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201 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"

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  • Biography
    A long-term FM fan, software engineer, Ph.D. who sees programming as a great way of easing daily routine. Likes watching football matches, playing FM (not worth to mention), and having time with my notebook.


  • Interests
    Football, technology, music, reading, movies

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    Liverpool, Parma

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  1. According to social media, I'm not the only one who has experienced this issue. Seems a general issue for the Mac build.
  2. As the title is self-descriptive, I'd like to learn about the licensed competitions and individual clubs as they do make the whole experience better.
  3. Yes, that's right. And, according to the experimental results, it does really improve gaming performance. Great to have this support with the release. Congrats to the team behind this support! 👏 "Innovative game on innovative tech" 😎
  4. Between, the icon placed in the Dock is right - as you can see below. Just the one in the Launcher needs to be updated.
  5. Rebooting Steam solved the issue for me. 👍 p.s. I'm on Mac.
  6. Looking for the same - the Pre-Game Editor does not seem available in my Steam Library as well. Edit: Rebooting Steam solved the issue for me. I'm on Mac. 👍
  7. I can confirm that the macOS Game Mode Feature is now enabled by the release. Great work by you, SI - and congrats for making it available than expected! 🙂👏 @Kyle Brown
  8. I see, thanks for your confirmation, Kyle. Surely it's a shame to not see it is not going to be ready for the release as I believe FM should be known for being a pioneer for new tech - especially if it's something related to game performance. It would double the happiness for the Mac users, who are generally not prioritised in the gaming world. Anyway, all the best to the team! @Kyle Brown
  9. Hmm, the announcement goes back to June as it was announced at WWDC '23. And during the Beta phases of the new OS, Apple do provide support to devs for the implementation of the new features. Thanks for flagging this feedback to the team. Hope to get this critical support with the full release. @Kyle Brown
  10. As the title is self-descriptive, is there a list of the licensed competitions & individual clubs for FM24? Thanks in advance for your care.
  11. The latest feature of macOS, which was made available with Sonoma (14.0), Game Mode is not recognized when FM24 starts. As you know, it does bring many promises for game performance. You may find my system report attached. Feel free to ask any further information. Cheers.
  12. As the title is self-descriptive, the old logo (FM23's) stays in the App Launcher of macOS. You may find the screenshot attached. Cheers.
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