Wall to wall coverage in so many places is a bit much but I wouldn't normally watch TV anyway. I'm sure all you lads that are unhappy it's wall to wall wouldn't normally have the TV on anyway. It'll soon be over. Relax. I look forward to the weekends footy so I hope it's on. I think it should be. I echo someone else that said it will be nice if we have stadiums full of fans cheering and singing respect. This country usually does silences respectfully and I am sure it will be enforced so at footy games by older fans. I do just think we can all allow this for a short while. Its not the 80s and we all have Netflix etc if we want to escape the news. We have music subs and can play something happier. Anyone getting really angry needs to drink a good old British cuppa and relax a bit. I am unlikely to watch the funeral and I still have thoughts that the Monarchy needs to change with the times. But, in a way I never expected to feel, I think I can understand why many are saddened. I was sad at the death of Bowie or Sean Lock. Why not Queen Elizabeth II, who I do think was a nice old lady really? We can all put up with a bit of mourning for a while. Just do it your own way. It won't kill us to see this a few days. And that cuppa is a damn good idea actually...off to do so.
  18. At least London looks greener than it did a month ago when I went up there with nephews and niece. Woukd have been damning if the grass was all yellow.
  19. I saw on BBC news just now that Putin has sent a message of condolence. I didn't expect that but they said he quite liked the royals and met them a lot.
  20. I did think that as I wrote it, but I'm not really susceptible to that. Honest. I've always understood that they have a role for their tourism potential. Still think they need to change with the times. But I don't think Madge was as bad as all that. Meghan might disagree with me... I did think it was a well done piece too. I suppose there was always a part of me that was okay with them, what with having a very royal happy Nan and me growing up in a time when royal street parties were a regular occurance in the summer. Not trying to convince myself I ain't been duped...
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