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Everything posted by SuperRedditch

  1. People can - but sometimes (often?) people forget that there's a human being on the other side of the screen.
  2. Iggy my guy, you gotta watch your language and what you post. We don't want this thread getting shut down.
  3. EBFM (Evidence Based Football Manager) is also the absolute goat when it comes to training/development stuff. He does actual scientific experiments in order to test different variables to find out what impacts the growth of players, or the quality of youth intakes. Really recommend subbing to him.
  4. You're one of the genuinely good ones, imo. You and BustTheNet for tactics - although I often don't even use your tactics, it makes me look at things in a different way and experiment.
  5. Tbh though, two separate mods have said it's coming on the Monday 23rd, and whilst they both claim to have no inside knowledge, that's exactly what someone who did have inside knowledge would say...
  6. Thursday is and always was the smart bet for the release date. It's just us sad-acts clinging onto the vague hope of it being earlier than that.
  7. All this mad desire for the beta (personally I'm struggling to concentrate on any other games atm) but I can't be the only one who is going to frantically load it when it releases, only to sit there and be unable to decide on a nation/league/club to start as for the entire first evening.
  8. Pineapple on pizza is beautiful. Pepperoni, pineapple and jalapenos. Hits all the spots - salty, sweet and spicy. I will die on this hill.
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