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Everything posted by keysi

  1. Change your Windows display zoom from 125% to 100% and restart the game. It's not a skin issue but the most common issue of most FM players... You will see the difference...
  2. Maybe try some language I could understand. I don't write here in my native language as well...
  3. you have to delete the 'comps' folder with the licensed leagues within the skin folder/panels/match.
  4. Open the skin folder/panels/generic/titlebar search panel.xml and locate lines 28 and 40. There's alignment="centre,bottom/top", change both "centre" to "left" so, it will be alignment="left,bottom" and alignment="left,top". It will revert the alignment back to the default. If you would rename or delete this titlebar search panel.xml completely, it will reset all the changes.
  5. It surely is possible. You just need to edit how the attributes are displayed, the same as with stars for example. I'm sure you can find the right way how to do it here around the skinning hideout.
  6. panels/match/match score home.xml and match score away.xml and there are kits widgets in both.
  7. I'm 100% sure it was possible in the past but I'm not sure where to edit it as nothing worked so far. When I open the Tactics screen during the match, the tactics pitch is always minimised. Is there a way to make it permanently open? Thank you.
  8. It works absolutely normally when I load it. Maybe some widgets don't work in the selector because you don't have the right path to the right files as they are in widgets for example. I would recommend you quit the game, delete all other skins from the skin folder, clear the cache folder in the App data and properly restart the game. I can't help you more than this if it works for me without issue.
  9. The time slider (time bar) is in the 'match title bar.xml', there will probably be two similar widgets so that's why you have them twice when you are viewing the already played match. Team names are editable in the 'match score area panel' - in your case, it's a licensed EFL scoreboard so you have to find it in the match/comps/eng/efl.
  10. Hi, thanks, can't replicate it. I have been modifying these match panels for more than one year, my top choices for widgets are 'my team stats' in the middle and the passing network/heat map on the right side. Sometimes, it changes between home/away stats in the middle based on where my team is playing (if home or away) but it didn't change automatically to visualiser or something different. Hi, this is because the 'Rec' column in the 'scouting overview panel.xml' in the panels/club ID was changed. So, the easiest part is probably to go to the panels/club, delete or rename the 'scouting overview panel' and reload the skin. And you will have the default view. Or you can open this file and edit the custom view, locate line 168 and change the ID to PRpo instead of PsRK. I did it right now and it works. Will include it in the future in the skin. Thanks for letting me know about it's missing here. scouting overview panel.xml
  11. Did you try to change the priority to 2 for the second one? Or rename the selector file to 'club overview small selector panel head2" and change the path to this file. Sometimes, it helps.
  12. I don't know. maybe share the whole skin you put together. It looks like you have the same player folders in one skin... as I said to someone else here, I can't say what's wrong as I don't know what your skin structure looks like and what else you merged together.
  13. You can edit it in the 'match time slider.xml' as I wrote yesterday here.
  14. It can look like this if I change this part with just goalscorers to complete notable events. Will try to monitor it in more games and how it will behave.
  15. I found what was "wrong", I had the history widget linked to the player history instead of the non_player history. If you want to change it by yourself, just edit this part in the 'non player profile.xml' (and you can also play with the table details in the 'non player history.xml' if you want) I will add it in the future version if I will ever release some update.
  16. You have to edit two files in panels/match/match score home.xml and match score away.xml Yes, that's possible. Go to panels/match and open the 'match time slider.xml', locate the <!-- slider --> part (line 65), change the value in line 70 from "true" to "false" and restart the game. There are silhouettes as normal, by default, there are no custom silhouettes within the skin. The second thing with disallowed goals - where exactly do you mean?
  17. panels/team/team staff subteam vertical.xml. This is what I have.
  18. panels/generic/titlebar.xml, line 95 is where the in-game editor icon container starts
  19. Preferences/Interface - Sidebar icons only.
  20. This happens usually when you reload skin during the match. If you open the Tactics and go back to the match with or without changes, the position will be back here. No, I can't stop everyone from taking things from the skin when I already released it I think, the score area will work properly if you will revert it back to the default files. But it surely is not an issue with the touchline tablet and the height of it. More like the height of the scoreboard.
  21. That's probably caused by the 'match score area panel' within the panels/match/comps/efl rather than by the touchline tablet. So, maybe delete this "comps" folder to revert all the licensed match scoreboards to default. On the other side, based on your picture, you already merged a couple of skins together as there is a different font, and different heat maps graphic than in my skin so I can't help you 100% when you already have some kind of Frankenstein skin.
  22. Thanks I think I would have to find some old widget/panel with the career stats for staff members. I'm not sure if it's from FM21 or FM22 but there is no Job/Staff career history for staff members in the history. Only the Jobs tab within the milestones if I'm right. Another thing is that many staff members have nothing within this milestone part outside of the top leagues and top clubs. But yes, there's always room for improvement
  23. Found it. There's a file named 'player interest mini widget' in the panels/player. If you rename or delete it, reload the skin and it will work without issue.
  24. Yes, it's quite easy. settings.xml and there are "fm24 accent" colours - it's also set as a 'title' within base text colours. The team in the table is also set as an "fm24 accent" within <colour name="human controlled" value="fm24 accent"/> so it will change when you change the RGB. -----
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