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760 "If you build it, he will come"

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  1. Yep - makes sense as I would imagine that they would want the moving of the Crown Jewels to be a public act
  2. I believe only the Monarch, Archbishop of Canterbury (during the actual Coronation) and the Crown Jeweller can ever handle them. So in theory we could see Charles trying to take them off . However I believe (from Philip’s funeral) the platform the casket is resting will descend downwards to a private area. So I’m guessing the Jewels will be removed then?
  3. The final day of the EPL is Sunday the 28th May (with 4 London teams at home) so in theory you could have the Coronation on Saturday 27th or even Friday 26th ?
  4. I had a think about this. Definitely next year. Definitely when the weather gets better so April onwards but probably won’t to leave it as late June/July. Probably also won’t do anything during public examinations (so that rules out 15th May to June 24th but allows the halfterm with the second May Bank Holiday which could be moved.) In addition there is Easter weekend is 16/17th April - fixed and May 1st is the early Bank Holiday which could be moved. So my bet is either 1) last Saturday of April with a Friday Bank Holiday and keep the Monday Holiday or no holiday Friday. Or 2) Similar to the Jubilee this year have it during May half-term moving the Monday Bank Holiday as needed - 4 day weekend?
  5. The use of the words “Daily Mail” and “experts” in the same sentence should be a capital offence
  6. In addition US figures for Diana’s funeral were just over 30M (about 11/12% of the population) There’s no way the funeral was watched live by 2B people. 3-400M would be a more reasonable number. (Even then I suspect I might be on the high side of reality.)
  7. Tindal has an MBE, Platinum and Diamond Jubilee medals. I’d be wary of paying much attention to estimated worldwide TV figures - eg 2B - for anything. All they tend to do is add together the potential viewers in each market. I’d be a bit surprised if the UK figure beats the 32.1M for Diana’s funeral because we’re a bit more fractured as a society and more pertinently there are other things to watch and do.
  8. She’s there! I don’t wish to be unfair to her but.. she looked so out of place at the back of the queue of grandchildren. If I didn’t know who she was I’d thinking be who’s that?
  9. Apparently a 96 year old great grand mum passed away? update - more seriously Hum said that bells will toil every minute for the 96 years of her life.
  10. I watched it live and it was. (My wife did point out that they’d been up for hours and Tbf to them they were probably mentally a “bit gone” )
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