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0-21 Homegrown !

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Basically I believe that this bug has lost some of its hardcore FM players that will look elsewhere for there management fix because of this, and the most baffling thing is that it appears that it would be unbelievably easy to fix.

I don't know the exact amount of times that SI have claimed to fix this in patches but it has been several, and I am the kind of person who doesn't enjoy being lied to, much the same as the rest of the human race, so i believe bringing this up time and time again is necessary. I don't mind the occasional bug but hell, a bug of this magnitude in such a fundamental part of the game is beyond ridiculous.

So now having been lied to about patches and defo no fix until FM13 I am patiently waiting for FM13 to come out in the hope that they will have fixed this bug of which has been ever present for 2 years. im not gonna hold my breath they have already claimed it will be fixed in FM13 but they also claimed that in FM11 and 12 but hey, if I Buy FM13 on day of release start a game to find that 5 seasons in this bug is still in the game i'm gonna break something.

I'm sure i'm not the only one extremely angry about this, and wanna hear some other views of the hardcore FM players who like playing long saves are you gonna be buying the new FM or jus wait until they have confirmed this is gone? or gamble in the hope they have finally got rid of this Bug?

I have been a gamer for 24 years and never known a bug have such a long life nor one that is so fundamental in ruining the experience of the game, I am very disappointed SI :(

FM faithful James,

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I noticed your pro bumping effort ;)

Do you write on a phone or something? The format of your post is a little un"pro". You might want to fix that to appear less ranting and more serious.

Ok so to your actual OP - yes I agree that this bug (or misunderstood UEFA rule) is possibly devastating to a save, and that it is strange that SI has not tried to fix it since it was reported the winter 10-11. It is almost as serious as the Unchecked Database Growth bug that is perhaps connected to the use of the Add/Remove Leagues feature. As was said in some of the threads you bumped, both 18-year-olds that join a club and 21-year-olds in their third season at the club will become home-grown irrespective of their birth date and transfer date. The problem seems to be the way FM updates seasons, which is something that doesn't happen in real life. There is no specific date where close-season becomes pre-season in real life. In order to ensure that home-grown players are handled correctly in the game, SI needs to ensure that this is a feature that doesn't rely on season update dates.

Since this bug hasn't been fixed, I think, to be fair to SI, it is safe to assume that the calendar programming that underpins the current season update method does not support what is necessary to allow players to become home-grown properly. Since the Add/Remove leagues feature is held back by the same calendar programming, I believe that SI has at least considered changing it to something more sophisticated, that allows the user to add a league and use it immidiately. This would probably also make it easier to fix the HG-issues.

After all, the way the season updates in FM12 is the same way the season updated in the first CM version. Perhaps it is time to try something new?

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