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Does my age have any effect?

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I'm 25 and I typically put my real DOB in when creating myself as a manager at the start of the game. It used to automatically add a few years to my age but I've noticed that FM2009 doesn't.

I've had to deal with a bit of squad unrest at Liverpool, nothing major but my AssMan is reporting that a few of the players are "struggling to motivate themselves to play for me" etc.

At first I thought it was just down to my relatively low reputation - and it may well be - but then I noticed in my profile that I was 25 instead of the 30-something I usually start off as, leaving me younger than approx half of my first team squad. Does anyone know if this might have something to do with them not respecting my authoritaaaah, or is it purely down to reputation and my in-game actions with media and player handling? I'm trying to plough through this game and don't really have time to start up another one with me starting off older just to experiment!

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I don't think it does, but in some ways it should, on Total Club manager 06 age as well as experience affected players perception of you, being a 20 year old manager didn't go down as well as being a 40 year old manager. Perhaps a little feature overlooked or just not mentioned in the game, I expect not a great deal of people create 40 - 50 year old managers to test this with.

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I'm 25 and I typically put my real DOB in when creating myself as a manager at the start of the game. It used to automatically add a few years to my age but I've noticed that FM2009 doesn't.

It still does if you're under 25. I'm afraid you're just getting old (like me).

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